If the 2.0 firmware sounds bad, check your cab size

I don't know if anybody else had this problem but I upgraded to the 2.0 firmware, and my favorite '65 bassman patches immediately turned into the tinniest, most horrible thing I've ever heard come out of an Axe-FX. I scratched my head, thought, "Jeez, those must have been some MAJOR amp changes," and screwed around with the amp block for just about ever trying to get it fixed, to no avail.

Well, after having no joy on the amp, I moved to the cabinet, where the "Cab Size" parameter had been changed to 0.25, shrinking the 4x10 bassman cabinet I was using into something...else. I cranked that back up to 1, and now everything sounds amazing again!

This didn't happen with any of my other cab sims, so I don't know if it's a bug with the 4x10 cab or if it was a freak accident or what. In any case, if you're getting shrill awfulness out of your new firmware, a bit of attention to the cab size might clean that right up.
LOL I can imagine how that sounded. The cab size parameter can definitely make a patch sound real bad, real fast. :D
Yeah, I had the same thing on one of my cabs..don't remember which one but it turned a 12" speaker into a 2" transistor radio....might actually come in handy one day.
lol, it would be funny to have some 8x15 cab turn into some $1.99 vintage 1988 sony walkman speaker! hey wait can I get an IR for this?!
Yeah, I had the same thing on one of my cabs..don't remember which one but it turned a 12" speaker into a 2" transistor radio....might actually come in handy one day.
...a la Dave Gilmour on the intro to Wish You Were Here.
Man, I'm missing something. I don't see any 'Cab Size' parameter. I'm showing 'Room Size'. What am I missing? Maybe it's because I'm still running v2.0b.
Man, I'm missing something. I don't see any 'Cab Size' parameter. I'm showing 'Room Size'. What am I missing? Maybe it's because I'm still running v2.0b.

Cab Size only appears when the Cab is set to Mono.
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