TC Electronic: How They've Furthered My Respect for Fractal


I was looking around on TC Electronic's Facebook page the other day, and someone had linked this video demonstrating the durability of the flagship G-System unit. Take a look:

EDIT: I don't know if it's just me who can't get the embeded video working, but here's a regular link: TC Electronic G-System VS. heavy vehicles - YouTube

The G-System unit is actually two units; an effect processor "brain" and a midi controller. You'll notice in the video that the rack-mount brain is sitting over on the small amp in the background - well out of harm's way. So, the "test" is really demonstrating nothing.

More interesting, however, are the comments on the video: TC Electronic (or one of their representatives) actually took the time to respond to comments suggesting that the brain was not installed in the unit (I'm TheGatheringStorms, BTW):

V1nz0rd said:
now, take the Brain of the unit off the top of your amp and put it back in the actual pedal. do these tests again and tell me if it still works.

tcelectronic said:
@V1nz0rd Not sure what you mean? - The effect is quite detectable in the end? - You want us to blend it and try again? :)

V1nz0rd said:
@tcelectronic the problem, you had the part that does all the processing on top of the amp, so the only thing that got smashed was the foot controller.

tcelectronic said:
@V1nz0rd - Ohh - no, the effects is indeed coming from the G-system - (what you recognize as the 'controller')

Have a nice weekend.

thegatheringstorms said:
@tcelectronic You LIE! Do a Google search of what the G-System looks like from the back with the rack unit installed. It is CLEARLY not installed in this video. Plus the rack unit sitting on the amp just "happens" to look exactly like the G-System rack brain. Of course it still works!! All you ran over was a midi controller which, of course, you didn't test after hitting with the tank. Not that I need an effects processor to be tank-worthy, but why go so far just to be deceptive?

tcelectronic said:
@TheGatheringStorms Nope. no lie. I'm sorry you think so - if we wanted to tamper the results, I would really hope we were better at it than: "Plus the rack unit sitting on the amp just "happens" to look exactly like the G-System rack brain."

thegatheringstorms said:
@tcelectronic LOL Well, I guess I shouldn't expect someone who lied in the first place to be honest now. I would hope you would be better than that, but if you were, you wouldn't be lying in the first place, now would you? At 2:31 the video clearly shows the bottom of the unit. No brain installed. When sitting on the ground, the back panel of the brain should be clearly visible, yet it is not visible at all in this video (except when it is shown sitting on the amp in the background). :p

I just found it really funny that they would go so far to perpetrate a poorly executed deception - not that I care that much. If I wanted to buy a G-System, I would probably buy one anyway. That said, if this is any indication of the type of service TC gives their customers, then there is plenty of reason to be cautious (and I've heard rumors).

Moreover, despite TC's good reputation for excellent products, there are still a number of things that I have noticed that, to me, show that they're not primarily concerned with creating the products that musicians want. The Novus System, for example, is an awesome floor effects unit with some nice midi hookups that lead you to believe it could be a great effects/midi controller combo... That is until you realize that the midi commands are so limited as to be almost useless. Then there's their TonePrint line of pedals. What an awesome idea! A nice, basic pedal with four knobs, and USB connectivity for advanced computer tone editing... just one problem. They don't give you an editor. You can only use pre-built "artist tone prints."

So, yeah, I guess it just goes to show how rare it is to have a developer like Cliff who is dedicated to his products and actually takes the time to consider and implement the wants and needs of the customer... Not to mention that he doesn't lie to you and use cheap marketing ploys to try to convince you that his product is better than it is. :)
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I think you are right: The effect unit is in the back ground. Funny they deny that :)

It doesnt change the fact though, that the G-system is an extremely rugged pedalboard With a nice effects unit inside(Or outside)

I was extremely satisfied with it, before I laid my eyes/hands on the fractal Ultra. The main reason for switching was, for me anyway, FAS possibillity to go direct to the PA. The fact that the FAS effects are great was just an extra treat.

I am not switching back, but awaits the arrival of my AXE II. I am considering, though a G-system as a controller instead of the MFC101.(Nearly the same price as a used G-system)

Kind regards

The G offers much. But for the 2nd time TC is now offering a 'fixed' edition (better input buffer). Full price.
Even in their own videos TC admit that the tone through the G suffers with the regular units.
If I owned a regular unit I'd be pretty mad.
Bloody marketeers - how shameful of them to try to spin us a story!

FWIW I had a G-system a few years back and also thought it was a very rugged piece of kit. On my first gig out with it, we had a drunken stage invader who insisted on putting his beer-holding arm round me while talking gibberish to the audience and simultaneously spilling his full pint of beer all over the G-system

Apart from stinking a little like piss (I shudder to think), it got a wipe down and worked just fine.
The G offers much. But for the 2nd time TC is now offering a 'fixed' edition (better input buffer). Full price.
Even in their own videos TC admit that the tone through the G suffers with the regular units.
If I owned a regular unit I'd be pretty mad.

Have to agree. I was disappointed at the tone suckage when going 4CM with it and ended up just putting it into the loop of my head at the time for effects, with just a distortion and wah out in front. Kind of defeated the purpose I guess, but the effects still sounded great.
I currently use a TC G system using 4 cable method into a Mesa electradyne
But am anxiously awaiting for my axe fx2
Never owned an axe fx and only seen them on YouTube etc but can't wait to explore sonic possibilities with the axe
Think I'll prob use Mesa cab (either through effects return using Mesa power amp-- or use matrix800fx into speaker input of cab)
From the sounds of it here will then prob eventually change to FRFR
I still see a place for my g system and dyne although the Mesa is often in the workshop getting repaired--like right now!!
This is a great forum full of information for newbies like me
I had a g system and was happy with the sounds and flexibility, and it was definitely eye candy sitting on the floor. But the AxeFx represented a superior product in so many ways, most especially in amp/cab simulation (I avoid saying modeling) arena, which the g system doesn't perform. I sold my g system on Ebay and I haven't looked back. Very satisfied with the Ultra and now even more with the II.
A pointless demo aside from how durable the midi board section of the G system is. Not to mention, how many gigs have guys you done where a guy comes out on stage with a scooter, lawn tractor, 2 ton truck and a tank to run over your floor board? If that guy actually works for TC then he and the guy that ok'd that demo should be fired.

I would have much rather seen this guy have a go at it... :lol

I had a G System for a while. Indeed very rugged, very well laid out, good sound, a bit limited in it's layout, but it did a lot in a relatively compact package. I set it up properly using correct level settings and had no tone suck issues. Many times, tone suck comes from poorly designed effect loops in the amps. My unit had the new input buffer, so no problem there. But this thing was so flexible in inputs and outputs that there was no problem avoiding tone suck with a little creative wiring. On the other hand, setting up the Axe with 4CM took less than 45 seconds and sounded great!
That being said, I switched to the Axe and certainly don't regret it. But these units are NOT intended to do the same thing at all. One is a modeler, the other is a pure effects unit with integrated controller.
I've actually dealt with their staff directly in several occasions and , although no one is quite as involved as Cliff with his costumer care and support, my personal experience with TC was not as shitty as what I've seen even on the TC forum. FWIW, just my own 2 cents.
A pointless demo aside from how durable the midi board section of the G system is. Not to mention, how many gigs have guys you done where a guy comes out on stage with a scooter, lawn tractor, 2 ton truck and a tank to run over your floor board? If that guy actually works for TC then he and the guy that ok'd that demo should be fired.

I would have much rather seen this guy have a go at it... :lol

lol Yeah, it's actually fairly likely that you'd see a few of these guys at a show... a tank, not so much.
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I had a G System for a while. Indeed very rugged, very well laid out, good sound, a bit limited in it's layout, but it did a lot in a relatively compact package. I set it up properly using correct level settings and had no tone suck issues. Many times, tone suck comes from poorly designed effect loops in the amps. My unit had the new input buffer, so no problem there. But this thing was so flexible in inputs and outputs that there was no problem avoiding tone suck with a little creative wiring. On the other hand, setting up the Axe with 4CM took less than 45 seconds and sounded great!
That being said, I switched to the Axe and certainly don't regret it. But these units are NOT intended to do the same thing at all. One is a modeler, the other is a pure effects unit with integrated controller.
I've actually dealt with their staff directly in several occasions and , although no one is quite as involved as Cliff with his costumer care and support, my personal experience with TC was not as shitty as what I've seen even on the TC forum. FWIW, just my own 2 cents.

Describing the AXE as a modeller is hereby nominated in the category: "Understatement of the Year 2011"

I strongly beleive that the AXE is MUCH more than this

The G-System is a great unit. I've used one off and on for years. It sounds killer with my Bogner XTC. The latest version has fixed the front end issue that were somewhat problematic on the original units. But I've never gotten the G-System to work in a 4 cable hookup with any amp or preamp/poweramp without added hum unless I use an Ebtech box.

Cliff's humbuster and gain work for the Axe II just works. I wired some cables like the manual says, hooked it up and there is no perceptable loss of anything and no added noise with the Axe II. Now I just have to reprogram my rig.

We use some of the TC vocal processors as well - they are fantastic. The user interface is a bit bizarre but it sounds great.
Agreed, I have owned and used multiple products from them including guitar and pro audio solutions and their stuff sounds great, is engineered well, and is very roadworthy. Do they do stuff like Cliff? No...but that is their choice
and their market share is/will be determined by those decisions. Are there parts of their products that could be
improved? Absolutely, but try buying something from most manufacturers (from TVs to toasters) and you will run in to the same scenario when implementing something that the product was not originally designed to do, or is just outside the pale.

I totally dig the Nova System (for price and tone) and the new Toneprint pedals (owned 3 of them) and I wish them well. I have owned the G-System and was disappointed with the way it affected the tone of my amp, but do know of some who get great tone with it once they have worked through some issues.

Also, I have never seen anything but honesty from Tore (their marketing guy who does a lot of the demos for guitar products) so I have no reason to believe he is intentionally fact he comes off quite the opposite. They are different from Fractal in their approach, but their company is completely different from Fractal....and Roland...and Digitech... I trust a product from TC will sound and function (the way I anticipate it will) well right out of the box much more than I trust that I will get great out of the box sounds from Digitech/Roland/Line6...although good sounds can come from all with enough work... jmho ymmv

I love TC Electronic stuff. I think they are one of the better companies in this industry.
I owned a G-System. It was very well built and looked great. I actually thought it was overbuilt and much too heavy (and had dangerously sharp corners). It wouldn't surprise me if they could drive a car over it and really have it work without faking it.

Soundwise, it was OK. Reverbs and delays were nice. I felt the chorus was a little bland like the G-Force I used to own. I dealt with support once and wasn't too pleased at the ridiculously long turnaround (over a month) which was made worse because upon return they shipped it to the wrong address. They did eventually resolved the issue so I am neutral on them now.
I think that this video was the brainchild of someone at tc who isn't really in the first-line marketing department (possibly the guy who is in it). They conceived of this silly video and then convinced someone at tc to put it on their official site (minus the Youtube comment section). Can't blame the company as a whole for that. They simply didn't scrutinize it as well as they should have for truthful content.

The sad part is, when they were called out on the fact that the rack processor portion is *not* installed in the floor unit (it clearly isn't), they deny it, claim in no uncertain terms that the *whole* unit is being rolled over, and state that the critics don't know what they are talking about. These are bald-faced lies. Plain and simple.

They also don't check the floor unit after the tank. Instead, he strums a chord using the previously selected patch and claims "it survived the tank". Sorry, but I call complete bullshit. The guys who made this video are major liars and are doing a disservice to a good company. tc should pull these videos.
I would rather see them put it in a room full of thick cigarette smoke and spritz it with booze every now and then. That would actually be a legit test to how durable it is in a practical application.

I honestly can't believe they're trying to say the sound is coming from the midi pedal... I don't even know why they would do this. If it was supposed to be a "joke test" as in "Let's see how much damage this thing can really take" blown out of proportion style video, then they have no reason to lie about where the sound is coming from. You can even see the brain on the marshal amp. Wow.

Here's what it looks like detached:
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