MFC's pretty expensive

Like me, the OP is from Australia where the MFC-101 is AU$999. That is expensive, especially compared to the US $750 (and our dollar is more valuable). In Oz, the AXEII is $2679 via the waiting list, which is very reasonable compared to the US price.

I bought my MFC second hand for a similar price to the US retail, which I feel is a reasonable price for a new unit.
Like me, the OP is from Australia where the MFC-101 is AU$999. That is expensive, especially compared to the US $750 (and our dollar is more valuable). In Oz, the AXEII is $2679 via the waiting list, which is very reasonable compared to the US price.

I bought my MFC second hand for a similar price to the US retail, which I feel is a reasonable price for a new unit.

What accounts for the increase? The distributor? Taxes? Fees?

Seems odd that the MFC would be 33% higher and the II only 22%.
what I meant was if no-one gives their true opinion because they don't want to get into a row then the forum will be left with nothing to discuss or debate other than positive posts i.e. fanboi topics.

many of the topics that get jumped on are statements like "THE AXE FX SUCKS!" or "I CANT GET A GOOD SOUND" or "IT DOESN"T SOUND GOOD" and yes, these topics are annoying because so many expect to just plug in and sound totally amazing simply because the gear is expensive. they usually don't want to put any work into their tone, but would rather complain.

some of those people who started threads like that eventually put a little work and learning into it and now are really pleased with the axe and tone they are getting.

i'm also a photographer... you want to talk about expensive? $4000 camera, $3500 camera, many lenses ranging from $1200-$10,000... flashes, modifiers, computers, programs, accessories... i actually haven't added it all up because i'll be sick!

for the price of one of my cameras and one lens, i pretty much have my entire guitar rig: guitar, axe, mfc, cables, speakers.

it's all relative.
i'm also a photographer... you want to talk about expensive? $4000 camera, $3500 camera, many lenses ranging from $1200-$10,000... flashes, modifiers, computers, programs, accessories... i actually haven't added it all up because i'll be sick!

^This. I don't think the OP realizes that high-end professional equipment costs money. So far as I know, there's only about three other midi controllers in the world that can match the MFC's features. Two of which are more expensive.

I don't understand why the OP keeps arguing the point, the first response to this thread (which he kinda' blew off) completely answered his question; the MFC is not just a generic midi foot controller. That means it costs more money. If you don't want those features, buy the GCP. It's a great midi controller. It's just not the best. The best costs money. Lamborghini, Axe Fx, or a RED camera; it's not free.
^This. I don't think the OP realizes that high-end professional equipment costs money.

good grief!

I don't understand why the OP keeps arguing the point, the first response to this thread (which he kinda' blew off) completely answered his question

There was no question, I simply said the cost of the MFC seems high relative to the cost of an AxeII here in Aus, that's all.

Clearly you should fully read and make sure you understand a post before climbing all over it.
... Yeah, even Chinese stuff isn't free.

Much cheaper to manufacture though, adding another reason why the AUS price of a MFC is less reasonable than the US price. There is certainly more margin in Chinese products than US made ones, but in oz the prices don't reflect that.
good grief!

There was no question, I simply said the cost of the MFC seems high relative to the cost of an AxeII here in Aus, that's all.

Clearly you should fully read and make sure you understand a post before climbing all over it.

Price is not determined against the relative price of the Axe-fx II. It determined by cost and what the market will bear for a product of similar functions.
You consider it an accessory to the Axe-fx, but it is a stand alone product as well. Yes, it integrates with the Axe-fx. Other products do as well, albeit not as tightly.
But I use the MFX to control an Eleven Rack. It will also control multiple MIDI devices at the same time . So it is more than just an accessory to the Axe-fx.

It is a MIDI foot controller. When compared to MIDI foot controllers with similar features (both hardware and software), its price fairs well.
What accounts for the increase? The distributor? Taxes? Fees?

Seems odd that the MFC would be 33% higher and the II only 22%.

It is odd, and I have no idea why. Shipping & duties should be less for the MFC due to size, weight and price so its a mystery!
not trying to whip up a storm, just an observation, the MFC's a big g over here in Aus which is well over a third of an Axe II, even in the US it seems expensive compared to say, a ground control. Considering it's just a controller (compared to the axe which does so much) the cost just doesn't compute. Just my moan.

I have an MFC and never felt it was a good value. I bought it despite the price, not because it was a bargain. This was a good thread for me because javajunkie and others made me at least consider a different perspective about its value. As far as fanboi-post-shredders go, they do abound here. People are over-sensitive, but it is a Fractal forum, so it's bound to happen. The differential in markup between the Axe and MFC in Aus is interested. Makes me glad I'm in the USA. :) A conspiracy theorist may conclude that someone is hacking a little extra on the controller. You'll never know. Unfortunately, you just either have to buy it or not. I understand your thread and feel for your situation, but in the end, it's all speculation and frivolity. You just have to decide if you can swing the cash or not.
The Rocktron All access, which was considered the "king" before the MFC was around $1000.

Dude, the Liquid Foot LF12+ and upcoming LF+ Pro are the KINGS! More flexible, EACH BUTTON gets a DYNAMICALLY displayed LED 'ribbon' - no more stupid printed labels! The labels are dynamic! If IA button 1 is a flanger in one patch and a drive in the next, the display for that button changes. With 'dynamic IAs (let you share two functions on one button) and all the rest, it is the most powerful and user friendly controller out there. And, yes, it also has a free editor, that runs on Mac and Windows!

Recently saw Adrian Belew and he was using an older LF Pro. I bet he'll be on the new Pro + when it's released, which is any day now. I am digging my LF12+, and am going to sell my old pro. As far as I am concerned, my old LF Pro (no '+', no labels) is probably as good as or better than the MFC (more programmable from what I can see), but you add all the features of the '+' series, with those dynamic labels on every button, and it's no contest.
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funnny_polymath, to derail slightly, can you get the tuner display on the liquid foot? That's a key for my set-up having the tuner display, but the ability to have labels change on the board, would be AWESOME

but sadly, i think the Pro+ will be WAY out of my price range, if the 12+ is $900, the Pro+ will be over $1,000 probably, which is too rich for my blood, dang...but i will take a look though, that label idea is AWESOME
funnny_polymath, to derail slightly, can you get the tuner display on the liquid foot? That's a key for my set-up having the tuner display, but the ability to have labels change on the board, would be AWESOME

but sadly, i think the Pro+ will be WAY out of my price range, if the 12+ is $900, the Pro+ will be over $1,000 probably, which is too rich for my blood, dang...but i will take a look though, that label idea is AWESOME

Yes, it will display the tuner.
Anyone ever heard of Skrydstrup? SC1 MIDI Foot Controller

€1.072,00. $1407,77. Excluding VAT and I believe excluding shipping as well.

AU$ 1366,56. If you can even get them.

Actually, the thing isn't even half as flexible as any of the others and twice as expensive. Don't know how they stay in business.
Anyone ever heard of Skrydstrup? SC1 MIDI Foot Controller

€1.072,00. $1407,77. AU$ 1366,56. Excluding VAT and I believe excluding shipping as well. And if you can even get them.

Actually, the thing isn't even half as flexible as any of the others and twice as expensive. Don't know how they stay in business.

That said, I currently use a second-hand FCB1010. It works. Usually.
But I'd love an MFC. It's just a lot of money for a hobby.

I don't really see the use of dynamic labels since when performing I don't have the time to go stare at the tiny letters 6 feet away to find the button I need. If I can even see them clearly enough... I think I would program it the same every preset anyway...
The price of anything that "just works" right out of the box can be whatever it wants to be.
So few things deliver on this oft broken promise, that those that do rightfully command their market.

MFC owner, writing on a Macbook Pro. : )

As an aside, the price spike for buying stuff not from your country is huge these days in all directions. I feel for folks feeling the pinch but it goes in all directions... The price of the Matrix stuff in US $ is certainly also high, and yet they are selling well it seems.
i bought my ultra for around $2000. i then bought an all access foot controller LE that was around $1000. THAT was expensive relative to the ultra.

french fries are expensive relative to a cheeseburger.
lenses are expensive relative to a camera.
software is expensive relative to a computer.
razor cartridges are expensive relative to a razor.
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