I really don't mean to ask about this..help?


New Member
I got on the waiting list for the axe fx II on june 20th at 3pm, I also had several other friends who signed up at the same time and have all already had their axe's shipped to them, while I still haven't received an email. I know fractal audio doens't want people to inquire about their position on the waiting list, so I figured i would ask you guys on here. Did anyone else who put in an order on this date recieve theirs already? I just want to make sure there wasn't a problem or anything. I'm really sorry for having to post this i'm just so excited! I know I'll probably just have a bunch of responses telling me to shut up and wait, but I just really don't want to have to sign up again for the waiting list:(

Thanks so much for your time, and anything you have to say that might be able to help me would be greatly appreciated! :D -Sarah
as far as i know, i don't think they are even close to people from june 20th.
i'm still axeless, & sent my email 6/19 around 11:15am.
Not sure the waiting list thread is worth reading for anything other than comedic value, I just wanted to chime in and say that I also signed up on the 20.......of July though, lol! Save to say that how ever long you wait, those in my boat are reaaaallly gonna be waiting. I've never had an axe fx so I still have amps to keep me happy. Ignorance must surely be bliss.
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