Waiting - pull from worried about 3.0 thread

Please refrain from the snarky remarks.


dear cliff,

with all due respect, i would rather hope for a comforting remark once in a while for the non-us waiting people, instead of this (in my eyes) harsh reaction on some sarcasm and 'snarkyness' that i also sometimes exhibit in my posts and that, i am shure, is in no way directed against you or fas but ONLY an expression of frustration. if such a post is aggression free, from my humble point of view i would be glad if these were tolerated or at least ignored (if they really unnerve you) although, i am respectfully aware that you pay the bills for the forum. if the forum is a place for (possibly valuable) feedback and exchange with your current and prospective customers, utterances of frustration should, in my eyes, be OK, even if posted in a slightly snarky way. at least it gives the huge number of waiting people some form of comfort to know that others are also frustated. for me, your reaction (at least in small traces) induces emotions as if we all (all the slightly 'ironic' waiting people posting in your forum) had been told "be quiet and keep waiting if you don't have anything more constructive to say" which for me increases the unpleasant feelings already induced by the month-long waiting.
please do not take this as a harsh "back" critique but rather as an expression of emotion.
again: your products are great, you are the world's leading engineer in the (complex, demanding and scientifically extremely interesting) field of amp modeling and i perfectly understand that the current situation puts a lot of stress on you, which i certainly respect and try not to aggravate by my post.

nice greetings!
I don't mind the wait but I would like the waiting time to be the same no matter where you live.
Since this is a global forum we're well aware that people in the US are getting served way faster even without the skip-the-line option.
That seems quite unfair and is turning a lot of people away over here.
Sorry for the off topic reply.
I don't mind the wait but I would like the waiting time to be the same no matter where you live.
Since this is a global forum we're well aware that people in the US are getting served way faster even without the skip-the-line option.
That seems quite unfair and is turning a lot of people away over here.
Sorry for the off topic reply.
You have to know that FAS would have loved to sell any and all potential customers an Axe-fx II already if they could have... you really think they don't want your money?!??!?!?!?! It's simple math... they can only make so many Axe-fx's a day... small companies like FAS always have to deal with 3rd party vendor parts, heck even big companies have to deal with 3rd party vendors... just look at the crap that Apple and Samsung are going through and Apple is still buying their screens from Samsung... each company is at the mercy of another... including FAS. Get one second hand... or find a US buddy who would buy one and ship it to you. Good Luck!
Yes but that still doesn't explain why we have to wait l....o.....n....g....e....r
I don't think it would be that hard to make a global waiting list and ship accordingly.
Someone who got on the list in May in Europe should receive it the same tima as someone who got on the list in May in the US.
Just my €0.02

And now back on topic.
No, I'm not afraid of 3.0 I would love to give it at try.
I was just thinking I was kinda sad I didn't get the Axe-Fx II with the first firmware because I was curious what a difference the new firmwares made.
But then I started thinking... nothing stops me from installing the first firmware, recreating my presets and going through all the different upgrades.
That way I wouldn't miss out on the fun.:D
You have to know that FAS would have loved to sell any and all potential customers an Axe-fx II already if they could have... you really think they don't want your money?!??!?!?!?! It's simple math... they can only make so many Axe-fx's a day... small companies like FAS always have to deal with 3rd party vendor parts, heck even big companies have to deal with 3rd party vendors... just look at the crap that Apple and Samsung are going through and Apple is still buying their screens from Samsung... each company is at the mercy of another... including FAS. Get one second hand... or find a US buddy who would buy one and ship it to you. Good Luck!

i totally agree to most what you say. i have no interest to start another "bash cliff for not being able to produce more units"-thread over here. he is doing the best he can to produce as many units as possible (why wouldn't he?). my point in my post from above was that i felt some "solidarity" when the original poster was treated in a bit "thin-skinned" way by cliff, at least from my point of view, because i am in the same boat. i think that it is not totally unconstructive, to post in a slightly sarcastic way, because it may also be valuable for the company to be able to estimate the "unnervedness" degree of their oversea's customers. (set aside the positive effects of generating some ;-)-type of sarcastic solidarity among the totally frustated european customers, which i think may also contribute to their endurance and not to "stirring up the masses".). so lets not turn my moved post into another heated debate. the "where are the eu axe fx" or "axe fx for the aussies" threads are a better place for this.
From a business perspective, I often wonder if it's such a good thing for Cliff to be so available for just anyone to contact. On one hand it's cool to have the CEO of a company respond personally to ideas/questions, but I wonder if, in the long run, it's such a good thing to have a CEO so easily put on blast for, say, a comment that someone doesn't like.

As a no-name forum goer, if I say something dumb I'll probably just be ignored or, at worst, made fun of. No one really cares. But if you're Cliff, even things you don't say can suddenly turn into a whole critical thread (or a comment like the one I'm writing, lol).

I just wonder if Cliff should protect himself more. :)
From a business perspective, I often wonder if it's such a good thing for Cliff to be so available for just anyone to contact. On one hand it's cool to have the CEO of a company respond personally to ideas/questions, but I wonder if, in the long run, it's such a good thing to have a CEO so easily put on blast for, say, a comment that someone doesn't like.

As a no-name forum goer, if I say something dumb I'll probably just be ignored or, at worst, made fun of. No one really cares. But if you're Cliff, even things you don't say can suddenly turn into a whole critical thread (or a comment like the one I'm writing, lol).

I just wonder if Cliff should protect himself more. :)
You have to know that if Cliff HADN'T put himself "out there"... the Axe-fx G1 and more importanatly... the Axe-fx II wouldn't be (sonically) where it is (about to be with 3.0) now... the evolution of G1/G2 firmware has always been the constant suggestions (or as some would say... nagging, bitching, whining & complaining) that we as players have had on this forum... which in turn helps to "inspire" Cliff's ground breaking epiphanies...

So I have to disagree...
You have to know that if Cliff HADN'T put himself "out there"... the Axe-fx G1 and more importanatly... the Axe-fx II wouldn't be (sonically) where it is (about to be with 3.0) now... the evolution of G1/G2 firmware has always been the constant suggestions (or as some would say... nagging, bitching, whining & complaining) that we as players have had on this forum... which in turn helps to "inspire" Cliff's ground breaking epiphanies...

So I have to disagree...

Well of course, I'm not talking about ignoring customer feedback. Feedback is a huge part of any company (though some ignore it). I'm talking more along the lines of "don't let people see you sweat." If handled carefully, I think you can have the benefit of an involved and dedicated community, without always having to be in the line of fire.
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