When a Troll leaves the Basement...

This thread should be renamed: "When a troll leaves the basement, and a fanboi leaves the attic."

It's equally painful listening to both sides. :roll

I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that way. They each had their own goofy list of evidence.
I think the other thing this illustrates is how difficult it really is to gather useful information, and select a product, based solely on Internet opinion. There is an art to weeding through it all and finding the nuggets of truth.

I think the other thing this illustrates is how difficult it really is to gather useful information, and select a product, based solely on Internet opinion. There is an art to weeding through it all and finding the nuggets of truth.

Yes, it's one of those situations where you realize just how important it is to actually get your hands on things before you buy.

Unfortunately, I know that's just not always possible.
I think the other thing this illustrates is how difficult it really is to gather useful information, and select a product, based solely on Internet opinion. There is an art to weeding through it all and finding the nuggets of truth.


You can also dig through piles of crap to find nuggets of corn. Sometimes it just isn't worth the effort.
Ironically, this came up after I listened to the Tag video. . .

I didn't realize that the half-life of an electron was longer in a vacuum tube than within a crystal lattice. ;)


Did anyone happen to see this after watching the above video? Gracious. -_-

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It's not a totally useless effect, but still rather odd in that context.

Yeah, I've never even heard of that effect before. Kinda' made that solo sound like a dying cat. I don't doubt that it might have some good uses, though.
It's not a totally useless effect, but still rather odd in that context.

Odd? He says give me something low down... and then he plays something that sounded like it was from a 60's acid trip. I'd say it was completely out of context. Has to be the worst example of how to use that effect I have ever heard, the fat guy should have hit him over the head with his guitar and put him out of our misery.
Did anyone happen to see this after watching the above video? Gracious. -_-

You guys realize that's not the actual sound from the original video, right? It's an overdub. Just go to Youtube and type in <name of famous player> "Plays guitar" and you'll get a billion overdubs making good guitarist look like crap.
You guys realize that's not the actual sound from the original video, right? It's an overdub. Just go to Youtube and type in <name of famous player> "Plays guitar" and you'll get a billion overdubs making good guitarist look like crap.
nope this is actual footage. He's supposedly showing off an eventide stutter type effect like a whammy with random settings. Needles to say It's awful and I kept laughing as he said in the video and I quote "I'm gonna change the settings to random so when I play, It's gonna sound like a little demon ran up to my guitar and started going crazy with my whammy bar" or something to that effect. I kid you not.
You guys realize that's not the actual sound from the original video, right? It's an overdub. Just go to Youtube and type in <name of famous player> "Plays guitar" and you'll get a billion overdubs making good guitarist look like crap.

That's what I thought at first too, but no. It's legit.

... Speaking of overdubs, though, how about Metalica playing the Power Ranger's theme?

That's what I thought at first too, but no. It's legit.

... Speaking of overdubs, though, how about Metalica playing the Power Ranger's theme?

My 15 year old just spit up his hot chocolate all over the key board throwing a Rawkfist \m/.
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