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  • Users: FPFL
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  1. FPFL

    Input 1 is clipping at 8% - is that crazy?

    Yeah it seems like its range accommodates very cold pickups so even with middle of the road pickups my % is lower than I would've guessed. That unconscious expectation '50 = middle of the road' doesn't hold with this setting.
  2. FPFL

    Black Metal Preset

    black metal to me isn't that different in the guitars from a lot of other fast, modern metal types, which there are presets for - the difference is in the raspy, high vocals... which I hope you don't have to hear. ;) Try 37, 38 and 103 to start. See if he digs any of those. 14 - 16, 21 and 28...
  3. FPFL

    Sennheiser HD600 vs Beyerdynamic DT880 Pros for creating presets

    To anyone else reading, anything can work. Knowing your source and knowing your preferred targets what matters. I always liked what the guys in The Cars said in the late 70s, to paraphrase, "No mix was final until we drove around with it in a few different cars. Our target was sounding good on...
  4. FPFL

    Sennheiser HD600 vs Beyerdynamic DT880 Pros for creating presets

    If you think the 600s are painfully bright then we have different ears, which is often a reality person to person, or maybe you are driving them with something less common? 11-12 db boosts? That is huge. Anything that needs that much frankly makes me wonder if something is broken or strangely...
  5. FPFL

    Sennheiser HD600 vs Beyerdynamic DT880 Pros for creating presets

    A "meh" vote for the HD600s. They are good headphones for long listening sessions, but not flat IME. The highs are veiled to my ears and you may dial up more highs to compensate than you need. They are also a bit harder to drive. A classic for a reason but not my first choice for presets or mixing.
  6. FPFL

    Another unpaid endorser for the EV PXM-12MP

    I absolutely love my Yammy HS8s studio monitors. I think they make good stuff. Never tried their live music gear but I bet it's also good.
  7. FPFL

    Another unpaid endorser for the EV PXM-12MP

    What mode are folks running them in? Are you using the onboard EQ at all? I read here that Monitor 2 is preferred by many and I have been using that with my FM9, but Monitor 1 seems easier to get the bass right with. Using that with the UA Lion.
  8. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00

    Same. It's realistic too, those amps are stupidly hot.
  9. FPFL

    Another unpaid endorser for the EV PXM-12MP

    You were one of the people that made me curious. I wasn't really familiar with EV expect for much bigger speakers before this.
  10. FPFL

    Another unpaid endorser for the EV PXM-12MP

    Been thru a series of practices with a single PXM-12 since the fall of last year and I'm so happy with it I bought a second so I'll have stereo on stage for our first outdoor gig later in the spring. Yes, I got the second device just for stereo, because it is so wonderful when you can get away...
  11. FPFL

    Headrush FRFR-108 MKII

    Is like putting snow tires on a track car. I don't get it. It works, but why get a track car to cripple it? There are better options on the not crazy expensive side, they just cost a little more than this... b/c they get QC and are a bit more neutral. Lots of threads on this if you look.
  12. FPFL

    AFIII Rivera M100 vs Axe Fx Super Reverb

    I'm curious about the M100 dirt sounds and how to get them on the AF or FM. Specifically the Slave to the Grind tones. How were you doing that?
  13. FPFL

    Dune: Part Two

    it took guts to make the first movie less dramatic so the setup for part 2 would have more payoff, and this movie will have a lot of payoff I'd wager. the visuals alone in the first movie were SO GOOD they quashed any complaints I'd have had. I mean seriously, the movie was stunning to watch...
  14. FPFL

    Wish Ibanez Twin Peaks

    Here for it!
  15. FPFL

    I've been a Fractal player for years but (custom layout confession)

    See I had the OMG9 when I was FM3 and that was so good out of the box I never bothered. The 9 made me want to experiment.
  16. FPFL

    I've been a Fractal player for years but (custom layout confession)

    I never setup a custom layout until the FM9. It's so easy and so helpful. I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. Vanilla scenes got it done before, and is still so handy, but it's nice to get exactly what you want where. If you've been on the fence, just check out the YT tutorials from the...
  17. FPFL

    Why Steve Vai 'Wasn't a Big Fan of the Marshall Sound'.How Carvin Made His 'Favorite' Amp

    True story - I gave my Legacy I to Cliff back when they were at the OG location. As a pure thank you. It was a unique amp, at least of the amps I've played. Thick, smooth, a bit dark. I've always felt like it never left me b/c I still use the model in the Fractal, which I suspect was/is partly...
  18. FPFL

    Why Steve Vai 'Wasn't a Big Fan of the Marshall Sound'.How Carvin Made His 'Favorite' Amp

    What do you think about the Leggy model in the Fractal itself?
  19. FPFL

    Wish EVH 5150 Overdrive

    Exactly. Other people call their pedals "amp in a box"; we can actually put an amp in the box and use it as a pedal. Fantastic. Having played both in the real world, the pedal is a step down from the amp. I'd never use even if it was there. As a long time 5150/EVH fan I'll add the new EVH...
  20. FPFL

    The importance of Mono for live guitar playing

    I care 10X more about the band mix than if I'm in stereo or mono for gigs. If I'm in stereo but the snare is too loud, or the vocals too soft, I spent time on the wrong thing. If I know I can get it without spending extra time that could be on the band mix, I'll take it cause its fun - but I...
  21. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    See, I had a feeling that watched pot was about to boil. : ) Sweet.
  22. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    I wonder if we are getting a Beta2 or a 6.0 GM next? Just curious. 6B1 is running fine for me fwiw.
  23. FPFL

    Caution...bit by the Beta...

    Cool. Thanks for sharing. If it makes you happy - and it doesn't break your back or your wallet then no harm no foul I say. Glad you found something you enjoy. That is the point. To not be chasing gear all the time.... and forget playing!
  24. FPFL

    Caution...bit by the Beta...

    I wouldn't know what to do with even half the horsepower of a 9 into a III. I'd love to see what your combined presets look like OP.
  25. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    That's In, Out and 12 shunts, you have to count those. Try it with just an I/O and no extra shunts. All my 5.x presets work fine fwiw.
  26. FPFL

    FM9 Case?

    Sold my Helix Floor a long time ago... but have a Helix Floor bag still. Those things are great for the FM9. I'm not flying with it, just driving to practice and gigs. Love the pockets, the padding and the carry handles and straps. Expensive but well made.
  27. FPFL

    JS410: A New Favorite in v6

    I much prefer this new one. A great model!
  28. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    The 5150 Stealth is wonderful! I run the gain on 2.5 b/c it's crazy hot. I love the feel thru a greenback or greenback/v30 blend. I'm rehearsing thru an EV floor wedge and I get a huge sound without being utterly deafening.
  29. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    Gapless question. Sorry if it's a repeat. Is there any reason not to use gapless? Does it eat some CPU? I can see there are options within gapless, all vs scenes... I welcome any thoughts.
  30. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.01

    Yes, and I'm ever less interested in non-vendor specific forums.
  31. FPFL

    EV PXM-12MP vs Atomic CLR Neo

    I have had a non-neo CLR for years, and just got an EV. Both sound great. Both are miles ahead of a lot of the repurposed PA speakers I see folks using for cheap. Differences? I think the CLR is more neutral out of the box. To be clear I'm not measuring. This is ear only testing to reference...
  32. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.01

    24.04 looks pretty minor, as one would expect from a +.01 update. No biggie. Private Beta will be Beta soon here.
  33. FPFL

    EL34 tubes for Rectifier

    Anyone here actually play a Badlander? Never tried one in the real world. Seemed like a good idea.
  34. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.01

    I also have an AF3 and while I don't do every single beta, I've never, ever had a work stopping level problem with any production release, ever. Same was true with my AF2 and AF1. A lot of the bugs in prod releases are tweaks of values and of responses - not stability fixes fwiw. I've never had...
  35. FPFL


    Yes, but why bother lugging all that gear?
  36. FPFL

    Fryette D60 More not enough gain?

    I played a D60 for a couple of my busiest years gigging live. It was the driest classic rock to metal amp I ever played. I didn't have a loop on mine so there wasn't even any reverb or delay to smooth anything out day to day. The Deliverance highlighted and punished me for sloppiness or poor...
  37. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.01

    I think he was just late to 5.01. No biggie.
  38. FPFL

    Anti-Fatigue Mat

    I wear a brand with a funny name around the house for the same reasons; they are the "recovery sandals" Built for runners but useful for anyone whose feet, and especially heels, need a break. Not affiliated at all, just like them.
  39. FPFL

    Marshall JCM and JVM Presets

    The JVM is a gainier and more modern to me than the JCM. I think the stock presets are a great jumping off point but do need some tweaking for each rig. What are they missing or needing to be good for you?
  40. FPFL

    Anti-Fatigue Mat

    Before you mess with mats, do you have the best shoes/sneakers on?
  41. FPFL


    The reality picture is why I have an FM9. I'm not a rock star. No one is carrying my stuff and wiring my rig for me.
  42. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.01

    I don't think so. Santa travels with an FM9T I'd wager. The III stays racked up with the Elves making toys.
  43. FPFL

    Low vs High Output Pickups

    You are all fancier than me - I name presets after the guitar I dialed them in with and other relevant choices e.g. Suhr Marshall Greenback Ibanez EVH Stereo
  44. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.01

    As much as I want the update, and I want the amps even more than the switching, we have to remember Hetfield, as in James from Metallica, did some travel gigs with.... the now retired Fractal AX8. I just love the feel of the new JS410 and am also hella curious to try the EVH Stealth thru my...
  45. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.01

    It is annoying to see the III get another beta ahead of anything for the 9. I have both a III and a 9 but I don't gig the III. I know what I'm missing! ;)
  46. FPFL

    DynaCab Package workflow/ How to install to FM9?

    Yes and sorta. Yes more storage would be welcome I agree. The sorta is that it thay SD Card specifically is limited to only certain things. Why? SD Cards are slow compared to inline storage - e.g. cards are fine for mp3s on your phone, but not for the operating system or latency sensitive user...
  47. FPFL

    Using the FM9 I have noticed a tonal issue.

    "Please stop calling me Shirley" (Leslie Nielsen reference anyone?) And yes it says April Fools in the video title.
  48. FPFL

    Using the FM9 I have noticed a tonal issue.

    This person may just be struggling to explaining themselves. Fwiw an audio clip is there if you swap in 'https' at the beginning; you can hear a tone shift for sure. Is it really changing pages on the interface? I struggle to believe it, but I'll go try it on my FM9T just for fun. In the...
  49. FPFL

    Model Similar to Friedman IR-X Ch1?

    I own this pack. It is a great 4x12 sound and I too love the 103. Never tried to match them, but if you like one, you'll like the other I'd wager.
  50. FPFL

    Model Similar to Friedman IR-X Ch1?

    What @strabes said is wisdom. It will also make matching the pieces easier. IMHO the IR is the more important piece than the exact amp settings.
  51. FPFL

    Ground lift switch question

    Yes the noise can be so bad it overwhelms (effectively muting) everything else - including the band; I was being a bit cute and not 100% literal. It's well beyond a background hum or 'under the sound' as a lot noise is, this was the point I was making.
  52. FPFL

    Ground lift switch question

    It's me messing with the root word squelch.... If you used old school radio equipment in noisier spaces you'll know what I mean, adjusting the squelch.
  53. FPFL

    Ground lift switch question

    Thanks folks. Appreciate the ideas and the humor! Couple, three things... This was not 60 cycle hum. Way squelchier and louder than that too. Yes, this is a practice space, not my house - I can't do much work to the walls, power etc. At best I could swap out an outlet b/c they'd probably not...
  54. FPFL

    Ian Thornley (Big Wreck) Axe-Fx III

    Saw them on the 7.3 tour, on the east coast leg earlier this year. Great show. Great set. Great crowd. I love the vibe of smaller places, but damn they should be playing bigger places.
  55. FPFL

    Ian Thornley (Big Wreck) Axe-Fx III

    Got the new BW CD in the mail today. Deliberately ignored the initial streaming release, wanted to hear it the first time as they intended, we'll see how it's mastered. Very glad to see them on team Fractal!
  56. FPFL

    Ground lift switch question

    Does having the ground switch in or out impact any sound or feel of playing? Very related but not the same question - I was at a practice space with really bad noise problems and I had to gate the @#$% out of my 9 to be able to play. I hate to do that b/c it chokes off notes if you want...
  57. FPFL

    5150 Presence Knob

    For the record I will ALWAYS prefer literally everything to be ideal vs authentic. Why recreate the problems?I am baffled by this. The amps exist. If you want them and their problems go get them. I want to move onward and upward with a new, better platform. Also - I want more FAS Amps if this...
  58. FPFL

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.04 Release

    Nice, I was always most interested in the EL34 EVH, as it seemed it might be a bridge between his original and later tones. I wonder if virtually switching the tubes in the stealth to EL34 could get you a bit closer?
  59. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 3.00 public beta 1

    Yes, this is general rule for any audio rig in my experience, not vendor specific. You need the external clock source to be up and running for the sound card to work as designed. I use my AF3 as the clock when I'm recording via SPDIF. When the AF3 isn't needed I turn it off and switch the...
  60. FPFL


    Speaking of atypical rigs, I have been doing a Orange Pedal Power/1x12 Creamback cab and an EV PXM 12" FRFR for stereo. This is easy to do in any Fractal of course, left with IR and right without, and it means something for tone, feel and dispersion of signal. - half my cab tone is the IR...
  61. FPFL


    @Deadpool_25 I 100% agree stereo vs d/m/d is clearly, audibly different. It's fun at a practice space or at home. I also don't think it's worth it (or even wise) for shows unless you are at the Van Halen level of roadies and sound engineers to support your habit. Stereo for guitars is a big...
  62. FPFL


    Stereo. A lot of W/D/W was driven by how awful the bypass and signal path was on the old school, complex rigs. Your core tone was getting so stomped on you wanted one clean signal path for that sweet amp tone to sing. We don't have that problem today in Fractal.
  63. FPFL

    Axe-Edit Linux version

    I'll say it again. Run a VM, Wine, etc. I'm no Linux hater, but it's just not getting over for audio the same way it did for high-res batch video work. There's a good reason blender and others support linux, it has to do with scale, not so much open source ideals.
  64. FPFL

    Nobody has the courage to ask. I'll be the one to do it!

    You must be new. They never tell us dates in advance. I too am excited and I'd wager it will be in beta before too long.
  65. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.01

    Hoping for that FW6 beta for the holiday weekend! ;)
  66. FPFL

    Turning your FM9 on and off mutiple times a day or leaving it on all day?

    This "flat fee" is a short term thing. As a former condo landlord I can tell you that eventually the cost will be mirrored to the association in increases. The advantage of the association is that is averaged out, but it isn't magic.
  67. FPFL

    Daw eq as an IR?

    Are you really going crazy specific with EQ that just making it in your Fractal would be hard? Seems like more work than just dialing in EQ on your Fractal or with the editor. I'd would encourage you to look at acoustic guitar specific IRs if you haven't. Could be a real time saver and tone...
  68. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.01

    Until Fractal chimes in I won't believe anything is firmware related. G66 is a reseller, not a co-developer.
  69. FPFL

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.01

    Firmware 23 is final for the III, so I'd wager the egg timer on some FM improvements has started! Honestly, I just love the new production Satch amp. It's the thing I'm most excited for. Gapless option would be nice too.
  70. FPFL

    Finally copyied the Boss HM-2 accurately!

    Our boy in Floyd had an HM-2. I'm 100% not a scholar on every pedal he ever used, but it was on his board. There are photos floating around. As someone who owns an HM-2w I can tell you it's not just a Swedish Chainsaw machine. The EQ is interesting and not ordinary. With the gain rolled back it...
  71. FPFL

    PRS out-Mesa'd Mesa Boogie PRS MT-100

    This is key, they really do play as a unit. Critiquing his tone outside that "designed to pair" context is unhelpful. Even in his solo band he's got another guitar player. Mark has a relentless right hand with a well controlled technique, great for all kinds of metal, and he's as good as the...
  72. FPFL

    PRS out-Mesa'd Mesa Boogie PRS MT-100

    I've only seen his solo band live, but while scooped it's not a flabby mess either. Tremonti is what you get when you take a kid with thrash instincts and raise him in the time of nu-metal. He goes bigger on the low end than a pure thrash guy, but still wants clank on the top end and certainly...
  73. FPFL

    DAW choice to use with Afx3

    They all work, but I like Reason. Reaper is an unbeatable cross-platform value and GarageBand is also a great place to start.
  74. FPFL

    JS410...all the colors

    @2112 / Leon was totally right about the new JS410 - that new Lead Orange Chanel is -chef's kiss- and I had no use for the OG JS pre-beta.
  75. FPFL

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #1

    Joe's original amp was a mess to me. I don't play a guitar like his nor do I prefer his fav cabs. I had no use for it. Love the Cameron on the other hand!
  76. FPFL

    Wish ADA MP-1

    I think that they are difficult to find in working order has become part of the appeal for some. There was a time they could barely give them away. I remember seeing them in clearance racks at GC.
  77. FPFL

    Fletcher Munson curve - EQ solution for different volume playing

    Playing loud usually means playing live with other people - so for me a simple EQ adjustment is rarely enough. Fletcher is a big factor, but so is the sometimes elusive "sitting in the mix". For me I've been living with this challenge for a long time. My live presets (versus solo home practice...
  78. FPFL

    Thinking of Switching from VHT 2:90:2 to Solid State

    if you are going to A/B the two power amps, make sure to have a decibel meter and use the looper for the playing. versus playing in real time. IME, much of the "tube sounds better" mindset is driven from people uderpowering the comparison, giving the SS rig fewer decibels of push. I've also run...
  79. FPFL

    FM9 & Sennheiser HD 650 Headphones

    Also, if you want a GREAT VALUE pair of grab and go headphones that turned tightly to the Harman target I highly recommend getting a pair of AKG K371 ($149) Mixing an album with the band spread out all over the place, we used these as a shared point of reference. It worked well. I keep a pair...
  80. FPFL

    FM9 & Sennheiser HD 650 Headphones

    I will break from the pack and tell you these are among my least favorite mid-fi headphones for modelers. Why? I don't like the 600 series veiled high-end. They are pleasant for long musical listens where you don't want fatigue, but I get a subtle blanket over the speaker feeling from the...
  81. FPFL

    Kirk Hammett On Rick Beato (Fractal content)

    I strongly agree. I think he's the #1 reason they are still an active band. The calming agent between James and Lars.
  82. FPFL

    Dyna-cab, general consensus is that they're "better" than legacy?

    To expand on the above, well made point, a lot of our favorite IRs are mic blends, and that is an art unto itself. It's why they sound so different and generally much darker - versus where you initially start with dyna-cabs. Some of those IRs have shelving baked in too, depends on the vendor /...
  83. FPFL

    Wish ADA MP-1

  84. FPFL

    Fm9 Non responsive

    I just had a working but silent FM9 at boot problem for the first time ever. I'm on the beta though, so I don't consider it a legit problem. I've never had any problem with a non-beta. No fractal has ever failed me on production code, literally ever in over a decade.
  85. FPFL

    Wish ADA MP-1

    Was the MP-2 not a better MP-1? Never had either, and I know the 1 was the famous unit, but to a poor kid at the time the 2 looked like an upgrade. Why does no one gush for it?
  86. FPFL

    Live woes- two guitar band and cutting through the mix

    This is so often a real root problem, understanding EQ as a band and tweaking as necessary to all fit in without anyone disappearing. It's not easy, but it's so important and it can be learned with trial and error. It takes a band that thinks like a band vs a collection of egos. : ) I said it...
  87. FPFL

    Just bought some EV PXM - 12MP’s

    Got to crank my EV up last night and try monitor1 vs 2. M1 doesn't need a bass cut, but has a honky peak somewhere in the mid, my ears tells me. I was looking for if my wah was on at times. I'm deliberately not looking at graphs first. I'll do that now to see if my ears guessed correctly. This...
  88. FPFL

    Just bought some EV PXM - 12MP’s

    This is not a you / guitar problem, it's a tough love for the drummer problem. How much can you appreciate differences in gear next to a cave man drummer? You can't. No one can. The drummer needs to make some changes if his style is that one dimensional. Of course he could play differently, but...
  89. FPFL

    Just bought some EV PXM - 12MP’s

    Thank you Greg. I appreciate your experience sharing. I've not tried either at high decibels yet so I was only suspecting on 1 vs 2. I'll bet your advice is well taken and I'll try that when I'm next to real live drums. I suspect that my patches as is are too bassy for this good FRFR and I...
  90. FPFL

    Just bought some EV PXM - 12MP’s

    I haven't had a chance to let it kick yet at band practice yet. What I can say for sure, yes it's surprisingly light and easy to move! The interface is easy to use. At low volumes it sounds clean and clear. No noise, no hiss or hum. Monitor2 is indeed a chunk more bass than Monitor1...
  91. FPFL

    Dyna Cabs...why don't I get it?

    That's what we already have with static IRs. Ideal placement of mics to a cab with an easy way to audition different ones. If folks can't find what something they like by moving mics around, then dyna maybe wasn't useful for some in the first place. The joy of dyna is exactly that, a new kind...
  92. FPFL

    Atomic CLR First Time at Rehearsal

    I can't dial anything in 100% in advance b/c the room makes as much difference as the speakers, so even if you dialed it in loud in your practice space with the exact band, its not the room you are playing in. This is why being able to make quick, on the fly adjustments to EQ and Reverb FX (if...
  93. FPFL

    Just bought some EV PXM - 12MP’s

    Thanks to these threads I joined the PXM club. Haven't unboxed yet. Looking forward to it with the FM9 beta!
  94. FPFL

    AXE-FX II vs FM 9

    FM9 is the sweet spot of the entire Fractal line IMHO. More power you'll likely ever use, great form factor, and the latest and best modeling and effects possible in an all in one.
  95. FPFL

    Just bought some EV PXM - 12MP’s

    Question - if I wanted to run two different instruments out of one EV PXM, specifically a keyboard and a guitar, has anyone tried that? I wouldn't often be playing both at once, maybe with a looper if I ever get my timing tight. I'm not Geddy! : ) I'm wondering if Monitor 2 would work as a...
  96. FPFL

    3rd party Dyna-Cab packs = Axe IV is coming?

    Even if a new one came out tomorrow, what would it do? Unless it has a 'talent enhancer" or a "free time creator" it wouldn't do me any good. I rarely get mine above 50% CPU as it is.
  97. FPFL

    Welcome DAVE MURRAY of IRON MAIDEN to the Fractal Audio Artist Roster

    YES he must convince Adrian! "JOIN US... JOIN US...." I played Adrian in a Maiden tribute band for a couple years. So much fun!
  98. FPFL

    Iron Maiden Dave Murray

    and Dave finally goes stainless steel frets too? Awesome. Two great leaps of progress in one. Maybe Fender will start offering SS frets on non-custom shop models soon?
  99. FPFL

    Can Dynacab functionality be used with front panel only?

    and better yet its fast - like most front panel things are once you get the hang of it.
  100. FPFL

    Playing a real amp after a long break…

    My amps collect dust. I have some nice ones too but selling them has proven emotionally challenging. : ) The issue is volume. They aren't better or worse, just different - but they are stupidly loud and easier to get wrong in a quick setup and tear down. Stupidly loud and more complicated to...
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