MFC's pretty expensive

Since I'm right around the corner from you guys (Amesbury) I will be glad to help you beta test the Fractal beer.
I probably didn't get the point of the post over too well, it wasn't meant to be a feature comparison with GCP (of which I've had a few in the past and know them well) or any other controller, it was merely to say I think the price point is expensive, this is bearing in mind an actual axe II with it's enormous features is $2600 so asking another $1000 for an MFC just seems pretty heavy. I'm pretty confident the thought flashed across most peoples minds who bought one or are considering one.

I've loads of experience in bringing new products from manufacture to market and irrespective of who you are, how good the product is or what the accessory is, customers always feel slightly hosed when main product accessories are priced high, this can leave a negative affect on a whole range and is typically evidenced by buyers mooching off to find cheaper alternatives, if it was better priced they'd sell one with every unit guaranteed... just my 0.2c, that'll be 0.3c here :)

Where are you getting $1000? They are $750.

If you wait for your coupon code the II is $2199.

+1 for the oatmeal stout.

Used to drink that about 20 years ago and had one a couple of months back... Was a little worried it would not be as good as I remembered after 20 years.... Should not have worried!!

Very Nice...

javajunkie said:
Where are you getting $1000? They are $750.

If you wait for your coupon code the II is $2199.

He is from Oz... The Fractal prices are way more out side of the US (But let's not go there!)
I would have bought the MFC when I bought the Axe, but I thought that $750 was too expensive. I decided to try my existing Roland FC200s to start & see if I need to upgrade down the road. If the MFC had been $500, I would have gotten it with the Axe.

I realize that the MFC has the best integration with the Axe (especially once 6.0 is here), but I don't disagree with the idea that FAS would sell more of them if the price were in the $500-$600 range. I would have.
I would have bought the MFC when I bought the Axe, but I thought that $750 was too expensive. I decided to try my existing Roland FC200s to start & see if I need to upgrade down the road. If the MFC had been $500, I would have gotten it with the Axe.

I realize that the MFC has the best integration with the Axe (especially once 6.0 is here), but I don't disagree with the idea that FAS would sell more of them if the price were in the $500-$600 range. I would have.

Well they would sell even more if they were in the $99 range :)

Again the feature set on those lower end models do not compare with what the MFC and equivalent controllers do.

Look at the Rocktron All Access ($950)
The Liquid foot +12 ($699)
The FX-1 was ~ $1000

Any of them with the advanced features that the MFC had are $700+

IMO it is good value.
Please stay on topic - we're talking about beer modeling now. :)

I believe the topic owner is from Australia.

Didnt know which price he was quoting. The AXE-FX II is listed at $3300 at the distributor there, not $2600, so I imagined that he was referring to US prices.
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If a bug free 6.0 comes out and the new modeling is noticeably better and easier to tweak, and if the Tone Matching is at least as good as Ozone(they set the bar for EQ matching), then I say raise the prices across the board on all Fractal Products!!
Didnt know which price he was quoting. The AXE-FX II is listed at $3300 at the distributor there, not $2600, so I imagined that he was referring to US prices.

Wait, he was quoting lower US price on the Axe....and comparing that to the higher AUS cost of the MFC to make it look worse.....boooo, haha.

I love the MFC. WAY better than the Ground Control Pro or the midi mate i had before. Both less expensive, but both not up to the tasks that i needed my foot controller to perform. The only way to get what i wanted when i bought the MFC was to get the All Access at almost $1,000. I figured, to get the same ability, but also get my tuner displayed and the ease of connecting to the axe and programming, was totally worth saving $250.

Is it in bad taste that Fender sells you a guitar for $1,000 and then has the audacity to charge you another $1,000 for an amplifier? oh the nerve...haha

Heck, some companies don't really even make you have to actually buy someone else's equipment to use that new gibson guitar (not known for amps)....the nerve of those companies
Yeah here the axe is roughly $2600 with a coupon, I don't think may people pay the $3300.

I was hoping this thread wouldn't descend into the usual rinsing of the OP but that seems to be the way round here lately.

Some of you guys could do with growing up a bit and losing the pack mentality otherwise there'll be nothing to discuss except fanboi topics.
Yeah here the axe is roughly $2600 with a coupon, I don't think may people pay the $3300.

I was hoping this thread wouldn't descend into the usual rinsing of the OP but that seems to be the way round here lately.

Some of you guys could do with growing up a bit and losing the pack mentality otherwise there'll be nothing to discuss except fanboi topics.

@Reincaster. Slow down chief.... like I said it's just an observation

No one is forcing you to read it.
Nobody forced you to start a thread and I doubt anyone held a gun to your head coercing you into twisting the numbers to strengthen your point.
Yeah here the axe is roughly $2600 with a coupon, I don't think may people pay the $3300.

I was hoping this thread wouldn't descend into the usual rinsing of the OP but that seems to be the way round here lately.

Some of you guys could do with growing up a bit and losing the pack mentality otherwise there'll be nothing to discuss except fanboi topics.

Sorry, nothing about pack mentality here or rinsing of you post- I just disagree. That is part of discussion.

I actually use 2 LF+ 12+s for my main rig and the mfc as a backup, but that doesn't change the value of the mfc.
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Haha. The OP says its expensive, others disagree and all of a sudden they are fanboys.

It's your opinion that it is expensive relative to the axe which does more. Ok. Now what? What did you try to achieve here with this thread?
Yeah here the axe is roughly $2600 with a coupon, I don't think may people pay the $3300.

I was hoping this thread wouldn't descend into the usual rinsing of the OP but that seems to be the way round here lately.

Some of you guys could do with growing up a bit and losing the pack mentality otherwise there'll be nothing to discuss except fanboi topics.

I don't think any of these responses could be considered a "rinsing" of the OP. Unless you're unreasonably sensitive. The facts are the facts. You're getting waaay more features than most other controllers at a price that is not even more expensive than some of them. Other controllers with similar features are just as expensive (Liquid Foot). It's not a "rinsing" its just truth. Just 'cause someone doesn't agree with you, doesn't mean they're being a "fanboi."

It cost money to buy the world's best. If you want a cheaper pedal, buy one with fewer features. I can't afford the MFC (or the the Liquid Foot), so that's what I'm going to do. It's not injustice, it's just life.
The OP says its expensive, others disagree and all of a sudden they are fanboys.

I didn't say that at all, what I meant was if no-one gives their true opinion because they don't want to get into a row then the forum will be left with nothing to discuss or debate other than positive posts i.e. fanboi topics. I'm sure there's lots of people who want to start threads and discuss things but just don't want to get into it with some of the more fanatical members. There have been some threads lately where genuine guys have been treated very poorly.

It's your opinion that it is expensive relative to the axe which does more. Ok. Now what? What did you try to achieve here with this thread?

It was just meant to be a chit chat, there's no ulterior motive here. Bearing in mind 4 other guys have openly typed on this thread that they think it's pricey, I was hoping in a lighthearted way to open a discussion about peoples opinions on it, not to get lectured at, that was all. I'm sure I'll order one this week and will be super chuffed with it.... but I'll still think it's expensive :)
All i know is my MFC makes my pod bean sound amazing!!! I kid, i kid...... to be honest with you i think the investment of the mfc was fantastic if you look at bang for the buck. I mean i have a 2k+ tag guitar, 2k+ axe fx ii, $800 k12 then the mfc. Doesn't seem like too much when i look at functionality. Plus in comparison to the rest it's the cheapest thing i own.

Could be worse, it could be raining out.:D
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