Silly Question... Cable direction for EV-1 from FC-12


Hey Fellow Fractal Peeps... This is probably a no brain question but... I picked up a couple EV-1's and ordered 2 of the 16guage Monoprice 1.5m cables. They arrived today but I noticed they have a directional arrow on them... So my silly question is... do the arrows go towards the ev-1 from the fc-12 or towards the fc-12 from the ev-1? Or... do I need a cable without directional arrows... I know this may seem silly but if there is a better way to use the cable I would prefer to ask you guys with way more knowledge / experience than guess at it...
Thank you
Very odd... Might just be part of their markings? There's no "direction" for a TRS cable.

Assuming you mean this?

yes, that is the correct marking I am referring to, so it has no "purpose" so to say... the
arrows are repeated further down as well...
The arrow you are confused about is simply a button. Pressing the arrow-button opens a menu which offers connections to email, pinterest, facebook, X and copy link to share this item.
Some times arrows are not what they seem to be. 😉
Ahhh! Now that makes more sense as the arrows didn’t seem to have any meaning but having a social media type link right on the cable… now that is some genius marketing!!! Haha!
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Just wanted to say thank you for the info and laughs, yep, just like you guys had said, the arrows don't seem to make any difference, just wanted to be sure before I plugged them in if there was a proper way or if I had to get a different cable or just use them... Thank you!
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