Just got AxeII... wow, fan noise.


My Axe II's fan is l-o-u-d, enough to become immediately annoying. After I type this post, I'm hooking my old interface back up, inf act. I can duck under this desk to listen for my computer's fan noise, and the Axe II's is still louder from down there. I can play music at a comfortable volume, and the fan will overpower it in quieter parts. I can't effectively monitor and mix with this thing on and in the room. Are my only options to live with this or void my warranty on a replacement fan? I remember seeing threads saying the Axe II's fan was quite acceptable, but this is well beyond the pale, so I'm totally confused. The amp modeling is blowing me away and I want to be 100% behind Fractal, but the ambient noise that comes along with this unit is heartbreaking. Is my unit messed or is this for real?
I haven't experienced this loud fan phenomenon with my Axe II. I have mine mounted in a SKB 2U Roto Molded rack case, and if I listen closely, I can hear the fan, but no where near what some folks have described.

Perhaps some of the stock fans are louder than others???
I consider mine loud as well. I haven't replaced my fan yet. I'm waiting for a good solution. My II is louder than my Ultra with the stock fan. I may end up moving a rack to another room but that's a pain due to cable runs (expense and length restrictions).
The complaints about fan noise baffle me, either I got lucky and got a "quiet" ultra and later axe ll or I am slowly growing deaf. It's a non issue here. Play louder? ;)

The tweaker in me did succumb to temptation a couple yrs ago and I bought a replacement fan, the one everyone suggests here (I forget the name), well it blew about as much air as a gnats fart. I wouldn't trust it in a high end piece of gear such as the axe. My 2 cents.
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It's for real. It was like that on both Ultra & II. If you search this or the Ultra forum there's a (few?) thread(s) on this & what users did to fix it, ie., replace it with low noise fan.
THE THING HAS A LOUD FAN. It will generally be the loudest thing in the rack. It is made worse by the fact that the fan revs up and down. Is it unbearable? Not for me. Can you hear it over a loud guitar? No. Can you hear it in a quiet room? Yes. Will it be annoying if you are in a room trying to mix or do something that needs quiet and the fan is spinning up and down? Maybe.

Its OK to acknowledge a minor problem. The product is still amazing. Its OK to make suggestions or comments that might lead to future improvements.

There. I said it.
My fan is VERY loud as well...

I am curious about something else as well...why are there no vent holes/slots in the casing??? There's nowhere for air to get out, so the heat stays inside the unit anyway...this seems like it would make cooling very hard for any fan...

I'm thinking a few slots in the side and a quiet fan would work wonders for both the noise and any heating issues...???
I consider mine loud as well. I haven't replaced my fan yet. I'm waiting for a good solution. My II is louder than my Ultra with the stock fan. I may end up moving a rack to another room but that's a pain due to cable runs (expense and length restrictions).

I can hear my fan, but if i move it just a few feet away it becomes barely noticeable.
Not a problem for me! Way better than an original Plexi crank in my room!!! No fan noise but overheating tube and static noise...you bet!!!
My fan is noticeable, but not irritatingly so. From a few feet away (3' or so) it is perceptible but hardly gets on my nerves. If it does and I am not using it... I turn it off.

It's my guess having worked with three II's thus far (mine and two friends') is that some might be louder than others; the three I've heard do not 'get louder and softer' as reported in an earlier post.
The fan is very loud. It doesn't bother me when I'm playing guitar, but when using the axe as an interface it is very annoying.
Not a problem for me! Way better than an original Plexi crank in my room!!! No fan noise but overheating tube and static noise...you bet!!!


My Recto was way louder than my Axe II, so to me the fan is quiet. I've never noticed any of the fan revving that some speak of, and I almost never even notice the fan. Honestly, even if it was sitting on the desk next to me (and it has been), I wouldn't really notice it. I really wonder if some are louder than others or if it's just a individual sensitivity thing.

My Recto was way louder than my Axe II, so to me the fan is quiet. I've never noticed any of the fan revving that some speak of, and I almost never even notice the fan. Honestly, even if it was sitting on the desk next to me (and it has been), I wouldn't really notice it. I really wonder if some are louder than others or if it's just a individual sensitivity thing.

Maybe, it has something to do with that you played your Rectro too loud, before? Now, you don't hear the fans anymore. ;)
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