Thank You Veterans!!!!

Are we really gonna start with the ethics and past/current/future debacles of our countries? This thread was not started for that. We all know that saying words won't cure anyone, but it is what we can do for now for these men and women. It is okay if you do not agree or even oppose a country's actions and views as everyone is entitled to their opinions. It is not okay to insult people who basically sign their lives away to the government, especially if these people are ones who protect us. You can't try the army for a desired pension and then quit if you don't like it. You may also say there's no need for the protection, but when war happens and you get affected directly, you'll say otherwise.

I think I'm gonna bow out now. Good day fellow fractals.
I certainly did not make the thread to tout any nationalistic or political agendas. It was simply to give thanks to all those who serve regardless of when, where, or how. If anyone wants to make more of it then I suggest you create your own thread and do your bitching there.

I didn't think you were. But since this is an international forum I think it is ok to problematize a bit. I mean many many people/nations lose their lives and livelihood due to what other thinks it's their just war and/or trade. We are in it for the thruth i sincerely hope?
I didn't think you were. But since this is an international forum I think it is ok to problematize a bit. I mean many many people/nations lose their lives and livelihood due to what other thinks it's their just war and/or trade. We are in it for the thruth i sincerely hope?

Might I suggest that it was other nations/people losing their lives that made it possible for your country, Sweden, to stay neutral during WWII. Hitler certainly made no effort to honor the pleas for neutrality by other nations. Do you think he would have ultimately been so kind to Sweden had other countries not bled for the world's freedom? You owe our veterans a thanks too.
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