Wish Looper input bypass control.


New Member
The ability to run Looper with recorded audio and Bypass or mute input to Looper while playing. No overdub. When you want overdub or new audio to record, simply un mute or thru to resume normal operation
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I don't understand the request.

If you don't want to overdub then press Play... When you want to overdub again then press Record.
I'm trying to bypass the input into the looper. I use the looper as a backing track (so to speak) and have it output to my channel 2, so that it is independent from channel 1 output. I'll lay down a loop and then play a lead over top. If the input isn't bypassed then I still get a signal going into the looper. I only want the orginal recorded loop.
The only way I have done it so far is manually disconnect the line to the input of looper.
A couple options..
  • Turn the 'Dry Level' parameter down to '0'.
  • Place a low-CPU block (Filter, Vol/Pan, GEQ, etc..) in front of the Looper, set that block's bypass type to 'Mute', bypass it in the scenes that you want to kill the input to the Looper.
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