EP1, SP1, SP2.. which one do I want?


New Member
I’ve been researching this for a while, I know it’s a well-covered topic and I’ve read probably 20 or more threads about it but still couldn’t fully figure out what I need.

In short, I am looking to get a Mission pedal for wah and volume to use with my AX8. I would not be able to get more than one pedal because of limited space and trying to keep the gear to a minimum.
I used to have wahs with toe clicks but I never liked having to press down to activate it, also because I often practice sitting and I find I always had to stand up to activate it cos often the switch is hard. So if possible I’d like to know if there is a solution that doesn’t involve pressing on the toe to activate.

What I need to do is:
  • wah, with possibility to do cocked wah tone (ie. as full heel position);
  • volume.

Generally I wouldn’t need to use wah and volume in the same preset, I can program patches to use either of the two - but can it be used to do both functions in one preset? ie. if I switch off the Wah block can it default to Volume, or something like that? I read about people setting the pedal to activate when it’s moved to a certain position…

I know I’m asking a lot, so if the above cannot be achieved what do I need to compromise?
I understand there are a few potential models, Ep-1, Sp-1 and Sp-2? Which one would be suitable? Do they all come with a toe button?
This is much easier on the Gen 3 units.

First thing first. How do you envision/prefer switching from Volume to Wah? A Scene? A Switch?

Once that is determined, Auto-Engage may still be possible for the Wah once the 'Wah' Scene or Switch is activated.
This is much easier on the Gen 3 units.

First thing first. How do you envision/prefer switching from Volume to Wah? A Scene? A Switch?

Once that is determined, Auto-Engage may still be possible for the Wah once the 'Wah' Scene or Switch is activated.
Haven't got a preference yet as I never had the chance to test the options available to me.
I'm very much open to suggestions, but generally speaking I use 3-4 scenes for basic tones (ie. clean, leads..) and then when I need a specific effect on the fly I tap on a footswitch assigned to that effect. I do this currently with the Auto-wah block for example. I would avoid creating a scene specifically for getting the wah, I'd like to be able to turn it on/off regardless of the scene I'm using.

Also wanted to understand if I leave always the wah block on does it affect the tone at all? Like my Crybaby used to do.. didn't like that very much.
A couple of options..
  • A Control Switch (or External Controller) to swap the bypass states of a Vol/Pan and Wah blocks. The Volume will be at 100% (bypassed) and the Wah engages at wherever the expression pedal currently is. (most likely 100%?)
  • A Control Switch (or External Controller) to swap the bypass states of a Vol/Pan block and a 'Filter' block (set to Mute) in series with a Wah block (with auto engage enabled) in a parallel path, along with another 'Filter' block (set to mute) in the main path. The Volume will be at 100% (bypassed) and the parallel Wah path will be active. The main path (parallel) Filter block will be 'off', giving you a 100% mix Wah. The Wah be 'Off' until you move the Wah, and will turn back 'Off' when the pedal is parked at toe down (95% auto-engage). Leaving the pedal at 100% and ready for the Volume effect when the Control Switch is pressed to swap back to the Volume option.
This 'Control Switch' can be activated via one of the AX8 switches, or a toe switch on the expression pedal can be connected to a 'Pedal' jack to activate via an External Controller.
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