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  • Users: Moke
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  1. Moke

    For those who want left and right amps, how do you achieve it with your FM3?

    The 'Tube Driver ' Drive models make a pretty decent stand in for a second Amp block. Adding a Compressor along with it can help make it more 'squishy'. And the 'Look Ahead' parameter might help with parallel phase issues. The 'Alignment' parameter in the Cab block can help with this also.
  2. Moke

    Mark Day Gift of Tone preset - scene issues?

    There are some strange(?) pre-preset overrides in that preset. Not sure what was the intention for these? @Mark Day
  3. Moke

    Issues with internal clipping and boosting

    IMHO, The post-compression is interfering with getting your different Amp channel initial levels correct. Most of which are a bit too hot. The rhythm scenes should sit at around the '0' dB line in the Output block. Temporarily disable the Comp in all scenes, and adjust the Amp 'Levels'. Once...
  4. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 26.00 Public Beta

    Just for the record. A human 'blink' is between 100-150 ms.
  5. Moke

    Switching between series and parallel fx

    In most scenarios, having the Reverb in parallel or series has no sonic difference. There are probably solutions to what you want to achieve. Can you provide more info, and post an example preset?
  6. Moke

    Silly Question... Cable direction for EV-1 from FC-12

    Hmmm? That's odd. Do you have a link for the cables? They should be simple TRS x TRS cables. Something that looks like this
  7. Moke

    Help me! No frequencies over 5k?

    Have you checked your Global EQ?
  8. Moke

    What a Difference

    For what it's worth, I hear/feel the same thing. Doing quick A/B comparisons on identical presets, with sync'd firmware versions. It's different from Amp model to Amp model IMHO. Some are virtually indistinguishable, some are not? It's subtle, but it is there. I end up adding some 'High Treble'...
  9. Moke

    Setting Initial Value of FC12 Expression Pedal Controller at Scene/Channel Level?

    I may be wrong, but there may be ways to accomplish something like that? We would need very specific info on it's implementation, and at least one sample preset to see for ourselves what parameter/parameters are being used, and how. With the new 'gapless switching', is just saving each 'scene'...
  10. Moke

    Axe-Fx lll / New Axe-Edit lll

    If 25.04 (or any new firmware) requires the 'Editor' to be updated to include any newly added goodies, there will be a new 'Editor' version released fairly quickly. If it is for an official firmware release, when you open the 'Editor', you will be prompted with a message that a newer version...
  11. Moke

    FRFR General N00b Questions

    I have some stand-in gigs with a different band. My regular gigs are all direct, Guitar, Bass, Triggered Drums (Superior Drummer 3), and occasional backing tracks. So I just got the Fender FR-10, and used it this past weekend. It kept up with a pretty loud drummer. Although my Fractal, and...
  12. Moke

    Per Preset Override?

    For reference. I this case. the Expression Pedal is attached to a parameter in the Synth block. Lots of ways to get where you want. A 'Per-Preset Override' momentary Control Switch is valid.
  13. Moke

    Per Preset Override?

    Depends on the preset. I use an expression pedal for my preset. Or a scene, and/or a momentary Control Switch (AX8), on one of the 'no controllers' versions.
  14. Moke

    Per Preset Override?

    I like using an expression pedal.
  15. Moke

    Wish Looper input bypass control.

    A couple options.. Turn the 'Dry Level' parameter down to '0'. Place a low-CPU block (Filter, Vol/Pan, GEQ, etc..) in front of the Looper, set that block's bypass type to 'Mute', bypass it in the scenes that you want to kill the input to the Looper.
  16. Moke

    Run To You Solo Harmonies

    Totally possible. But might be tough for the band and the loop to stay in time? Unless you are using click tracks.
  17. Moke

    Wish Change Cab Type to radio buttons

    Forgive my ignorance. What are 'Radio Buttons'?
  18. Moke

    scenes issue

    It looks like your Ax-Fx II is running firmware Quantum 10.01. There are 2 newer firmware versions available, Ares 1 and 2. But updating will change the sound of your presets. How much will depend on which amp(s) you use, their settings, and how many advanced parameters you may have edited. I...
  19. Moke

    scenes issue

    The pics don't have enough info to troubleshoot your issue. You need to export the preset out of your Axe-Fx II into your computer, then post that preset file here so that others can load it into their Axe-Fx II and investigate.
  20. Moke

    Run To You Solo Harmonies

    Hmmm? I'm not hearing that. I hear harmonies on all four notes. Minor 3rd, major 3rd, 4th, minor 3rd. Or using a major scale, 2/4, 1/3, 5/1, 3/5
  21. Moke

    Run To You Solo Harmonies

    There isn't a way to do this with a single scale, custom or factory. There are a few notes that are played more than one time throughout the piece. But the required harmonies are different, depending on the underlying chord at that time. All three chords are major. They don't follow a typical...
  22. Moke

    No Smoothing???

    IIRC the FM units can only connect to one device at a time. I have never really messed with Cab Lab. If you have the editor connected, can you also connect to Cab Lab at the same time?
  23. Moke

    Can you run 2 seperate signal chains through the FM3, sharing 1 cab?

    Also, If you want to have two separate isolated outputs, you will need to add Out 2. And add blocks for each path, if CPU allows. There are ways to share some stereo blocks and still stay isolated, but it gets a little tricky.
  24. Moke

    Can you run 2 seperate signal chains through the FM3, sharing 1 cab?

    Here is a routing example of a dual path preset. However, you will need an 'Input 2' block added for your piezo input.
  25. Moke

    No Smoothing???

    That's pretty much what I do. Although I switched to using a sine-sweep with the 'Averaging Time' parameter maxed out. It seems to yield more accurate results? I have a bunch of extra blocks on the reference path so that I can bake-in any other EQs. Just note that any exported IR will go...
  26. Moke

    Can you run 2 seperate signal chains through the FM3, sharing 1 cab?

    Yes, If everything is Panned correctly, and you isolate the Left and Right outputs of the stereo cab using two Vol/Pan blocks.
  27. Moke

    No Smoothing???

    Hey @steadystate , not able to PM you. There may be a way to get you sorted depending on a few things. PM me if you feel like it
  28. Moke

    Help! FM3 sounds dull vs Tonex or Amp w/Pedalboard

    Just because it is a commercial 'Tone Matched' preset doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to move the amp tone knobs. It was 'Tone matched' with a different guitar than yours. It will likely need some tweaks for your guitar, to get where it was intended to be. And what the preset creator...
  29. Moke

    FM3 - Horrible Noise when changing scenes - Question on how to prevent it

    No, not at all. I said "there are a lot of blocks changing channels (in various scenes) even though they are bypassed (in those various scenes)." In theory, it shouldn't matter, but having multiple 'bypassed' blocks changing channels in various scenes is just not necessary, and can possibly...
  30. Moke

    Options for Synth block Freq to Pedal 1

    I've got all three Gen 3 units on the latest (sync'd?) firmware. This preset works on the Axe-Fx III and the FM3, but not on the FM9? The Edit Modifier controller values are just not compatible? 'Min' and 'Max' values appear to get swapped. And channel specific modifier initial states don't...
  31. Moke

    FM3 - Horrible Noise when changing scenes - Question on how to prevent it

    See this example. BTW, I wasn't getting any 'horrible noise' between scenes 1 and 2. Just a volume difference.
  32. Moke

    FM3 - Horrible Noise when changing scenes - Question on how to prevent it

    That Amp 'Level' parameter is pretty arbitrary. So many other parameters in the Amp block can affect it's overall output level, Gain, Master Volume, Boost/Boost Level, Variac, Input/Output EQ, the Dynamics Tab, etc.. Depending on the Amp model and the parameter values, You may need to set the...
  33. Moke

    pitch block

    I try to answer all messages. Not sure how I missed yours? Sincerely sorry about that. How did you message me?
  34. Moke

    No more layouts or PP's

    I'm not 100% sure, but I seem to remember an update or two resetting my global settings to default. But I always do a backup before an update. As well as every so often, when I create something that I don't want to lose.
  35. Moke

    No more layouts or PP's

    Each pp override assignment overrides a specific switch, in a specific layout. Is it possible that your unit has the wrong initial layout setting?
  36. Moke

    pitch block

    Most likely a demo video, if it was one of mine that you had seen? They don't go into the details of it. Just the fact that it does it. If I have a chance later this evening, I can post some screenshots of how it's set up for that particular note range.
  37. Moke

    pitch block

    Not sure if it was one of my demo videos, but I employ this function in a few presets.
  38. Moke

    Direct Bank Select?

    I can't believe that you're finally making the switch to the Gen 3 stuff for live use. I figured that you would be using an Axe-Fx III (Turbo?) with an FC-12. Is only having one Pitch block available at a time going to be an issue for you?
  39. Moke

    Direct Bank Select?

    I was wrestling with swapping the Tap and Hold functions. Or maybe using two Layouts with all Tap functions for more speed.
  40. Moke

    Direct Bank Select?

    Here is the Layout file to save you some time.
  41. Moke

    Direct Bank Select?

    Hey @steadystate, Would something like this work for you? Once you get used to it, it gives you access to every bank in a '5 presets per bank' setup.
  42. Moke

    How to get Auto VOL attack (0-->max) recalling a specific scene ? [ SOLVED ]

    Cool. Play with the different 'Volume Taper' choices in the Vol/Pan block to get the swell the way you want it.
  43. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.01 Release

    The actual dB level in your room can be affected by many factors. The power amp, the speakers, listening position, the output knob setting, the output level setting (-10 dBV or +4 dBu), etc.. Are the internal preset levels much different than before? Amp block output level differences are very...
  44. Moke

    Can’t turn off a bypass [solved]

    Was this a new unit? Are these Factory presets? If not, can you contact the seller and/or the preset maker?
  45. Moke

    Wish Preset+scene added to Tuner page

    That wouldn't suck. +1
  46. Moke

    How to get Auto VOL attack (0-->max) recalling a specific scene ? [ SOLVED ]

    There are a few ways to accomplish this. More info on exactly what, why, and when you need to happen would shed light on which way would be most appropriate. Start the swell right away, wait until you play something, etc.? My first impulse would be a dedicated Vol/Pan block that is active in...
  47. Moke

    Wah/vol in same preset w/o M-plex block?

    Check out the 'Send' and 'Return' blocks. They are for routing the signal from one location to another on the grid. Mostly used to extend the signal chain to another row for more space. There are other, more advanced uses too. The Fractal online manual is a long read. But it is well worth your...
  48. Moke

    FM3 Foreplay/Longtime - (Boston Cover)

    No, but it does have two Pitch blocks. ;)
  49. Moke

    Tonex One

    I have a client that is interested in setting up one of these along with a line6 HX-Stomp or similar as a small fly-rig. Does the USB support midi over USB for PC commands for the 20 presets, and CC commands for the A/B function?
  50. Moke

    Output settings copy

    @GlennO's suggestion is a good one.
  51. Moke

    Output settings copy

    You are correct. It doesn't work like the other blocks. 'Copy & Paste' and the 'Block Library' treat the Output blocks differently. Not sure if it intentional, or an oversite/bug? The process is 'instance' specific. None of the other blocks are?
  52. Moke

    Output settings copy

    Are you sure? Have you tried right clicking on output 1, selecting copy block, then right click on output 2, and hitting paste block?
  53. Moke

    Wish Copy scene opens copied scene

    That has gotten me quite a few times. I wouldn't mind the consistency with it landing on the copy, for both a preset and a scene. ;)
  54. Moke

    Anyone fly Rc airplanes?

    I have flown RC airplanes off and on for most of my life. I took about 12 years off, a couple of times. Just got back into it in the past few months. Had to get a new 2.4 GHz transmitter, receivers, batteries, charger, etc., as technology has changed a bit. I built a four motor, tilt wingtip...
  55. Moke

    Options for Synth block Freq to Pedal 1

    Play with the 'Damping' parameters in the 'Edit Modifier' window.
  56. Moke

    Options for Synth block Freq to Pedal 1

    Here's a clip of where it's sitting right now.
  57. Moke

    Options for Synth block Freq to Pedal 1

    I messed with something pretty cool today on the Axe-Fx III. But seems like I discovered a bug? Or at least a difference between the different units, in how controllers react when filtered by specific channels, when I loaded it into an FM9 and FM3. Found work-arounds for the Axe-Fx III, but...
  58. Moke

    Options for Synth block Freq to Pedal 1

    IMHO, it would be more consistent using one of the controllers triggered via a switch or scene, etc., instead of an expression pedal. If the expression pedal is preferred, use a good amount of damping to set the desired time of the pitch drop and just use the pedal as a switch.
  59. Moke

    Low harmonic content of a real amp

    Yeah, the Fractal stuff does it too. Even way back in the Axe-Fx II days. :cool::D
  60. Moke

    Wish Performance "Lock" Mode

  61. Moke

    Cab lab preset sharing question.

    If the IR mix is made with any commercial IRs, you can't share the resulting IR. I believe that you can share the Cab Lab 'recipe'/file. Then the end user has the option of using the correct IR(s) if already purchased, or purchase them as needed.
  62. Moke

    Plexi amp on max - is this normal?

    Always leave them at '0' dB, unless you have a specific reason to change them. And use the 'Thru' (default) bypass type on serial blocks (without tails). Effects with 'tails', use 'Mute Fx In'. The way you have it setup, the signal is being reduce three times after the Amp block. Some of the...
  63. Moke

    Plexi amp on max - is this normal?

    You have several block levels set low? and their bypass types are wrong IMHO
  64. Moke

    Plexi amp on max - is this normal?

    That seems odd. Is the signal level being reduced somewhere else in the signal chain? As always, posting the preset (if allowed?) is best.
  65. Moke

    The Greatest Recto Tone Ever?

    You can see the firmware version on the editor. 24.05
  66. Moke

    Pedal Steel Patch - Pitch Block

    You shouldn't have to assign anything in the preset itself. The two Control Switches are already attached to their respective pitch bending functions. You do however have to assign the two Control Switches to two switches on your FM3 and set them as 'Momentary'. This can be via the hardwired or...
  67. Moke

    Pedal Steel Patch - Pitch Block

    Here it is, reworked for the FM3 (FW 7.00), so that you can play around with it. Removed the Ambient/Enhancer parts. Tweaked the 'Plex-Delay' 5th/6th pseudo Pitch block to be a bit smoother? Selected a different Reverb, as the FM3 doesn't have all of the current FM9 models. Maybe a Spring model...
  68. Moke

    Pedal Steel Patch - Pitch Block

    That preset was posted in an FM9 thread. I didn't notice that this was an FM3 thread. It would need to be scaled back to fit on an FM3. Do you have the standard or the Turbo?
  69. Moke

    Pedal Steel Patch - Pitch Block
  70. Moke

    Mono/Stereo Cab block with real cab

    If you're intent is to always only run mono on stage, and to front of house, then just stay with the mono versions, when available, of all effects. And especially stay away from the phase inverted stereo effects that I mentioned above. Unless there is something about them that you really like...
  71. Moke

    Mono/Stereo Cab block with real cab

    That's an artifact of adding two mono digital paths together. That parameter might be useful for some situations? But just leave it at default.
  72. Moke

    Mono/Stereo Cab block with real cab

    Mono effects still have a right and left input and output. every block, shunt and virtual cable on the grid is stereo. Mono effects don't sum the dry signal, that remains stereo. Only the effect output is mono.
  73. Moke

    Mono/Stereo Cab block with real cab

    A few things @GuitarAng3l Do you wish to send a stereo signal (with Cab sims) to FOH? If so, your cab block will need to be setup for stereo. If you will be summing any output, stay away from stereo specific effects. A few have one side of the stereo effect set 'out of phase' ('2290', and...
  74. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    I typically use that same process most of the time. The only problem is when the firmware update's underlying algorithm, and sometimes new defaults applied at loading, significantly changes the Amp (or whatever was altered?). So now the original block/channel sounds different. Not really an...
  75. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    Understood. The proper major update procedure for hundreds of presets is one grueling, labor intensive endeavor. :eek:
  76. Moke

    PSA: Change your strings!

    I have never been able to have strings last long enough to go 'dead' on me. New strings before every gig, and many times they don't make it to the end. Lots of different brands, types, and gauges of strings. Every guitar that I have ever owned. It's me, but I'm working on it.
  77. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    Did you do any Amp 'resetting' to get the new defaults?
  78. Moke

    New To Fractal and New To Forum

    Hahaha, You should fit right in.
  79. Moke

    To AustinBuddy and Moke

    Well, that's a relief. :D
  80. Moke

    To AustinBuddy and Moke

    One on one Zoom sessions are actually quite rewarding. I wish that I could do more of them. I thought about doing a weekly live stream where I take a problem user preset, a factory preset, or a preset suggestions, submitted previously by someone (?) and go through it. All while taking questions...
  81. Moke

    To AustinBuddy and Moke

    I will be honest. I don't really even know what that is. LOL Can you elaborate?
  82. Moke

    Looking for Inexpensive modeler with headphone out

    Line 6 POD express? Not really 'Guitar' related though. Might be better in the 'Lounge'? ;)
  83. Moke

    Any tap dancers?

    But to your point. The FM9 is the sweet spot! More CPU power, more instances of many blocks, more switches, more inputs and outputs, etc..
  84. Moke

    Any tap dancers?

    Adding a simple and inexpensive 2-button momentary switch to one of the Pedal jacks almost doubles the capabilities of the FM3 (FM5?). You could even add two of them if you don't need an expression pedal. Set them up as 'Stand-in Switches' and they can do anything that the built-in switches can...
  85. Moke

    Zoom call settings

    Once you select it, it will appear at the top left, instead of the the current selected audio profile On/Off option.
  86. Moke

    Multitap Delay question (AX8)

    Are you confusing adding a footswitch for the Multitap with putting one on the preset grid?
  87. Moke

    Latency Per Preset

    @Cristian Fonseca . Are you using the default Factory 'Per-Preset' Layout? Or your own customized Layout? Help us help you.
  88. Moke

    Latency Per Preset

    If you are using the stock 'Per-Preset' Layout, there are 'Hold' placeholder assignments there. Even if you don't have any 'Hold' functions on your 'Per-Preset' assignments in your preset, they are still there on that 'Layout'. If you foresee not ever needing any Hold functions in that Layout...
  89. Moke

    Handling 3 sets of outputs

    Not sure if 'Stereo' is needed for your FRFR and/or guitar poweramp/cab. If not, you could use Out 2 Left for FRFR with Cab sims, and Right for the real cab without cab sims. And than use a dedicated EQ block for each (CPU permitting) for independent EQ and level adjustments, with the...
  90. Moke

    Control Switches Stay On Between Presets?

    I would like to see an option like @unix-guy mentioned. Then have the individual Control Switch states just 'load as saved' if that new "last within preset" option is used.
  91. Moke

    No sound on certain patches & scenes on new FM9 Turbo (solved)

    That was going to be my next question. LOL:p
  92. Moke

    Should I be turning off cab block when recording?

    If you use the right Cab/IR, the right mic(s), in the right positions, the right Amps, and the right settings, you can get a very bright guitar sound. Or you can 'Tone Match' it.. LOL
  93. Moke

    New, Up-to-Date Presets to Purchase

    That's why you're here. :D I like to maintain a smaller footprint with commercial stuff. It gets annoying. I'd rather let others mention it, if they are so inclined. Probably not a great business strategy. But, it makes for a better Forum experience. Besides, mine aren't very 'up to date' at...
  94. Moke

    New, Up-to-Date Presets to Purchase

    No disrespect Alex, Just thought that you should be aware of this.
  95. Moke

    The Mother of All Effects Blocks Thread (Multi-Model Edition)
  96. Moke

    Strange Auto-Wah Issue In Presets

    I consider @Marco Fanton a friend. Only if it is okay with him first, P.M. me your edited version of Marco's preset and I can take a look (no charge) at what you have done, and set it up to your needs, with an explanation of what and why. Moke
  97. Moke

    Underwhelming Live Recordings

    I haven't read through each post, so some or all of this may have been covered already.. What we did was multitrack record each channel, tapped at the analog source, at a rehearsal. Then I could run those individual (dry) tracks back through the mixer at the same locating in the signal chain...
  98. Moke

    Gift of Tone 2023 FINAL - Neal Schon!

    Just to be clear. Are looking for this particular 'Gift of Tone' live lead tone? Or a lead tone from a specific studio release?
  99. Moke

    Underwhelming Live Recordings

    I try to be a team player. But honestly, the guitar is probably a little loud. And the compression during the lead vocal parts just puts the guitar back where it should have been already... ;):D:cool:
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