Axe FX II Question

What would you use, Poweramp + Cabs or going directly into the mixing board?

  • Poweramp + guitar cab

    Votes: 10 23.8%
  • Going direct into the mixing board

    Votes: 32 76.2%

  • Total voters

I am going to get my Axe FX II within the next weeks. So I thought about how I would use it, either using it with a Poweramp or regular guitar cabs or going from the outputs of the Axe FX directly into the mixing console. What do you guys think, what would you recommend?

Kind regards,

Once mine arrives probably into desk and then get stage sound from PA Speaker...Would have to try that out.
Poll should have a 'Both' option. Why limit yourself. For over 2 years with the Ultra, all my presets were set up with an FX loop block before the cab block. This allows you to send Out 1 to power amp\guitar cab and Out 2 (post cab sim) direct to FOH. With carefully selected cab IR I get better sound direct to the board than I could ever get from micing my cab, but I still prefer the sound and feel of my real cab on stage behind me. If I ever have a gig where I'm too lazy to haul my cab, I just go Out 2 to the board and put some guitar back into my monitor mix.
Live, I think direct to PA is always the best solution. A mic'ed guitar cab isn't going to sound any better (perhaps worse) than the Axe Fx direct anyway.

Personally, I'll run though my cab when I'm playing at home, and though the PA when I'm playing live. I have yet to try mine through a really good PA (all I have is some junkers at home), so I can't comment on how they compare.

It'll probably sound good no matter what.

I am going to get my Axe FX II within the next weeks. So I thought about how I would use it, either using it with a Poweramp or regular guitar cabs or going from the outputs of the Axe FX directly into the mixing console. What do you guys think, what would you recommend?

Kind regards,


Don't sell the Axe II short. I used the Ultra with power amp and cab sims off into a tube power amp and a 2x12 or two 4x12's. As long as the amp ,cab and speakers are of decent to high caliber it'll sound great. Just don't shut the door on that idea. Bandmates and friends, (including myself) were really taken back as to how good it sounded. But since it's all subjective... I like chocolate and you may like vanilla... lots of options for you to try.

Got to make the choice yourself. Personally its amp/Cab. Why? I dont play venues large enough to put anything but vocals and select drums through the PA. Not only am I used to a real amp/cab set up behind me - the audience is used to the real deal too.

If I played venues that always mic'd cabs up - then Id go direct, but I dont and prefer the sound/feel of the amp/cab setup better from a personal POV.

I have played twice, where I went direct (weddings - so on stage volume needed to be low). i sent one feed to the desk, and monitored myself through my amp/cab at bedroom levels.

Ultimately, neither way is better than another - It all depends on personal preference and venue specific requirements.
ok.. I can't talk with respect to the Axe2 cos I don't have mine yet... but I have been using multi-fx preamps of several kinds for years...

I like to use a stereo power amp and a pair of 4x12 cabs..
I like the sound of all that muscle coming from behind me on stage..
also.. don't forget that you are 'seen' as well as heard.. I personally think it's look odd seeing a guitarist [especially a rock / metal type] without his Marshall wall [or equivalent]...

cab sims: I always have these on even though I play through real cabs...
they seem to smooth up the tone and I compensate for the eq in the patch's eq settings..
obviously I'm talking with respect to other units here... but I've found that removing the cab sims makes the tone a little more harsh or synthetic sounding..
thing is though I've seen a lot of folk in this forum advising not to have cab sims if you use a real cab...
but with that approach, if you're using a real power amp and cab/s, and also DI-ing to the desk surely you'd have a conflict of interests..
without cab sims: DI will suffer without doubt
with cab sims: you'll need to compensate for the eq introduced by the cab sim to avoid for example the double scooping of a 4x12 sim through a real 4x12 cab..
I'd imagine though this would be better because the desk can eq your tone...

personally I'd have the Axe run through my backline, let the guys mic the cabs as normal and offer them the XLR DI feeds..
then they can choose and / or blend them..
BTW would you use a DI box to go from the AxeFX II into the mixing board? What do you guys think about that one: Neutrik NA2M-J-TX

I could use those with a 19" rack panel.

Why not use the XLR-out on the Axe-FX?
That's the way I do it. Don't see the point in adding additional gear to do the same thing
The reason is that I want to use the AxeFX II in a Wet/Dry/Wet scenario. So I will carry the dry signal at output 1, the wet signal is on output 2 left and right, from there I will go into the RJM Effect Gizmo (stereo version), because I got some other effects I want to use with it. From the RJM I go into my Line Mixer and from there to the PA. I guess a DI Box will be a good idea in here right?
For me, it has always been AxeFx in a small rack ( now a 4-space rack bag...), 2 XLR's to the FOH, plug in the MFC101.... BAM ! Set up in 5 minutes and done.... no heavy cabs and power amps to haul around... just send AxeFX into the monitors and you're good to go...

I bought a Verve 12ma, which sounds great, but it is easier just to go straight into the PA... ( use the Verve for larger venues...)
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