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  • Users: Rane
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  1. Rane

    This is just EPIC.

    Surprisingly, considering how many young vocalists can't pull off a decent live performance, this video from 2007 seems to suggest that he is capable of sounding great live without help...
  2. Rane

    Feedback Simulator

    Awesome! I remember an older preset someone on here had put together that simulated feedback, but worked automatically. The trouble I always had with it was that it wouldn't allow me to pick lightly on anything. If I didn't pick at least moderately hard, it would go into feedback mode. It...
  3. Rane

    Election day.....

    Totally agree. It's like both sides have some kind of need to believe the other is a demon. It's not enough for someone to just be wrong, they have to be evil.
  4. Rane

    Election day.....

    Ugh. This is my first time voting. I can't stand it. I quite listening to/reading anything political a couple years ago. I can't stand the whole atmosphere that surrounds all of it. Be it the constant divisive, angry arguments, the corruption and deception: I can't stand any of it. I got...
  5. Rane

    DIY Coaxial FRFR?

    LOL Didn't see that one. Thanks for the link! Sorry for redundant thread.
  6. Rane

    DIY Coaxial FRFR?

    Hey, I found this article on the web and wondered if what they're suggesting is a viable solution: Using coaxial products for DIY monitors and home hi-fi applications | Eminence Speaker I believe there was another thread on here where it was said that one of the problems would be in...
  7. Rane

    Just recieved my axe fx 2 - help!

    Have you tried turning down the master volume in the amp block? EDIT: Also, see this thread:
  8. Rane

    Tuner: do you want the magic ball removed?

    I thought the tuner was pretty intuitive as well. I think I read someone say that you just tune until the thing stop rotating, and that was all I needed to know. I'd definitely miss the thing if it was gone. I find that it's reassuring just to look over there when you've just about got it...
  9. Rane

    Wake The Earth - Original Intrumental

    Nothing mind-blowing. I'm not much of a shredder, but I try to make up for it with good phrasing. I think there's a couple off notes toward the end there. Should have fixed 'em, but I was getting impatient.
  10. Rane

    Line 6 Feelin' The Heat...

    I found this article on Thought it was kinda' interesting: Line 6 News - Fear Factory’s Dino Cazares Interview It's an interview with a guitarist from Fear Factory (a band I'd never heard of) who uses the POD HD. They asked him about "other high-end processing systems," and...
  11. Rane

    Considering an Axe-FX II

    I think neither a keyboard amp or the Tech21 thing are ideal. A powered speaker is going to allow you to get the most out of the Axe II's features. The EV ELX112P and QSC K12 are both great units that you might want to take a look at. The other common setup is a SS power amp and a regular...
  12. Rane


    Lord of the Rings Band of Brothers Gladiator The Matrix Tron (the newest one)
  13. Rane

    Does anybody else get screeching and glitches screens with the Axe FX II?

    Happened to me once as well. Only seems to happen when plugged into Axe Edit.
  14. Rane


    Yeah, I noticed the increase in "fizz" too. I love it. The increased fizz is absolutely consistent with my real tube amp. That said, I was messing with v6 parameters in an older version of Axe-Edit (I don't update often) and I noticed that the "Power Tube Gain" parameter (which doesn't seem...
  15. Rane

    AXEII or Kemper - Need hear these TM's to decide which to get

    Buy the AxeFx II. If you don't love it, sell it for profit. :) The Kemper won't tone-match a recording anyway, will it? Plus it's ugly. >.>
  16. Rane

    Which Knobs Do You -Actually- Use?

    Thanks for the responses, guys. Quite interesting actually. I was talking to my brother about this and he too mentioned that he thought single coil pups seemed to benefit more from the tone knob. I was surprised to see that the consensus here seems to be the same. Never seen a push/push...
  17. Rane

    MFC's pretty expensive

    ... Yeah, even Chinese stuff isn't free.
  18. Rane

    MFC's pretty expensive

    ^This. I don't think the OP realizes that high-end professional equipment costs money. So far as I know, there's only about three other midi controllers in the world that can match the MFC's features. Two of which are more expensive. I don't understand why the OP keeps arguing the point...
  19. Rane

    MFC's pretty expensive

    I don't think any of these responses could be considered a "rinsing" of the OP. Unless you're unreasonably sensitive. The facts are the facts. You're getting waaay more features than most other controllers at a price that is not even more expensive than some of them. Other controllers with...
  20. Rane

    Which Knobs Do You -Actually- Use?

    We've all seen those guitars with twenty switches, ten knobs and five pickups. Perhaps even drooled longingly over 'em. But here's my question: do you guys actually use all the knobs on your guitar? I don't. I use the volume knob to adjust gain, and the pickup switch. I don't use the...
  21. Rane

    Carvin advertising the Axe-Fx

    Am I the only one that finds the new Legacy to be incredibly ugly?
  22. Rane

    Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 4.01 Up

    Thank you Cliff!! :)
  23. Rane

    High end this normal?

    This. I've tried EQing out fizz before. It doesn't sound good. FWIW, my tube amp makes high end fizz also... more so than its Axe Fx equivalent. The tunnel vision hearing thing is true also, it's all too easy to pick out a frequency and be like "what is that??" Bias plays a significant part...
  24. Rane

    MIDI Keyboard thru Axe-FX?

    I had the same problem when trying to use it as an interface for my keyboard. My keyboard is really old so I kinda' thought the keyboard might be the issue, but never tried another keyboard to verify. Would love to find a solution to get it to actually work, or at least a definite as to...
  25. Rane

    3.02 Im over the HUmp and doin great!

    Analogies are cool and all, but they do have their limit... The whole point of the Axe Fx is tone. I don't believe there is a way to extend tonal functionality without affecting tone. You really can't compare two completely different industries and expect that they should function similarly...
  26. Rane

    Look what crept out of an old box.....

    ... Amazing how easy it is now with YouTube, online articles, forums, etc. There's no shortage of information and instruction. I only dimly remember the end of the cassette tape era, but I do remember when I first saw a video online. Had to wait about fifteen minutes for it to load, and we...
  27. Rane

    EverTune Guitar Bridge - Anyone Seen This Before?

    I was looking at Gibson Robot guitars and came across this: EverTune® | Keep Your Guitar in Tune Forever It maintains string intonation after it's set. Costs $330. Lot of money for just a bridge, but an interesting option, nonetheless.
  28. Rane

    General questions about AxFxII

    I think I read somewhere that the latency was the equivalent of standing two feet away from a speaker... so, yeah, it's not noticeable.
  29. Rane

    Tweakin' with v3.0

    Interesting what you said about the amp voicing parameter. I thought it was just an "on the fly" EQ kind of thing. I haven't messed with it much yet. You think it does stuff that regular EQ can't or is it just a convenience thing?
  30. Rane

    Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 3.00 Up

    Turn it off. *Edit* *Bypass* Done. Seriously, though, I find that pretty much every preset need some tweaking here or there. Few people have the same taste, even in the same genre. Personally, I wouldn't consider settings inconsistent with personal taste cause for a gripe at all. :)
  31. Rane

    Eleven Rack + MFC 101

    Ohh, so you're behind the Stuxnet virus. They said only a national power could have the resources to design such a virus... But, then, they also said tube tone could never be achieved with a modeler. lol :D
  32. Rane

    Thank You Veterans!!!!

    Might I suggest that it was other nations/people losing their lives that made it possible for your country, Sweden, to stay neutral during WWII. Hitler certainly made no effort to honor the pleas for neutrality by other nations. Do you think he would have ultimately been so kind to Sweden had...
  33. Rane

    Thank You Veterans!!!!

    Perhaps you'd like to see what would happen if we had all the peace-keeping nations dissolve their military and let you take care of yourself? I'd imagine you'd have stockpile of guns very soon thereafter... either that, or you'd be dead. It's easy to talk about the "proper" ways to attain...
  34. Rane

    Nearfield monitor article

    Thanks for posting. I'm still learning a lot of this stuff, so I love reading articles like this. :)
  35. Rane

    TC Electronic: How They've Furthered My Respect for Fractal

    lol Yeah, it's actually fairly likely that you'd see a few of these guys at a show... a tank, not so much.
  36. Rane

    TC Electronic: How They've Furthered My Respect for Fractal

    I was looking around on TC Electronic's Facebook page the other day, and someone had linked this video demonstrating the durability of the flagship G-System unit. Take a look: EDIT: I don't know if it's just me who can't get the embeded video working, but here's a regular link: TC...
  37. Rane

    Fractal Audio latest Tweet ... 3.0 Right Around the Corner........

    I agree that there some things that are certainly worth breaking out the editor for. I just think that for general editing/messing around, the front panel is intuitive and plenty easy to use. I think a lot of it comes down to what your needs are. Currently, I only really use about three or...
  38. Rane

    Fractal Audio latest Tweet ... 3.0 Right Around the Corner........

    Same here. I tried Axe Edit a few times and I just didn't find it necessary. Using the front panel is just as easy, if not more so. Plus you don't have to connect extra wires and wait for your computer to boot up (which is worse than waiting for a tube amp to warm up).
  39. Rane

    Axe FX II Very Nice, But the Fan Noise is Going to Make My Head Explode

    Take a look at this thread: Also, if you don't feel like digging through the whole thread, this is probably the most helpful post:
  40. Rane

    side topic from Cliff's interview

    I've spent (wasted) a lot of time researching this stuff as well... I've seen a bunch of attempts at this stuff that failed. I've seen guys with "working" stuff that was all fake. I've seen stuff that was supposed to work and be on the market within months, yet never anything. I've seen...
  41. Rane

    FAS Modern

    For real? LOL Spammer trying to sell ladies hand bags on a guitar audio forum? Yeah. Everyone here's gonna' want one of those. -_-' One Topic: I think that one's Fractal's own design. I'm sure it has elements based on other amps, but I've never read anything specific. Perhaps someone else...
  42. Rane

    TubeAmp vs AxeUltra = my test

    I think the second half is the real amp.
  43. Rane

    Waiting - pull from worried about 3.0 thread

    Well of course, I'm not talking about ignoring customer feedback. Feedback is a huge part of any company (though some ignore it). I'm talking more along the lines of "don't let people see you sweat." If handled carefully, I think you can have the benefit of an involved and dedicated community...
  44. Rane

    Waiting - pull from worried about 3.0 thread

    From a business perspective, I often wonder if it's such a good thing for Cliff to be so available for just anyone to contact. On one hand it's cool to have the CEO of a company respond personally to ideas/questions, but I wonder if, in the long run, it's such a good thing to have a CEO so...
  45. Rane

    Just got AxeII... wow, fan noise.

    Yeah, I have a similar Radio Shack meter, and when measuring from around a half an inch from the Axe, it also reads about 54 db. ... FWIW Now that I'm actually listening for the fan noise, it's not as quiet as I thought it was. But, like I said, I don't really notice it.
  46. Rane

    Just got AxeII... wow, fan noise.

    LOL Naw, that's not it. I'm very protective when it comes to my hearing. My friends mock me for wearing earplugs to shows. That's one thing that's nice about the Axe Fx: you don't have to crank it to get good tone.
  47. Rane

    Just got AxeII... wow, fan noise.

    This. My Recto was way louder than my Axe II, so to me the fan is quiet. I've never noticed any of the fan revving that some speak of, and I almost never even notice the fan. Honestly, even if it was sitting on the desk next to me (and it has been), I wouldn't really notice it. I really...
  48. Rane

    Strongly Considering an Axe-FX 2. Sell it to me

    Yeah, regarding the "get one used" thing: the "used" ones on ebay sell for more than a new one does. Cheaper to get one new.
  49. Rane

    Ultra Busted in Shipping (front panel buttons)

    Hey, hp, any way you could post a pic of the repaired unit? Just out of curiosity. :D And, wow, Web kinda' making an issue out of nothing, wouldn't you say? I've always denied requests to ship internationally, but that doesn't mean there's only one way. Good advice is fine, I don't see...
  50. Rane

    [Wiki] Close-miked tone versus amp-in-the-room tone

    Press layout on the preset you're editing --> find the cab block --> press edit. Cab and mic types are on page one, and the room ambiance controls are on page two.
  51. Rane

    If the 2.0 firmware sounds bad, check your cab size

    LOL I can imagine how that sounded. The cab size parameter can definitely make a patch sound real bad, real fast. :D
  52. Rane

    Talk Me Off The Ledge!

    Totally agree on this one. I've been noticing this more and more since I got my Axe Fx. It's not so bad when you're playing only one style, but when you're going for, say, a vintage Marshall lead, and your guitar is geared toward a more modern metal sound, you tend to find that there's always...
  53. Rane

    Having Problems with feedback when playing live MARK DAY PATCH...

    Could this have something to do with poor shielding on the guitar? Perhaps some other issue with wiring in the guitar? One of my guitars does this as well, but it has no shielding in it and the wiring is kinda' haphazard (haven't gotten around to fixing it just yet). My other guitars don't...
  54. Rane

    Poll/Which FRFR to get.

    Verve 12ma would probably fit in that list, as well as the EV Live X ELX112P, and perhaps JBL PRX612m. I've actually tried none of these. I'm in the market as well and am also wondering which to go with. :)
  55. Rane

    Axe FX II Question

    Live, I think direct to PA is always the best solution. A mic'ed guitar cab isn't going to sound any better (perhaps worse) than the Axe Fx direct anyway. Personally, I'll run though my cab when I'm playing at home, and though the PA when I'm playing live. I have yet to try mine through a...
  56. Rane


    Hmmm... I like the price on the EVs. I was reading reviews elsewhere and there seems to be a host of differing opinions as to which is better (QSC or Live X). Their Tour X series doesn't seem to have powered models.
  57. Rane


    +1 on what Mikey said. Really no reason to buy the Axe II if all you want is effects. The Standard and Ultra units are pretty much there as far as effects go. The primary (though not the only) selling point of the II is the modeling. I'd look over the features of both units and decide what...
  58. Rane

    My attempt at Killswitch Engage's "My Curse" tone (RedWire)

    Sorry, dude. We're talking about an effects processor for guitar. You might have better luck on a computer forum, but even then I don't think they'd be familiar enough with those types of systems to help you. Don't know if they have forums for credit card readers. lol You might get lucky on...
  59. Rane

    Ethercon for the MFC 101 - The missing link

    Beautiful work! No one would ever guess it wasn't original.
  60. Rane

    UPS - I've had stuff delivered on Saturdays in the past...

    Yeah, I've pretty much come to accept that when I order something online, there's gonna' be that annoying two days where you know your item is just sitting somewhere. Seems like it's always the day before it would have been delivered, too. Think of it as a good way to develop patience. My Axe...
  61. Rane

    Post Your Rig!

    Dude, that rig is beautiful. :D
  62. Rane

    Ultra or II

    From what I read, the Axe II amp models sound and feels better and more realistic than the Ultra did. To me, that reason enough to wait for the II.
  63. Rane

    Axe-FX II - nice but gone like the wind

    I'm somewhere in the middle. Ultimately, I'm the one who has to live with my tone, so when it comes to me hearing my tone, I'll invest a little more into making it sound it's best - even if I'm the only one who hears the difference. As far as the audience goes, I think they're needs are...
  64. Rane

    Chinese Knock-off Earphones ...

    LOL Yeah, it's that first one that I really don't like. I always want everything to be cheap and awesome. Oh well. Perhaps I'll just have to cough up 70 or so bucks and buy something worthwhile. Anyone have any earphones that they'd recommend?
  65. Rane

    Chinese Knock-off Earphones ...

    Hey guys, I actually posted a thread about this in another forum, but haven't gotten a response, so I figured I'd post here as well. Anyway, I almost bought a pair of Sony headphones on ebay a few weeks ago, but ended of realizing they were Chinese fakes. I'd been looking for a decent pair of...
  66. Rane

    SO....I Totally Stumped an Anti-Digital Guitarist!!!!

    Seems like it would be possible to add some mic-pre models to Axe, wouldn't it? It would be awesome if it had that capability as well, especially if it were up to par with some of the ultra high-end pre's. It sure would make the Axe just that much more worthwhile... and in a whole other subset...
  67. Rane

    Axe II amp models. Which have G2 modelling, which are ported from Ultra?

    Yeah, I vaguely remember this too. I can't remember exactly what the context was, but I think it was a specific model he was talking about the possibility of just porting over, and I don't think he even ended up doing it. Don't know what thread it was.
  68. Rane

    I really don't mean to ask about

    Yep, I don't think anyone that signed up on the 20th has received theirs yet. I made it in on the 19th only about three hours after the list was posted and I'm 105 or so on the unofficial list (about 40 or so out, now). Take a look at this thread...
  69. Rane

    to buy or not to buy........

    Outside looking in, it's easy to point out all the faults. We're so used to massive companies with limitless resources who can hire an 'expert' for every little need. Guess what? It doesn't always work that way. You're looking a small group of people supplying the entire world with a device...
  70. Rane

    Will I ditch my ENGL Invader for an Ultra

    +1 on this. The only added feature of the Ultra is more memory to accommodate more complex rigs and effects (plus some added effect types). Sonically, the Standard is exactly the same, and it'll save you a little money.
  71. Rane

    Did the Axe II get new knobs?

    Interesting... Good eye. I do like the look of the bigger knobs better. Not that it really matters.
  72. Rane

    Side-by-side recordings of Axe II and tube amp(s) it emulates?

    First amendment does not apply to every person in every situation. In this case Fractal and those who operate under their authority are one's with the rights. This site is owned by Fractal, not you. Deciding where your post should be placed is their right, not yours. If you want free reign...
  73. Rane

    When a Troll leaves the Basement...

    That's what I thought at first too, but no. It's legit. ... Speaking of overdubs, though, how about Metalica playing the Power Ranger's theme?
  74. Rane

    When a Troll leaves the Basement...

    Yeah, I've never even heard of that effect before. Kinda' made that solo sound like a dying cat. I don't doubt that it might have some good uses, though.
  75. Rane

    When a Troll leaves the Basement...

    Did anyone happen to see this after watching the above video? Gracious. -_-
  76. Rane

    8-string guitars, please explain how it works in metal?

    This makes sense. Personally, (and I like the djent stuff) past a certain point and I think the guitar just doesn't sound good anymore, but there are those occasional times when I'm playing around with a progression and I get to the nut and I'm like "Crud! I'm out of fret-board, and the chord...
  77. Rane

    Pitch shift latency

    Yeah, it would be awesome. By 'sound and feel like it's in standard tuning' you basically mean string tension, right? Personally, when I down-tune a guitar I always run thicker strings to compensate. Doing that, I've never had any problems with my guitar sound. Obviously, it's not as...
  78. Rane

    FRACTAL WORLDWIDE is at it again on Ebay with an AXEFX 2 !!! $3,999

    Four thousand dollars? The guy's taking advantage. I just hope no one buys it.
  79. Rane

    The problem / the solution

    Personally, I think I might just wait a month and see if things have died down somewhat. Maybe by then we'll have a whole thirty minutes to try and snag one. :P As far as the whole "Fractal's business model" debate goes, I don't really care. Sure, I might do a few things differently, but I...
  80. Rane

    Fractal says "SOLD OUT"...but what does that mean?

    That's exactly what I was wondering. I'd be nice to know for sure, so we can go do something else for a few weeks.
  81. Rane

    Axe fx 2 highgain clip request

    LOL Let me re-phrase: not the heaviest of metal.
  82. Rane

    Axe fx 2 highgain clip request

    KsE fan makes an interesting point. I think a lot of guys looking for "high-gain" are not just looking for the tone, but the playing style as well. Just because you hit the high-gain switch doesn't suddenly make it heavy metal. I've used my "metal" settings for worship on Sunday. It didn't...
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