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  1. T

    Simultaneous Analog + USB input sources

    As far as I’m aware, this is totally possible if you use a the usb on a preset. Otherwise, it will work like it does on axe fx 2 and the workflow you described
  2. T

    Send midi commands via USB to PC

    I did not know that. I’m surprised to hear that actually. I was under the assumption that the midi jacks and the usb jack are two different midi instances.
  3. T

    Send midi commands via USB to PC

    The axe 3 CAN send cc and program changes on the usb port, BUT, the 5 pin jacks don’t speak the usb jacks and the fx pedals are not midi pedals. In other words, I automate my axe 3 over usb from Cubase, but if I plugged a midi controller to the 5 pin midi in on the axe, the computer will...
  4. T

    Connecting via USB

    Turn up the channels on focus right mixer where you plugged axe into
  5. T

    Confirmed please delete

    Proper midi over usb like the axe fx 2 had
  6. T

    Be Heard! Review the Axe-Fx III in our Store

    I was just being sarcastic to the op. I am in love with my fractal gear and I have the best sound and feel I’ve ever had. Thanks for all you do, Cliff. You are the man.
  7. T

    Be Heard! Review the Axe-Fx III in our Store

    I bought mine in 2018. It’s had 20+ firmware updates with lots of features, better feel and better sound added. You’re right, garbage support EDIT: sarcasm
  8. T

    What do you expect in the future from FAS?

    Randall amps
  9. T

    Dirty Loops Bass Tone

    What’s beast player
  10. T

    Fractal Friday w/ Cooper Carter SEASON 3

    Episode 1 is awesome!
  11. T

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.05 Release

    Randall Mxr flanger doubler ☺️
  12. T

    Mick Mars playing fractal..

    1:19. Axe fx ultra?
  13. T

    Replicating this MXR flanger/doubler effect?

    I’ll throw my pitch block up for you
  14. T

    AFIII I'm loving the sound the Axe 3 gives me!

    The bass and guitars are all Axe 3.
  15. T

    Cliff's favorite amps?

    You beat me to it lol. I was gonna say Cliff likes his Personal Century 200 best, lol You have to press up up down down left right left right play a B and then an A to un lock it
  16. T

    Wish Echo the Pedal1/Pedal2 MIDI CC position to the MIDI USB and to the MIDI Output

    Even Kemper has full midi via usb now. I wish the axe fx 3 at least had the sub midi capabilities of the axe fx 2
  17. T

    **HELP** - USB audio dropping out when using AXE Fx III as audio interface

    I think a voltage regulator is the ticket. Today, I hear my sump gurgle (it's super fast) and boom audio gone. UGH. it doesn't happen hardly ever anymore, but once in awhile.
  18. T

    **HELP** - USB audio dropping out when using AXE Fx III as audio interface

    So I will chime in. I was having this issue. Mac mini m1 and axe fx 3. Usb audio would drop out and I’d have to reboot the axe to solve. I ended up changing to a different port, on a powered thunderbolt dock. It hasn’t dropped out again in months now. Previously I learned that it had been...
  19. T

    Adventures in Accuracy

    It might have already been done. Most epic post ever short of announcing that some Randall amps have been added
  20. T

    USB to MIDI out/thru

    It sucks for sure, but it’s the only real missing feature imo
  21. T

    Fractal Audio Multi-FX Pedal

    1 word. Teensy
  22. T

    Stone Temple Pilots?

    I'm gonna try this tone. Robert wrote many of the songs, like Plush. He's a genius. See his Rick Beato interview.
  23. T

    (Troubleshooting) Axe-Fx 3 as Audio Interface randomly fails

    I’ve been using a baby face pro fs with the axe 3 in the spdif in and out through spdif to toslink converters. I would lose the axe audio often. Sometimes I could trace it to the sump pump turning on or some other other voltage event. Recently I removed the baby face to remotely record some...
  24. T

    Room Treatment Suggestions

    I made some panels out of rockwool. Major difference
  25. T

    What doesn't the Axe Fx do effect wise

    This is all axe 3 “talk box”
  26. T

    Recommended Mic Preamp to record vocals thru axe?

    It’s needs an actual mic pre as well. A shure sm-7 into the axe 3 is not a quality sound
  27. T

    Reasons Not To Update AXE FX 3

    The tone on 16.2 is the best. Just kidding
  28. T

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.01 Release

    I heard cliff was modeling the Randall century 200 and Rg-100es amps 😂😂😂😁
  29. T

    250$ for Metallica Black Album Preset

    They sounded killer on the axefx 2. They don’t work good on the 3
  30. T

    Playback automate your Wah BUT keep foot control

    Awesome video. It really highlights the shortcomings of the midi implantation in the axefx 3. Shouldn’t need a keyboard to record a wah performance
  31. T

    2 amp question

    You need to set the amp block To mute on bypass. Right now it’s thru on bypass
  32. T

    Help on the Mick Mars tone

    So… firstly, layers. Layers are the key ingredient imo. I started with my go to Metallica / pantera gain tone. One on left, one on right. I ended up blending in some of the Phil Collen got preset adjusted to taste and dried up. Mick has lots of parts going on in kickstart my heart. I have a...
  33. T

    AFIII Kickstart My Heart cover

    All axe fx 3
  34. T

    Help on the Mick Mars tone

    I can tell you how I did this tone of ya want…
  35. T

    USB Firmware V 1.15 Release

    I agree on the transient. I can turn on a lower amp on the same circuit as my axefx and computer and the usb on the axe will drop most of the time. A reboot fixes it
  36. T

    4CM high squeal

    The Eb tech sounds horrible Compared to a Lehle.
  37. T

    Digitech lives?

    EDIT: I meant the 2112/2120 That thing was amazing in the control it offered with the control 1 foot switch board. The Achilles heel was that the distortion block farted on low chugs and was not truly bypassable.
  38. T

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Public Beta #5 (Beta 11)

    Soon, Cliff will have it so accurate that we will be able to hear the difference in the wire used on the speaker cone to the jack
  39. T

    Dyna Cab G12H30

    Can I send in a Randall Jaguar Res-80 from the 90’s?
  40. T

    Solid State amps, are they going to be here someday?

    Listening to the reasoning that the axe can do any of these sounds already. Turn off the sag. Ok. Let’s ditch 250 of the current models since we could surely get those tones with the remaining 50 models. There’s too many drives too.
  41. T

    How to practically level presets for Live Playing

    sometimes you need to adjust the volume of individual sets of frequencies, rather than the entire frequency spectrum.
  42. T

    What Amp Models would you like to see added?

    Let’s not forget the spinal puppet
  43. T

    USB Firmware V 1.15 Release

    I’ve finally found a repeatable way to make the usb audio disconnect from my M1 Max mini on 1.14. I will try this update and see if it’s resolved. If not. I will report steps to make it disconnect for me my issue remains with 1.15 I'm running output 3 to a combo amp input on the same circuit...
  44. T

    What Amp Models would you like to see added?

    I really want a Randall century 200 and rg100-es
  45. T

    Guitar Rig - Native Instruments

    Compare? They both process guitar signals. That’s about it
  46. T

    EBtech Line level switcher with Axefx Outputs

    I would suggest using a Lehle instead the Ebtech
  47. T

    EBtech Line level switcher with Axefx Outputs

    Record it to compare. Being that it’s a passive transformer, you’re almost certainly losing top end
  48. T

    What Dyna-Cab Models Would You Like to See Added?

    Randall 4x12 or 2x12 from the late 80’s or early 90’s with Randall res-80 jaguars
  49. T

    Edge still using Axe Fx II

    The vintage fractal sound
  50. T

    Problems with using Axe FX as audio interface Mac

    I use the same stuff. Works fine here on my m1 Mac mini. Make sure you have a great usb cable and that it’s either not plugged into a hub, or make sure it’s a quality powered hub. I guess I do have to reboot the axe 3 once in a while but not every few minutes
  51. T

    Ask for a sound and I do it for You

    Pantera / Dimebag Darrell vulgar display of power tone or far beyond driven
  52. T

    Thinking of buying Axe FX III. Advice pls…

    Imo, buy it. Thank us later.
  53. T

    How far ahead is the III of the II these days?

    I bought the 3 not long after it came out. It was better than the 2 in feel but the sound was similar to my ear. Now it’s no contest. The axe 3 is the best guitar related purchase I’ve ever made.
  54. T

    Purchased Patches

    I’m pretty much sold. Purchase coming
  55. T

    Dual mono??

    It would null if you flip the phase on one of them
  56. T

    Fractal Friday w/ Cooper Carter - SEASON 2!
  57. T

    Fractal Friday w/ Cooper Carter - SEASON 2!

    I thought the same thing. click where it says available here download. It's a zip file with the presets
  58. T

    Which laptop is best to interface with AxeFX?

    In your shoes I would get an entry level MacBook Air m2
  59. T

    21.02 bricked my Axe-Fx III(fixed)

    The linked instructions lead me to believe I'd be able to startup with the emergency bootloader and recover my Axe-Fx via Axe-Edit but that doesn't seem to be possible. Any other ideas? It says to use fractal bot, not axe edit
  60. T

    Does Fractal have anti thump technology at the main outputs?

    I have headrush 1-12’s plugged into output 1. No noise when powering up or in powering the af3. I do have to lower the volume on my rme baby face pro fs though that the axe connects to through spdif. The loss of clock causes static noise when the axe is off.
  61. T

    Mic preamp models vs Neve 1073

    He wants the mic pre available in the cab block like the other mic pre models. A plug-in has no way to be inserted there
  62. T

    Probably Stupid question of the day - tuning down to Eb

    Tune down 5 semitones and it sounds better with acoustic bleed lol
  63. T

    Mic preamp models vs Neve 1073

    Man, what if fractal dropped the perfect mic preamp modeler / fx with 4 xlr inputs with preamps I can dream
  64. T

    New amp models

    Randall rg-100es and century 200
  65. T

    Another Gapless Switching Thread... Solved! (Post #136)

    Moored law is dead. If you disagree, please show me a chip made recently that has double the transistors of the version 2 years before it. I’ll wait.
  66. T

    a Christmas gift the community: Perfected Tuning offsets

    You’re wrong. I’ve been using petersons sweetened tunings for 20 years. All properly setup and intonated guitars have the same tuning issues. That’s why sweetened tunings work like magic
  67. T

    **HELP** - USB audio dropping out when using AXE Fx III as audio interface

    I have the same Mac mini and I don’t have this issue.
  68. T

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.01

    First! Ty The pace of innovation and updates is amazing Cliff. I’m glad to be apart of this community.
  69. T

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00

    The fizz started with the line 6 pod xt
  70. T

    Implemented Step sequencer rate lower than 1Hz

    That pantera cover was SICK!
  71. T

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Release Candidate (Beta 7)

    And version 21.20 will come with artist presets ❤️😂😂
  72. T

    Using an expression pedal to control external midi gear

    This is one of the relatively rare flaws in the axe 3 imo. The lack of midi usb support that the 2 had is another. I should be able to plug in an expression pedal and control any of my midi gear. I still love my 3, it’s just not quite prefect.
  73. T

    Axe fx 3 - is the fan necessary?

    No fan necessary if you water cool it.
  74. T

    Are monitors ONLY meant for studio use?

    As was already said, monitors are usually nearfields. Are you gonna have a 6’ triangle between yourself and the speakers on stage? Nope. The headrush speakers fill the room. They project. 8” studio monitors sound great, in the close sweet spot. Two different applications. If you wanna do a...
  75. T

    Fractal FRFR

    I can’t speak for the company, but I would guess that since the goal is to be the most accurate possible, they won’t want a cabinet with a “sound” that matches their modeling “sound” because they want each model to have its own thing. Just my thoughts
  76. T

    plugins that sound as good as AxeFX III?

    😂😂😂😂😂 that is all
  77. T

    Main interface suggestion for AES or SPDIF connection with Axe FX III

    I have an apollo twin usb3 dual core. It interfaces fine with the axe fx 3 via spdif with 2 optical to coaxial spdif converters. it's been collecting dust since I got the usb2 rme babyface. it's for sale...
  78. T

    Main interface suggestion for AES or SPDIF connection with Axe FX III

    Why do they need usb 3 or thunderbolt? My interface is bud powered usb2 and works flawless with like 3ms roundtrip latency. Rme is the best at what they do imo. I believe they don’t need usb 3. When they do, they will use it. Just like if cliff says I don’t need a Randall Rg100-ES or century...
  79. T

    Main interface suggestion for AES or SPDIF connection with Axe FX III

    Rme. I have the baby face fs and it’s awesome. I’ve had many brands of interface if the years and these are the best drivers and lowest latency I’ve ever seen.
  80. T

    Qsc k12.2 and boss looper!

    I would bet the boss looper has unbalanced inputs and outputs. That is the issue for you I would wager. You’re getting -10 Db instead of +4
  81. T

    Rectifier ✅ , now let’s talk about the noise gate

    I will test here. But I don’t have noise like that. I think you need to filter that power perhaps
  82. T

    Are Fractal's efforts well directed?

    This thread jumped the shark early on. Not a very “modern” post. Complaining is so 2020
  83. T

    Are Fractal's efforts well directed?

    I would say they are very well directed. Though I don't have any Randall models like the rg100-ES or the Century 200, I have tons to have me realizing that there's never been a better platform for guitar players in history. Simple as that. Cliff is a rare genius I'm happy to be a client of.
  84. T

    It's Friday...again

    I’ve been cranking out new music. The tones are amazing. Absolutely amazing to be frank. Cliff is probably going laying his guitar and enjoying his creation like many of us are 😂😂
  85. T

    Combining AXE FX with Universal Audio X4 - Flexibile Setup

    I’ve owned a lot of interfaces, including an apolo twin usb collecting dust (for sale) My rme baby face fs is hands down the best I’ve experienced. Bus powered and killer sound and the lower at latency over ever seen.
  86. T

    Output 1 at mic level?

    Set the output to -10
  87. T

    Input1 - Switch Source via MIDI CC

    What I love about my setup is I control my monitors from my rme volume knob always, and the frfrs with the output 1 knob. I have an electronic drum kit too that I play through the frfr setup. I have the os audio set to axe fx and YouTube plays through the frfrs and monitors at the same time. I...
  88. T

    Input1 - Switch Source via MIDI CC

    I run mine like this; Rme interface into my monitors. Axe fx 3 connected to and from rme via spdif When recording, I generally select the axe as the sound card. I have my Analog output one going to some frfrs so I can be loud if I want.
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