Poll/Which FRFR to get.

Which FRFR ?

  • Mackie HD 1221

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • QSC K12

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 19 70.4%

  • Total voters


What's going on guys, I finally sold my mark iv this week and it is time to get some kind of monitor for the axe. I'd love for you all to vote and then let just tell me your reason behind your vote. I'm looking into the mackie hd 1221 and the QSC K12. The 1221 because the bands I listen to are using it and the K12 because it seems to be the most popular around here.

Reliability is pretty important to me even though I'll buying through sweetwater (The give you a 2 year warranty just for going with them). Just trying to the get the most out of the axe fx II and right now I'm using a valve king peavey combo (Gross I know ). Thanks again !

I'm in the exactly same position as you, sold my mark IV a couple of days ago to fund a monitor for when my axe-fx 2 will arrive. Im also considering either a HD1221 or a QSC K12 and would love to get some input on which one to get!
I'm interested in finding out what the "Other" FRFR's are.

Me too lol. I kinda just put other so people could vote on it and then give me what their "other" options could be. My money doesn't hit my bank account for a few days so I'll try to bumb this poll up and read up what others have to say. Kinda torn between those 2 monitors.
Im torn between selling my 50/50 and getting a K12 or finding some sort of similar unpowered solution. Finally got a response from AtomicAmps this morning when I asked about the unpowered wedge: "6 weeks at the earliest".. *sigh*
Verve 12ma would probably fit in that list, as well as the EV Live X ELX112P, and perhaps JBL PRX612m.

I've actually tried none of these. I'm in the market as well and am also wondering which to go with. :)
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Well guys the list is short because the K12 and HD are the only ones I've have taken the time to research. I'm leaning towards the hd mainly because of Periphery and Animals as Leaders. Misha and Jake could not recommend the HD1221's enough. It was funny when I asked them if I should get one they looked at me like I was crazy that I didn't have one already. The K12's have great reviews and I don't want to go with an amp and cab setup. Want to keep my rig as light and small as possible. I loved the tones I was getting direct with the pa at church so I just need my own monitor on stage. For everyone who voted other let me know what you think is better than the two I posted. I'd love to hear everyones opinion on how and why they run their axe fx the way they do ! Thanks.

I haven't voted yet just probing but why not a Reactor wedge...? same price range maybe a little cheeper if you find a deal on used one. If your doing P&W it should be fine with stage volume unless your in one of those churches that has to have rock concert volumes on stage :? .
Other. I brought a K12 and and an ELX12P home to demo and I liked the EV better. To my ears it just sounded.... well.... right. My guess is that the K12's plastic enclosure colored the sound and the EV's wood cabinet didn't.
got ev live x, whole thread on them, people there convinced me, so I have 2, sound great to moi.
got ev live x, whole thread on them, people there convinced me, so I have 2, sound great to moi.
Got a link? Im interested in the EV ELX115P as well. When I do a search for ELX115P I get no matches in the FAS forums so I figure you are talking about another forum.

Edit: Which is weird because you would think this thread at least would pop up, but no...
I have a couple of ELX112P and they sound pretty damn good! Tight & punchy especially if you give just little midrange boost. I play through them at home & very happy with them.
What about L/R out into the power amp section of a couple small combo amps? hum... could thou not rocketh the flocketh. Going straight into the board would be the shiznit portability wise. For a blues gig, in a dive bar... IDK.. you tell me.
EV ELX115P, looks like this a pretty popular choice. I'll look into for sure. I keep leaning towards those mackies , but it doesn't seem like a lot of people have used them. As far as why I haven't picked atomic as a choice was that I don't want to deal with tubes for the time being.
Well sorry for the almost useless thread guys Lol. I bought the mackie hd 1221 today. It should be in next week and I'll post up a review. In a few months I'll get a completely different frfr speaker to compare and see which one I like best. I just went with my gut, Misha and Jake from Periphery couldn't recommend them enough. Plus Tosin is using one of the bigger mackie hd's live too. I'm curious to see what the atomic 2's will be and how they compare to the other stuff out there. Thanks again for your time guys.

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