The problem / the solution

Cliff anounced a new product and let everyone believe they could have it. At the same time he told his current customers that have spent $2000 that there product was mature and not worthy of significant firmware upgrades anymore, that focus will be shifted to new product.

On the other hand Cliff has worked his ass off on the Axe II.

There are no perfect people, we have all made our share of mistakes on both sides of the fence here..... Some here are overly cynical and negative, while others are #1 ass sniffers. so ALL please stop and deal with reality. I do want an Axe II because I think its the best unit available, but if a competetor pops up with a similar product I wonder how loyal all the Fractal fans will remain after all this?
I hope to get an Axe II and have been glued to this forum since the countdown started, but I do work, have a life and don't have time to play childish games to get one. Please fix this Cliff?
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Personally, I think I might just wait a month and see if things have died down somewhat. Maybe by then we'll have a whole thirty minutes to try and snag one. :p

As far as the whole "Fractal's business model" debate goes, I don't really care. Sure, I might do a few things differently, but I honestly don't think there's a perfect way.

I do wish Fractal would communicate a little better. I know they're busy, perhaps even more busy than we know, but it would really be nice not to have to dig through all the forum posts to find information. Perhaps it's something they could improve upon in the future.

Overall, I'm just glad Fractal has put so much effort into make such a quality product available. If it takes a little while to get one, I don't mind. I'm just really excited that there are such amazing options available now.

Just my two cents.
I do wish Fractal would communicate a little better. I know they're busy, perhaps even more busy than we know, but it would really be nice not to have to dig through all the forum posts to find information. Perhaps it's something they could improve upon in the future.

Just my two cents.

Cliff has been posting more info on the gear page than he has here. I don't care for this and hope it changes. :(
Cliff has been posting more info on the gear page than he has here.

I wonder why.

It was interesting the whole Tone Merchants announcement was on another board as well. Why would they not post it here which is THE forum for the Axe-FX? Am I reading too much into it? Do they assume that everybody here already wants one? Do they think there is a potential bigger pool of future customers on the other boards. Or does it have to do with a few bad apples spoiling the bunch here?

You missed my point entirely.

No, I got your point but I think we disagree on perspective. I don't think Cliff's business is to take forum feedback and make it so. Nowhere is it writ that Cliff has to read/listen to/consider/incorporate ideas from users especially about aspects of his business that have nothing to do with the product itself. I believe people should stop getting bent out of shape because Cliff doesn't take the time to respond in a customer-friendly corporate tone to everyone's ideas or to use them. People aren't just posting suggestions, they're posting nasty comments from up on a high horse they have no right to be on.

That being said, even I think the "indignant whiners" comment was, though deserved by some users, unprofessional. I think the fact that it's removed is an acknowledgement that it was perhaps not the best move to make. Honestly, I can't blame him with how ridiculous some users are with their trolling, demands and high horses How would you respond if you had a few hundred people all ranting at you with their unsolicited advice on how to do your job?

I'm sure Cliff doesn't mind suggestions, but people post angry comments because they don't like that he isn't listening to them is something different. Maybe there is a better way to do it but Fractal isn't obligated to improve a process just because someone thinks their idea is better. Do you want the man to make cool guitar modelers or cater to egos and nit-picking that is unrelated to the design or quality of the product?
I do wish Fractal would communicate a little better. I know they're busy, perhaps even more busy than we know, but it would really be nice not to have to dig through all the forum posts to find information. Perhaps it's something they could improve upon in the future.

I have to agree, but at the same time I feel like the thirst for communication could never be quenched for a community as devoted as this. I think really these are just the growing pains of a small company with phenomenal products.
but if a competetor pops up with a similar product I wonder how loyal all the Fractal fans will remain after all this?
good question , IMHO cliff should take care of how he communicate.
the countdown almost sound like a joke now, and frustration of fractal users comes from that : bad communication
cliff just a real friendly message : your genius is real for algorythm, but your ability to communication seems like the exact opposite, you should take care of your customers, because when similar product will come (and it will come, sooner or later) then they will be loyal.if you insult them i doubt.
it was not difficult to say there will be plenty of units (alone it sounded : you will have you axe fx 2 the day it is released because they are plenty) BUT we can only send X per day so be patient and put a waiting list like G66 for people to relax and give them ability to get again a life (lol) and not be angry and frustrated to be all day in front of their computer waiting for some axe fx II .my axe fx II should be here in september, i'm on a G66 waiting list, that's ok, great i'm happy spending my time with my childrens instead of a all day "refresh F5" in front of my computer.
do the same everywhere cliff.
does somebody help you about management and communication ? you should take care of algorythms and let other guys of fractal company do the communication and organize waiting list/fractal information .says with respect , a single man CAN'T do everything ,just what i think, and fractal fanatics who , for sure will not agree, please give me a break , thanks ;-)
just my 2 cent, think about that cliff.
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Cliff does not have to take suggestions. But if there is low hanging fruit, why not pick it? If there's an easy way to end the angst, why wouldn't he do it? I guess he has his reasons. Most people who try his products are blown away. You'd think them liking the company would be important to him too.
And... if he gets ideas from his customers and puts them into his product, that is not generosity. That's him improving his product. It makes the product better for everyone including him. The product will have more/better features, AND he'll enhance his reputation as being responsive. Both of those are important for him and us.
I've in general been amazed at how many suggestions Cliff has integrated into his business, both in a technical and functional way. My Ultra was the best piece of gear for the $ I've ever bought and I've spent a ridiculous amount on gear. All the "free" upgrades are one of the best things about it, but they're not entirely "free." Anyone who's done any homework knows that's part of the deal when they pay more than 2x what any other "modeler" costs. Cliff is always on the path to improve, so you buy knowing it's only getting better. As a now former Ultra owner, I would've liked to have a clearer idea about the time frame of distribution. If it had been clearer what the numbers were and that it might be 3 months before I got a new one, I probably would've been willing to lose a bit more on resale to have an AxeFx with me. When I heard "there will be plenty" or something similar I thought, "ah, I'll get one soon, sell now."

That being said, I'll wait til I get one. I'm going to be grateful as can be when I do. He clearly listened to customers and put 98% of what I might want in the new unit. I hope at some point they think about their distribution a bit. It strikes me as confusing to have taken my name on an email list as someone interested in getting a II and then not using it. It also occurred to me that knowing that there would be a long ramp up to full distribution, they might've offered them to existing owners with longest owners being at the head of the line. How they'd manage that within the context of the Yahoo store, I don't know. My guess is that it would be a pain, so they're just doing it the way they're doing it.

In my experience with music companies, particularly small ones with innovative products, dates and deadlines are hard to come by. I think part of what causes so much furor here is that Cliff and FA are sometimes so accessible, way more accessible than owners of most companies of whatever size. People become accustomed to feeling like they have a say and are participating in the whole process, which they often are. When they're then subject to a randomness and waiting, it's disconcerting. It's like many relationships. The people they get most mad at are the ones they also love the most. If people didn't see this as the coolest thing ever available (or not) for making music with a guitar, they wouldn't be so upset. If it were one more tube amp or one more effects processor of one more or something that had any equal in the world, it just wouldn't matter so much.

I don't feel entitled to a II, I just want one in the worst way and will continue to try to get one ASAP. The sooner I get it, the sooner I can use in all the cool ways it invites. My sense is that 3 months from now when most people who want one NOW have one, the balance of the forum will shift away from all this talk about business process and back to how to use and augment what looks to be the new best piece of gear to use with a guitar.

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