Thank You Veterans!!!!


Fractal Fanatic
I would like to take a moment to thank all our Veterans and serving young men and women.

I treasure my freedoms and so often we forget the sacrifices so many have made so we can play with our toys. Thank you for being there past and present. A simple National holiday seems so inadequate.

~I salute you~
+1000 more.

A sincere thank you to all who serve our country to provide us the liberties we so often take for granted. I just can't understand those who try to litigate away freedoms which cost us so dearly.
I would like to take a moment to thank all our Veterans and serving young men and women.

I treasure my freedoms and so often we forget the sacrifices so many have made so we can play with our toys. Thank you for being there past and present. A simple National holiday seems so inadequate.

~I salute you~

I couldn't agree more. Well said.
Always respect those who are willing to give up everything for our right to have our comforts. Veterans, you have my many thanks.
I treasure my freedoms and so often we forget the vietnames, cambodians, south americans, native americans, africans and other non-important people we sacrifices, so many have made so we can play with our toys. Thank you for being there past and present. A simple International holiday seems so inadequate.

A sincere thank you to all who serve our country to provide us the liberties we so often take for granted. I just can't understand those who try to litigate away freedoms which cost others so dearly.

Please put an end to theese nationalistic oblivious threads!
While I appreciate the thought, Cobbler, I have difficulty subscribing to any violent "solution" to man's problems.
I respect defending one's country against invasion. I do not respect the violation of human rights that are made because of whatever "cause" is deemed right at the time.
Unfortunately, I have trouble endorsing or celebrating those who'd make a career of killing other people, no matter what the cause.
I certainly did not make the thread to tout any nationalistic or political agendas. It was simply to give thanks to all those who serve regardless of when, where, or how. If anyone wants to make more of it then I suggest you create your own thread and do your bitching there.
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While I appreciate the thought, Cobbler, I have difficulty subscribing to any violent "solution" to man's problems.
I respect defending one's country against invasion. I do not respect the violation of human rights that are made because of whatever "cause" is deemed right at the time.
Unfortunately, I have trouble endorsing or celebrating those who'd make a career of killing other people, no matter what the cause.

Perhaps you'd like to see what would happen if we had all the peace-keeping nations dissolve their military and let you take care of yourself? I'd imagine you'd have stockpile of guns very soon thereafter... either that, or you'd be dead. It's easy to talk about the "proper" ways to attain peace when someone else bought it for you.
I know a few WWII veterans who would rather have stayed home with their families, but enlisted in the armed forces to defend people in other countries, because they thought it was the right thing to do.

I'm not advocating violent solutions to problems, but clearly there are circumstances where it is necessary.

So my thanks to those who defend the freedom of others.
The only thing that keeps violence in check is a great defense...our founding fathers knew this, our laws are based on this, and those that have sacrificed so much paid for it.
I treasure my freedoms and so often we forget the vietnames, cambodians, south americans, native americans, africans and other non-important people we sacrifices, so many have made so we can play with our toys. Thank you for being there past and present. A simple International holiday seems so inadequate.

A sincere thank you to all who serve our country to provide us the liberties we so often take for granted. I just can't understand those who try to litigate away freedoms which cost others so dearly.

Please put an end to theese nationalistic oblivious threads!

Wow, seems somebody has some issues with being left out. If you'd mentioned a Swedish holiday and offered praise for the patriots who made it possible, I would have simply ignored it since I was born and raised in the U.S.A. If you want my honest opinion, it's this disturbing trend that we feel the need to apologize to others for standing up for what we feel is right that is contributing to our decline.

I'm proud to be an American, and I don't care if that offends you (hint: it shouldn't, because it doesn't concern you).
While I appreciate the thought, Cobbler, I have difficulty subscribing to any violent "solution" to man's problems.
I respect defending one's country against invasion. I do not respect the violation of human rights that are made because of whatever "cause" is deemed right at the time.
Unfortunately, I have trouble endorsing or celebrating those who'd make a career of killing other people, no matter what the cause.
Ahh, one of my favorite generalities! I've been in the active duty military for 15 years now. I haven't directly killed any people. Im not a killing machine although I am an explosives expert. I have supported my community, shown pride in legacy and heritage, been directly involved in countless humanitarian and relief efforts, and developed young people into successful, contributing adults.
I guess I'm just a realist. There is no life without death and to assume that in this civilization there can be a sustainment of specific culture without the ability to defend itself (I.e. cause death) is a fruitless endevour. Of course, you are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. Have a great day.
I certainly did not make the thread to tout any nationalistic or political agendas. It was simply to give thanks to all those who serve regardless of when, where, or how. If anyone wants to make more of it then I suggest you create your own thread and do your bitching there.

I apologize for derailing your thread.
Maybe Craig should have preface his post with....


Thank you to all who have volunteered to join the military and worked so hard to do what you believe is for the good of your country.

I think most people who live in a country that has a military respect and appreciate them. Today is a national holiday here, a day set aside to show appreciation for our armed forces and saying thank you publicly is not done nearly enough. The thread was not meant to upset any one not from the US.
The thread was not meant to upset any one not from the US.

I don't think many people would be upset..just maybe have very strong contrary opinions..politics, religion, ext, are always tinder boxes waiting to explode!!

Trust me..i'm an Englishman living in the most Republican County in Ireland!! :lol
Instead of saying "Thank you", we should say "Sorry for tricking you", then take care of them.
But today we shout "Thank you", but tomorrow let them suffer.

Big words, little meaning.
Instead of saying "Thank you", we should say "Sorry for tricking you", then take care of them.
But today we shout "Thank you", but tomorrow let them suffer.

Big words, little meaning.

Kind of getting OT here, but interesting point. It is telling when you need groups like "Wounded Warriors" and "Soldier Ride" to help veterans with health care costs.

But let's stick to the "Thanks" for the moment!

BTW I know the guys who started Soldier Ride. They aren't vets, they did it because the need is there and they care.
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