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  • Users: Moke
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  1. Moke

    Latency Per Preset

    If you are using the stock 'Per-Preset' Layout, there are 'Hold' placeholder assignments there. Even if you don't have any 'Hold' functions on your 'Per-Preset' assignments in your preset, they are still there on that 'Layout'. If you foresee not ever needing any Hold functions in that Layout...
  2. Moke

    Handling 3 sets of outputs

    Not sure if 'Stereo' is needed for your FRFR and/or guitar poweramp/cab. If not, you could use Out 2 Left for FRFR with Cab sims, and Right for the real cab without cab sims. And than use a dedicated EQ block for each (CPU permitting) for independent EQ and level adjustments, with the...
  3. Moke

    Control Switches Stay On Between Presets?

    I would like to see an option like @unix-guy mentioned. Then have the individual Control Switch states just 'load as saved' if that new "last within preset" option is used.
  4. Moke

    No sound on certain patches & scenes on new FM9 Turbo (solved)

    That was going to be my next question. LOL:p
  5. Moke

    Should I be turning off cab block when recording?

    If you use the right Cab/IR, the right mic(s), in the right positions, the right Amps, and the right settings, you can get a very bright guitar sound. Or you can 'Tone Match' it.. LOL
  6. Moke

    New, Up-to-Date Presets to Purchase

    That's why you're here. :D I like to maintain a smaller footprint with commercial stuff. It gets annoying. I'd rather let others mention it, if they are so inclined. Probably not a great business strategy. But, it makes for a better Forum experience. Besides, mine aren't very 'up to date' at...
  7. Moke

    New, Up-to-Date Presets to Purchase

    No disrespect Alex, Just thought that you should be aware of this.
  8. Moke

    The Mother of All Effects Blocks Thread (Multi-Model Edition)
  9. Moke

    Strange Auto-Wah Issue In Presets

    I consider @Marco Fanton a friend. Only if it is okay with him first, P.M. me your edited version of Marco's preset and I can take a look (no charge) at what you have done, and set it up to your needs, with an explanation of what and why. Moke
  10. Moke

    Underwhelming Live Recordings

    I haven't read through each post, so some or all of this may have been covered already.. What we did was multitrack record each channel, tapped at the analog source, at a rehearsal. Then I could run those individual (dry) tracks back through the mixer at the same locating in the signal chain...
  11. Moke

    Gift of Tone 2023 FINAL - Neal Schon!

    Just to be clear. Are looking for this particular 'Gift of Tone' live lead tone? Or a lead tone from a specific studio release?
  12. Moke

    Underwhelming Live Recordings

    I try to be a team player. But honestly, the guitar is probably a little loud. And the compression during the lead vocal parts just puts the guitar back where it should have been already... ;):D:cool:
  13. Moke

    Underwhelming Live Recordings

    Speaking of compression and mixing yourselves. Another really cool (auto-mix) trick that I use on our XR18 is to have, otherwise unused, compressors on my guitar and backing track channels 'side-chained' to the lead vocal channel, so that when ever he is singing, those two stereo channels (duck)...
  14. Moke

    Expression pedal or momentary me decide, Fractal brethern!

    Lots of possibilities. You could add another exp. pedal. You could add a two-button momentary switch setup. And make use of the Tap, Hold, and Toggle functions. For example.. Tap Tempo/Tuner on one, View toggle (tap) and Layout toggle (hold) to expand the three onboard switches. Or many other...
  15. Moke

    Underwhelming Live Recordings

    Every channel on the XR18 has a Compressor that can be setup as a hard limiter. But you should try to address the issue at the source. Has your rhythm guitarist heard the recordings? Did He/She agree?
  16. Moke

    Gift of Tone 2023 FINAL - Neal Schon!

    There are a few hurdles with that. The Reverb model used doesn't exist in the AX8 or Axe-Fx II. Could likely find/tweak a reasonable substitute? The Preset uses three different channels. Could break it up into 2 presets. One Green (Clean) channel, and one Orange (Rhythm) and Red (Lead)...
  17. Moke

    There must be something wrong with me.
  18. Moke

    Wish Copy single tab of Control items and paste into other preset

    Yes please +1. Very handy for re-using LFO, Envelope, ADSR, Sequencer, etc. settings in other presets without writing over the other Controller settings.
  19. Moke

    Help please: changing song now changes immediately to first preset in next song.

    You might be confusing this with 'Banks' and 'Presets'? Or 'Sets' and 'Songs' Your Layout is named 'Sets-Songs', but your switches are showing 'Songs' and 'Song Sections' in your screenshot. With that arrangement, Even if you could scroll through the 'Songs' without one being selected, how...
  20. Moke

    Help with Flange Starting Point

    Yep.. 'Bypass Reset' parameter.
  21. Moke

    New User anticipating setup etc...

    Once you have it all in your hands and get familiar with what is possible on the FC6, You might find that you really don't need the Boss unit. Especially if you add a one or two simple dual-button foot switches, setup as 'stand-in' switches. They can do everything that the built-in switches can...
  22. Moke

    Input Sensitivity?

    Lower notes produce more energy/volume. And the lighter string tension will let that string oscillate more, all of which makes it slightly louder than before. Lower your Input A/D Sensitivity a little bit more and leave it there.
  23. Moke

    Mike Campbell Rig presets

    I've had better luck with the 'Class-A 30W' and 'Class-A 30W TB' models.??
  24. Moke

    The old days...

    My Drummer-in-law (I'm married to his sister) and I have a similar local newspaper clipping floating around somewhere. Right before a local 'Battle of the Bands' (we won:rolleyes:). He and I are the only ones in the picture.
  25. Moke

    The old days...

    We always joke about our singer having a bad case of tendini(ne)tis. Because he always shows up at 'Ten To Nine'. Our typical bar gigs start at 9:00 pm
  26. Moke

    Bug? Volume spike when switching to the clean in Petrucci presets 6.00 beta

    As for the 'Petrucci Rig FM9' preset. I loaded up the latest version available on the Fractal site (FW 3.00). Some things have obviously changed since then, so there will likely be tweaks needed. Scenes 6, 7, and 8 are using channel 'A' of the Amp block, the 'USA JP IIC+ GREEN' model. The Comp...
  27. Moke

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    working as intended here. 'non-turbo' version.
  28. Moke

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    I just checked an Empty preset on 5.01. It is running at 13.3% on my Non-Turbo. EDIT.. After updating to 6.00 beta 1. Empty preset 14.1%. With Gapless set to 'All', 15.5%
  29. Moke

    FM3 or Axe FXiii for Pink Floyd duel amp setup

    Are you using 'dual amps' for a specific reason? Like two different amp types to achieve something sonically that one amp can't, or might not achieve. Or just to have a stereo thing going on. Or to attempt to recreate a real word dual amp setup. What does your signal chain routing look like? In...
  30. Moke

    [SOLVED] Converting a lower res cab capture - files were corrupted

    Did you specifically open the 'Browser' tab in 'Manage Cabs'?
  31. Moke

    [SOLVED] Converting a lower res cab capture - files were corrupted

    Have you tried using the Browser in the 'Manage Cabs' utility in the Tools menu of the editor?
  32. Moke

    When's the last time you broke a string during a gig?

    If I restring just before a typical four hour gig, I will probably make it through the show. If I use the same strings for a second show, I will most likely break an 'E' or a 'D' string. At home, a set will last long enough to loose their tone before one breaks. But at a gig, not so much. It's...
  33. Moke

    Gift of Tone 2023 FINAL - Neal Schon!

    They probably dialed that 'Low Cut' in to Neal's personal preference for his monitoring setup. FOH is very likely cutting some lows. I am a self-proclaimed Reverb-oholic. That expression pedal attachment allows for controlling the wet effects levels. But I was a bit surprised about the Reverb...
  34. Moke

    Copying user IRs from Axe3 to FM9?

  35. Moke

    Copying user IRs from Axe3 to FM9?

    You could backup the User Banks from your Axe-Fx III using FractalBot. Then import one whole bank into your FM9. Just be aware that the Axe-Fx III has two User Banks, and the FM9 has one. You can also drag and drop individual (or groups of) IRs from your Axe-Fx III 'backup' banks using the Cab...
  36. Moke

    Plex Delay Mix - something I'm missing??? [resolved: the 'mix law' is different]

    The Plex Delay may use the same 'mix law' as the Reverb block. You may need to raise the 'Level' parameter to something like 3 dB (or as to taste depending on it's 'mix' value) to get things more even. And/or there may be some phase cancelation happening depending on your Plex Delay settings...
  37. Moke

    Running the Synergy into Axe 3 into poweramp out to cabinets on stage.

    The post didn't mention the Synergy, but I now see it in the title. You would need to add Out 3 and Input 3 as a loop to add your Synergy to the signal path. I would expect to see some 'pre' effects before that 'loop'. Then some post effects. Then the spit for the power amp/cab send.
  38. Moke

    Running the Synergy into Axe 3 into poweramp out to cabinets on stage.

    Here is an example of the routing for such a preset. Your specific situation will likely need some changes, but this is the general idea. P.M. me if you want to officially collaborate on a specific solution for your needs. Out 1, Left and Right are stereo sends (the cab block is setup as a...
  39. Moke

    wet/dry/wet question

    That should work. You should gain-stage the FM3/poweramps so that you can turn up the FM3 Outputs to max (once you setup the global output levels for outputs 1 and 2 to the appropriate levels for your power amp inputs) and be at a safe volume level for your poweramp/cabs and your ears. You don't...
  40. Moke

    Please share your live video

    Thank you. We were also sub-mixing ourselves at that HOB show (against their initial wishes) as well as many other venues. All of us going direct to our Behringer XR18 mixer. Using our own monitor mixes routed through their monitor mixer, and our stereo Left and Right outputs to the FOH mixer...
  41. Moke

    wet/dry/wet question

    I would go with speakers/cabs that are rated at the power amp output or higher. In this type of solid-state setup, you don't really want any power amp distortion, like you might with a tube power amp setup. The FM3 will model all of that internally.
  42. Moke

    wet/dry/wet question

    You may need to change some global settings of particular Outputs to match the needs of whatever you are connecting them to. But, what part(s) of your preset(s) that is routed to which Output(s) will need to be setup on the 'grid' of the preset(s).
  43. Moke

    wet/dry/wet question

    Again... YES You just have to setup the amp/effect blocks and Output 1 and 2 blocks as desired.
  44. Moke

    wet/dry/wet question

    Very possible. You could put OUT 1 in it's own row, just after the Amp block. Then put OUT 2 after the post/wet effects, with no dry signal if desired.
  45. Moke

    Wish 2 pitch blocks please

    Yep, and it's also possible to use a different block as a stand-in 'Detune' effect to leave the Pitch block for other duties.
  46. Moke

    Wish 2 pitch blocks please

    That's definitely possible, depending on a few circumstances. Post (or PM) an example preset that you would like this on, with descriptions of exactly what effects need to be 'on' for each scene. I will see what I can do.
  47. Moke

    Please share your live video

    Actually an Axe-Fx II (mark 1). But meets the other requirements.
  48. Moke

    2x Multi Tap delay blocks

    There are two 'Megatap Delays'. But only one 'Multitap Delay'.
  49. Moke

    Gift of Tone 2023 FINAL - Neal Schon!

    Is it possible that the preset was exported with an FM3 running a beta firmware that is ahead of the masses?
  50. Moke

    Might buy myself an AxeFx III for Christmas….

    I have had a few clients that updated to a Gen 3 unit from a Gen 1, Gen 2, or even another brand, that had a couple or a bunch of presets that they needed ported over. I recreated them and tweaked manually at first, then did some 'Live' tone matching to bridge the final EQ gap. They were...
  51. Moke

    5150 Presence Knob

    Sort of like when my wife asks for my opinion on where we should go for dinner. 😁
  52. Moke

    Stereo IEM

    Just for the record. The PSM 200 is a two channel 'mono' unit. The receiver is also mono. It can mix two sources, Channels 1 and 2, not left and right.
  53. Moke

    Stereo USB Audio in

    What do your Output 1 audio settings look like?
  54. Moke

    INSANE FAS HAS EV-1 and EV-2 in stock. Help me decide....

    Maybe you just need to figure out your issue with your MOOG EP-3? Does it have one of those annoying little trim knobs on the side? Those must be in the correct position before calibration is possible. And if they are bumped afterword, your travels will be incorrect. I have a 25+ year old...
  55. Moke

    MIDI automation (USB or MIDI Port)

    Turn off, or at least pause the editor when recording, reamping, or performing. Having the editor running will bog things down and can cause delays in switching, and stuttering, etc
  56. Moke

    Not a Bug Wah block

    I believe that it does when the External Controllers are using the Pedal ports as the source.
  57. Moke

    The Fx 11 still looks great...

    I do appreciate the post. And sorry about your bad experience with the other vendor. There are some very talented people making quality presets out there, which inspires many other (less experienced?) people to do the same. Add to that the differences in guitars, pickups, pickup output...
  58. Moke

    The Fx 11 still looks great...

    @Dixiethedog the Axe-Fx II is still a very capable machine. You could checkout some FM3 versions of my presets for tips and tricks on how I handled the more limited FM3. The FM9 is a better upgrade from the AX8.
  59. Moke

    Control switch for pan.

    Check your 'CS per Scene' settings in the Controllers tab for each scene in that preset.
  60. Moke

    On the gig, need help !

    Not necessarily. You can still use 'Copy Out 1', and still have the ability to set Out 1 to mono and out 2 to stereo. However, I would just leave 'Out 1' set to stereo and just use the left or right send. And just make sure to design my presets to work in mono or stereo.
  61. Moke

    On the gig, need help !

    You would need an Output 2 block setup in your routing grid of the presets if you turn 'Copy Output 1' off. Why do you want/need to turn it off at a gig?
  62. Moke

    How to make lower gain Plexi pre set sound full?

    Understood. You hadn't mentioned the in-ears, so I assumed that you were monitoring the real cab. If you still have and Axe-Fx III, you could shoot an IR of your cab and mic. Then live tone match the mic'd up Amp/Cab.
  63. Moke

    How to make lower gain Plexi pre set sound full?

    I feel like you may be comparing your Friedman 'cab in the room' experience with a mic'd/FRFR experience. There are many modded Plexi variants to try out in the Fractal world, and/or applying some of the tweaks mentioned in this thread to the 'Plexi' models. But none will really recreate the on...
  64. Moke

    Stereo for Traditional Amp

    First of all, this is the 'FM9' Discussion thread. This should be in the 'AX8' Discussion thread. ;) The Mesa Amp and Cab are mono. You could do a wet/dry/wet kind of thing. Lots of different configurations possible. I would just send the left and right Outputs from the AX8 to the two CLRs and...
  65. Moke

    How to make lower gain Plexi pre set sound full?

    Plexi's get thinner as you lower the 'Gain' parameter by design. Try running the 'Gain' higher, and lower the 'Input Trim' parameter to reduce gain without affecting the tone. And as already mentioned, turn off the 'Bright Switch' when using single-coils, and compensate with 'Treble' and/or...
  66. Moke

    So today my AX3 started sounding thin and weak.

    Active pickup? Dead battery? Bad cable?
  67. Moke

    Wish Control Switch for channel increment

    You may be able to use Control Switches to turn specific effect blocks and/or groups of blocks on and off, and use Scenes for the Amp/Cab channel switching.
  68. Moke


    The 'Return' block defaults with an output of '0' as a safety measure to prevent really loud feedback loops if connected incorrectly. Turn it up to '10' to pass the full signal through. Also, they are not really needed in your example, as there is enough room for the current signal chain...
  69. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Release Candidate (Beta #6)

    I see it in my unit. Reverb model #53 Did you 'Refresh After New Firmware' on the Editor? EDIT... I was on beta 4. I thought that beta 6 was just bug fixes. I didn't realize that even more reverb models had been added/renamed/shuffled.
  70. Moke

    Reverb presets aren't changing to the selection
  71. Moke

    Steve Stevens' Ray Gun - Had it on the II, looking for help on the III

    A commercial preset available for all Fractal modeling platforms. But it has my synth version of the 'Ray Gun', a feedback sim, and the fuzz/synthy thing.
  72. Moke

    Banking up and down pre sets?

    On one of the other 'Layouts'? Maybe it's time for a one on one Zoom consultation session.
  73. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #4

    Try copying your preset into four preset slots. Setup the four presets to load on consecutive scenes, first copy-scene 1, second copy-scene 2, etc... Now make sure that 'Gapless Switching' is set to 'ON', and 'Spillover' is set to 'ALL'. Note that switching between each preset (and...
  74. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #4

    Most of the extra gap seems to be coming from the Cab block additionally changing channels. If this was my personal preset, or if a client really wanted this specific preset to switch scenes more smoothly, I would make four new IRs of the current Dyna-Cab and Legacy cab blends. Load them into...
  75. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #4

    You could zoom in on the wave form to verify. But that sounds like what I get here. I don't hear the obvious stutter heard in a different example, that was likely caused from having the editor active (it's recommended to pause the editor). But the gaps are larger with both Amp blocks and the...
  76. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #4

    I couldn't hear any glitching sound here. But the scene gaps are still pretty big (though smaller than if 'Gapless Switching' is off), with both amp blocks and the Cab block all switching channels at the same time.
  77. Moke

    Message timeout:Preset

    Post or P.M. me the Axe-Fx II preset and the firmware that it was exported from. I will take a look.
  78. Moke

    • Noise when changing presets / scenes

    Hmm? That should cause it, maybe this exposes a bug?
  79. Moke

    Message timeout:Preset

    You can use the editors to import and export single presets, instead of Fractal-Bot. You can even use the 'Axe-Manage Cabs' and 'Axe-Manage Presets' tools in the editor to import and export small groups of presets or IRs too.
  80. Moke

    Message timeout:Preset

    Fractal-Bot won't convert Axe-Fx II presets for the AX8. You can try FracTool. But there may be things that get jumbled up depending on how complex the original preset is, and if there are things in it that the AX8 doesn't have enough of, or at all. Not to mention CPU% limitations. BTW, You...
  81. Moke

    Ongoing internal dialog

    There are some really cool 'Delay' algorithms in the Reverb block on new (beta) Axe-Fx III firmware. If/when those make it to the FM9, they might be really useful. And the fact that the FM9 can run a second Reverb without any real CPU% cost makes that even more useful. And don't forget about...
  82. Moke

    Pros and cons of effects between amp and cab blocks

    What @unix-guy said above, with the additional comment that there could be issues with stereo to mono collapsing and the accompanying possible phase issues, depending on how the Cab block is setup. But generally speaking, there isn't really any sonic advantage to placing typical 'post' effects...
  83. Moke

    • Noise when changing presets / scenes

    I've notice something similar for as long as I can remember, with different blocks, the Flanger and the Cab blocks for instance, and maybe others? I just avoided changing channels of specific blocks do avoid this sort of thing. Just tested the Flanger, and it doesn't 'click', BUT.. the...
  84. Moke

    • Noise when changing presets / scenes

    The only thing that I can find is a ticking noise coming from the Reverb block when changing channels while a strummed chord is sustaining, either via scenes, or directly via the editor. Even if I copy one channel to all channels, there is a ticking sound when changing channels of identical models.
  85. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #4

    He is changing 'Scenes' not presets.
  86. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #4

    Check your Global and System settings. They may have been altered/reset from the firmware update. Or just reload them from the backup that you made before updating.
  87. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #4

    Getting some bumping sounds when switching between some presets, while not playing. Haven't nailed down the common denominator yet. I will build and post some examples when I have time to figure it out. Unless someone beats me to the punch. Gapless Switching - ON Spillover - OFF
  88. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #4

    I'm not sure now? It made sense with beta 1 and 2. But the newest version is great.
  89. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #4

    Make sure to select 'Refresh After New Firmware' in the Axe-Edit 'Settings' menu. The Reverb models (or at least the displayed model) in your presets will be out of sync if you don't.
  90. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #4

    It is once again completely gapless when switching between scenes with no channel switching, with 'Gapless Changes' set to 'ON'. But has the benefit of the really fast channel/preset switching. A win win!! NAILED IT!!
  91. Moke

    EP1, SP1, SP2.. which one do I want?

    A couple of options.. A Control Switch (or External Controller) to swap the bypass states of a Vol/Pan and Wah blocks. The Volume will be at 100% (bypassed) and the Wah engages at wherever the expression pedal currently is. (most likely 100%?) A Control Switch (or External Controller) to swap...
  92. Moke

    EP1, SP1, SP2.. which one do I want?

    This is much easier on the Gen 3 units. First thing first. How do you envision/prefer switching from Volume to Wah? A Scene? A Switch? Once that is determined, Auto-Engage may still be possible for the Wah once the 'Wah' Scene or Switch is activated.
  93. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #2

    You could always use two Reverb blocks in parallel paths around a shunt. Set the Input of one to 'Left' and pan it's output 'Left'. Set the Input of the other to 'Right' and pan it's output 'Right'. Set the Mix on both to 100%. Set the Bypass types on both to 'Mute In'. Adjust the Reverb level...
  94. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #2

    Even when no channels are changing? Didn't do that before the 'Gapless Switching' was introduced. Scenes 2 and 3 in my example are identical, but the brief dip is still there. On previous firmware versions, I had worked hard to make sure that presets used Scene Controllers and Control Switches...
  95. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #2

    I'm getting them when changing Scenes or Channels from Axe-Edit and from the front panel, with the editor paused. The channel switching is really fast though. Here is a quick preset with a Synth block, a Flanger, a Delay, and an Output 1 block. Try going between various scene combinations.
  96. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #2

    I hate to be that guy, but I'm still getting a quick bump when changing between identical scenes. Never used to happen. I get the same bump when changing channels of identical blocks. Some of which that were completely seamless before. I will test more block types to see if it happens on all...
  97. Moke

    Activating/deactivating 2 blocks with 1 switch?

    With a scene. Or by using a 'Control Switch' attached to the 'Bypass States' of both effects.
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