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  1. mr_fender

    *Solved* FM3 into Apollo solo no signal - help please 🙏

    Yeah, I found this on the UA website: "If you have your input set to LINE but are connecting via XLR, or if you have your input set to MIC but are connecting via 1/4" TRS, that would cause no input to show on the Apollo." Looks like Mic input level is dedicated to the XLR inputs and Line input...
  2. mr_fender

    Input 1 is clipping at 8% - is that crazy?

    You can add the Input Sensitivity control to the Performance pages using Axe Edit.
  3. mr_fender

    Audio interface and plugin sound issue

    It looks like you're only feeding the right channel. Maybe change your Input Mode to mono.
  4. mr_fender

    *Solved* FM3 into Apollo solo no signal - help please 🙏

    Fractal XLR outputs are protected against phantom power. It won't cause any damage if it's left on. Do you have the OUT knob turned up? It also depends on the output level selected in the I/O menu. I believe it defaults to -10 dBV but can be changed to +4 dBu for a hotter output. Swap the...
  5. mr_fender

    Input 1 is clipping at 8% - is that crazy?

    10% here with my Les Paul and Duncan JB in the bridge, but I'm kind of heavy handed. Low settings are just fine. You're not losing anything. The input circuit is very low noise and 24 bit audio has ample dynamic range.
  6. mr_fender

    *Solved* FM3 into Apollo solo no signal - help please 🙏

    XLR to XLR should work just fine. Maybe try a different cable or try going into XLR 1 instead. You could also try the MIC on XLR 2 to make sure it's working.
  7. mr_fender

    Wish Stop Resetting Amp Block Output EQ Settings During Hard Reset

    That should be part of your wish. Don't get me wrong. I like the idea behind the wish, but a hard reset should always reset everything. We just need more soft reset options besides changing models. A proper double click to reset a parameter back to the current model's default would be great...
  8. mr_fender

    Wish Stop Resetting Amp Block Output EQ Settings During Hard Reset

    A hard reset by definition returns everything back to defaults. That's why it's "hard". Your request makes more sense as an option for the soft reset not the hard reset.
  9. mr_fender

    Can the presets button change to be tap tempo while in scenes mode?

    It's possible, but you'd need to modify the layout a bit. In "Preset Mode" switch 9 (top right) becomes the Bank Up switch. If you sacrificed one of the preset select switches and used 4 instead of 5, you could move Bank Up to switch 5 and then make switch 9 tap tempo if you wanted. Another...
  10. mr_fender

    Input 1 is clipping at 8% - is that crazy?

    Input Sensitivity in the I/O menu
  11. mr_fender

    What guitar cable do you use?

    I made my own cables using bulk cable from about 10 years ago. They're all still going strong.
  12. mr_fender

    Fractal X-Load Problem when using Live

    First thing I'd check is your tubes. Give each of them a tap while the amp is running and see if any of them have gone microphonic. At really high volumes the second most likely culprit would probably be the guitar and pickups.. Rolling off your guitar volume all the way will tell you if...
  13. mr_fender

    Next time -LOOK before I leap

    Yes, if you need to reinstall it later for whatever reason. Once it's authorized, you can export as many IRs from it as you want.
  14. mr_fender

    Not Getting Gapless Switching of Presets with 8.00

    Did you resave all of your presets using the 8.0 FW.?
  15. mr_fender

    Run To You Solo Harmonies

    I like the pedal approach. Takes some practice for sure, but it gives a ton of flexibility in your harmonies.
  16. mr_fender

    Phase issues when using "fx" loops (Out4/In4)

    Yeah the Send and Return blocks are not really needed. If you reorient things a bit they can all be eliminated and simplify things.
  17. mr_fender

    Phase issues when using "fx" loops (Out4/In4)

    You have to either run the full signal through the HXFX like a series effect or run it 100% wet only. Blending any dry signal through the loop will cause phase issues. Instead of bypassing the HXFX when not in use, you'll have to either mute it or bypass the loop itself on the grid.
  18. mr_fender

    Preset Names screwed Up-Help Please?

    Your bank size is set to 3. Change it to 5. FC Controllers menu > Config page on the front menu or FC Edit > FC Config in the editor.
  19. mr_fender

    DI Out with pitch blocks?

    The signal for USB Input 3 and 4 comes directly from the input, not the grid. The IN 1 block is not required to capture a DI. If you want to capture a processed signal from the grid, use either the Out 1 or Out 2 blocks.
  20. mr_fender

    Best-Tronics now offering cables specifically designed for Fractal Audio Products

    Remember, Humbuster is only on the Fractal 1/4" output jacks as well. No benefit in using Humbuster cables on Fractal inputs. Use either standard TS instrument cables or balanced TRS cables if the sending device has a balanced output.
  21. mr_fender

    Best-Tronics now offering cables specifically designed for Fractal Audio Products

    No, the pinout is different. TRS to TS adapters short the Tip and Ring together. You want the Ring and Sleeve shorted instead. If you want to make your own Humbuster cable, take a stock TRS to TRS cable, unscrew one of the plugs and short the ring and sleeve contacts together with a small...
  22. mr_fender

    Phase issues when using "fx" loops (Out4/In4)

    What effects are you trying to blend? There's often more than one way to skin a cat.
  23. mr_fender

    Phase issues when using "fx" loops (Out4/In4)

    It's D/A and A/D Conversion latency from the loop. This is unavoidable in all digital gear. Wet/dry blends between analog and digital are difficult at best. Unless you can match the latency on all signal paths exactly, it's really only usable for delay based effects.
  24. mr_fender

    DI Track cracking

    I don't really hear any clipping in your second posted clip. Zoom way in on the waveform and look for clipped peaks.
  25. mr_fender

    Simultaneous Analog + USB input sources

    Yes. You can use the IN USB block on in your presets to input a digital signal via USB Outputs 7 & 8.
  26. mr_fender

    DI Track cracking

    You might be clipping the onboard preamp of the pickups. Have you tried running the pickups with 18V for more headroom?
  27. mr_fender

    Consistent output level

    From the Home screen, page right 4 times to get to the Meters Page, but that doesn't show the OUT Knob settings. That's in the Utilities menu like thejacobclark said. On the Axe III, it's under Utilities > ADC Levels.
  28. mr_fender

    Firmware update 8.00 output problem

    Check your level on the Meters page of the home screen. Are you seeing a healthy signal on USB Outputs 1 and 2?
  29. mr_fender

    Send midi commands via USB to PC

    Yeah I think all traffic to and from Axe Edit and Fractal Bot is sysex messages via MIDI over USB. The limitation is that user programmed messages from the MIDI block and CS MIDI are not sent over USB and only go to the physical MIDI OUT port.
  30. mr_fender

    Bug? Not a bug.

    Yeah toggle does avoid the hold delay, but you have to do the double tap to get to some scenes, so it's a trade off. Using a scene layout with 8 switches is the most convenient, but then you have to use up a full layout. It's an amazingly flexible system, but there's always compromises.
  31. mr_fender

    Bug? Not a bug.

    It works exactly that way. It shows the current scene, however you get there. The switching logic is not as simple when you are A/B toggling in a system with more than two states. There are 8 scenes and each switch can access two of those scenes when toggling. Which scene each switch will...
  32. mr_fender

    Bug? Not a bug.

    There is only one current scene. If you have multiple switches set to show the current scene. They will all show the same scene. If you want the switches to not show the same thing, don't set them all to "Current"
  33. mr_fender

    Expression pedal problem

    Hit the Enter button. Pressing the Value wheel is not the same as enter. By default it takes you to the Layout screen.
  34. mr_fender

    Reamping axe fx 3 with cubase

    Just create two tracks in Cubase and select the corresponding input for each of them. One for wet and one for the DI. Arm them both and record away.
  35. mr_fender

    PC Daw dead RIP -Worst timing for this

    One thing to try is to remove the boot drive from the system. If it finds no bootable devices, it may take you to a screen that lets you access the BIOS. Hail Mary approach is to pull the CMOS battery and wipe the settings completely. That should force it to a boot option as well but can be a...
  36. mr_fender

    PC Daw dead RIP -Worst timing for this

    If you hold down the shift key while you restart Windows, it should go into the Advanced Startup options when it boots. From the options choose Troubleshoot, then Advanced Options, and it should give you an option for UEFI Firmware Settings. That should make it restart and enter BIOS. On my...
  37. mr_fender

    PC Daw dead RIP -Worst timing for this

    Will the machine boot into Windows at all? Also are the keyboard and mouse wired or wireless USB? I've had some wireless USB keyboards not work in BIOS.
  38. mr_fender

    PC Daw dead RIP -Worst timing for this

    What version of Windows are you running?
  39. mr_fender

    PC Daw dead RIP -Worst timing for this

    Delete key during boot works on my Asus board. Are you using a USB keyboard and mouse? Bluetooth devices likely won't work at boot.
  40. mr_fender

    Not a Bug (Resolved) CPU behavior has me stumped...

    Yep. Your pitch block is changing channels and going from Virtual Capo to Quad Chromatic. The latter uses more CPU. If you don't need the Quad Chromatic shifter in that scene, change the Pitch block back to channel C and the CPU will stay the same as Scene 2.
  41. mr_fender

    Not a Bug (Resolved) CPU behavior has me stumped...

    You're probably changing channels in a block to a higher CPU algorithm somewhere. Whether the block is active or bypassed has no effect on CPU usage. It's processing the audio either way. That's the only way to get seamless on/off transitions.
  42. mr_fender

    Money For Nothing

    Good to know. It never ceases to amaze me how much crap there is out there regarding recording and guitar tones. Gotta take it all with a grain of salt.
  43. mr_fender

    Steve Vai Doesn't Like Amp Modeling - Rick Beato Interview

    Cliff has also stated that Fractal does not do paid endorsements or free units to anyone. Fractal artists buy their units just like everyone else.
  44. mr_fender

    Money For Nothing

    Yeah, Knopfler's fingerstyle playing is a big part of it.
  45. mr_fender

    Money For Nothing

    Original track was supposedly a Les Paul Jr into a cocked Morley Wah into a Laney 2x12 combo. The amp was supposedly mic'd with an SM57 and a 451, but the 57's mount came loose and the mic drooped down to point straight at the floor in front of the amp causing some weird phase cancellation...
  46. mr_fender

    Upgrading my wife to a newer iPhone

    As long as her apps are still available in the App Store, they can be installed on the new phone. Data management on Android phones is kind of all over the place, so it's a much bigger pain in the ass to transfer things. Apple keeps things locked down pretty tight so there's a lot more...
  47. mr_fender

    Copying Preset blocks you like into the block library - I'm stumped

    Control click the folders that have the little cloud icon and choose Download Now. I think that cloud with the down arrow means it's currently available online only, which might explain why the Editor can't find them correctly.
  48. mr_fender

    Copying Preset blocks you like into the block library - I'm stumped

    I noticed the little cloud icons in your folder views. I think I remember there was maybe some kind of issue with cloud sync'd files and the block library in the past. Could be some kind of permissions issue for those folders too. There's .blk files there in the folder. I'm a Windows guy so...
  49. mr_fender

    Copying Preset blocks you like into the block library - I'm stumped

    Try clicking the arrow down there and then select "Refresh Library" See if they show up then.
  50. mr_fender

    Copying Scenes using Edit

    Click on the block in the grid view in the Editor to select it. The Block Library is on the bottom left of the screen. The little triangle there is a menu. Click that and choose to save the block. To place it, put that same block type in the new preset and then select it and choose the saved...
  51. mr_fender

    Another Control Switch Question

    Possibly. Could also switch between two different amp blocks if the other is not already in use. Each block could have its own modifiers then.
  52. mr_fender

    Another Control Switch Question

    You cannot have different modifier settings per channel. They are shared between all of the block's channels.
  53. mr_fender

    Another Control Switch Question

    Not currently possible. Modifiers are assigned across all channels of a block. The modifier can be active for either just one channel or all of them, but you can't have unique modifier settings per channel. Any modifier values you choose in one channel will be in place for all of them. One...
  54. mr_fender

    Confirmed please delete

    I've long wanted a full powered floor version of the Axe FX. The FM9 comes pretty close. My presets are typically not too crazy, so If I had it to do over again, I'd go with the FM9. I bought my III before the FM9 was released though, and I'm too lazy to switch now.
  55. mr_fender

    FM3 ASIO > Ableton : No Audio

    Yes. Windows system audio is independent of the DAWs audio settings. It can use a completely different device if desired.
  56. mr_fender

    FM3 ASIO > Ableton : No Audio

    Set Output 2 to Copy Output 1 in the I/O menu.
  57. mr_fender

    Confirmed please delete

    For front panel editing, I'll take the 3U format any day of the week. The front panel of the III is infinitely more usable than that of the II. There's no contest.
  58. mr_fender

    FM3 ASIO > Ableton : No Audio

    Yes. ASIO only allows one active driver at a time. Connect your speakers directly to the FM3. You can also monitor through another interface if you send the FM3's output signal to that interface via analog cables or SPDIF.
  59. mr_fender

    Copying Scenes using Edit

    You can copy the block from the current preset and then switch to a new preset and paste it. You can also save the block to the block library and recall it that way in the new preset.
  60. mr_fender

    Copying Scenes using Edit

    Not possible. Scenes only make sense in the context of the current preset. You can copy the blocks and channels from each of those presets into a new preset.
  61. mr_fender

    Copying Preset blocks you like into the block library - I'm stumped

    Click on the Amp block in your preset. The Library list for that block is down on the bottom left side.
  62. mr_fender

    Fc12 issue who to contact

    Here's a video I found of someone showing some pics of replacing the switch on their FM3. I believe the FC units use the same 3 switch PCB assemblies as the FM3 and the FM9. The FC-12 just has 4 sets of them. The actual electronic switch is soldered to the PCB. The external part you hit with...
  63. mr_fender

    Fc12 issue who to contact

    Contact support. They can probably provide you with a replacement switch actuator.
  64. mr_fender

    Fc6 switch not engaging

    If the mounting screw(s) for the PCB has come loose, the switch could be sitting a bit further away from the external actuator. You could try opening the FC-6 up and checking if the PCB is still mounted firmly to the underside of the top panel. Its mounting screws may have come loose or something.
  65. mr_fender

    Connecting via USB

    The Axe III's output is going to its own outputs, not the Focusrite. If you want to monitor from your Focusrite, you'll need to send the Axe III's signal to it via either an analog or digital connection. Check out GlennO's recording guide for more details...
  66. mr_fender

    Wish Output EQ Bypass Button

    A dedicated bypass switch on that screen would be handy, but as a workaround, you can turn them off in the Setup > Global Settings menu. You can also drag that option from each output from the Setup menu in the editor to one of the performance pages and then access them there. It also keeps...
  67. mr_fender

    Instrument or Line Level in Comp Block

    The amp block can boost the level a few dB, but it also tends to add a fair bit of its own tube compression as well, especially on high gain sounds. I'd expect the signal directly from the guitar to be a bit lower level, but more dynamic. I'm not exactly sure what the instrument/line option...
  68. mr_fender

    Instrument or Line Level in Comp Block

    Yes, because the Out 1 block boosts the level something like 18 dB.
  69. mr_fender

    broken tip

    If you remove the two nuts from the front of the jacks, the backplate should come off. You can then de-solder the jack from the PCB if needed for more room to work and then carefully cut or drill the back open to get the stuck piece out. A decent local luthier or amp tech could likely help...
  70. mr_fender

    FM3 - Horrible Noise when changing scenes - Question on how to prevent it

    Turn down the Out knob. Then it won't be too loud for your FRFR.
  71. mr_fender

    FM3 - Horrible Noise when changing scenes - Question on how to prevent it

    Record and post a clip of what is happening and if possible, post the preset.
  72. mr_fender

    pitch block

    You can also use a momentary control switch to manually control the pitch block for different parts or lines on the fly. Might give you more precise control than the pitch follower.
  73. mr_fender

    Cabs - hi & low cuts?

    It depends on the mix you're trying to fit into. If you're just jamming alone, there's no need to cut anything unless you think it sounds better. If you're in an instrumental 3 piece, you're going to have a whole lot more sonic real estate to play with compared to a bigger band with multiple...
  74. mr_fender

    FW 7.0 - Sound Volume/Output on Presets All Over the Place?

    Firmware updates change things, sometimes drastically. You may have to tweak existing presets. Use the Preset Leveling Tool in the editor to even them back out.
  75. mr_fender

    a question about the preset sound volume

    Hearing is pretty subjective, so your perceived volume will depend on many factors like frequency content, dynamics, duration, ear fatigue, etc., so the number on the meter (which is a weighted average) is only part of the story.
  76. mr_fender

    String Tension Question-oh well

    The difference in tension should be fairly subtle from 24.75", but that's a pretty key spec to get wrong. Weird.
  77. mr_fender

    String Tension Question-oh well

    Measure from the front edge of the nut to the center of the 12th fret and double that.
  78. mr_fender

    Can one footswitch turn two pedals on and off at the same time?

    The control switch's state would depend on the CS per Scene setting in the new preset. If it's set to Last in the new preset and scene, it would keep its state from the previous preset. Bypass modifiers will take precedence over the saved state of the block, so the CS state would determine the...
  79. mr_fender

    Can one footswitch turn two pedals on and off at the same time?

    Same thing. They will obey the settings chosen for each scene in any preset. LAST is the default, so it will keep it's current state unless you specifically set it to turn on or off in a given scene. The state can still be manually changed with a footswitch after the scene loads as well.
  80. mr_fender

    Can one footswitch turn two pedals on and off at the same time?

    CS states can be defined per scene as On, Off, or LAST. The LAST setting keeps the current setting when changing scenes (sort of like scene ignore).
  81. mr_fender

    switching scene from a guitar switch?

    Line 6's Variax integration used to allow this. The modeler could change your guitar settings as well.
  82. mr_fender

    switching scene from a guitar switch?

    It's doable, but that's an awful lot of work for just 3 scenes when like unix-guy said you can easily switch that on the FM3 itself.
  83. mr_fender

    switching scene from a guitar switch?

    I seriously doubt James is switching presets from his guitar. His tech is most likely switching presets for him off stage or they are automated via MIDI.
  84. mr_fender

    broken tip

    If you've got a Dremel tool or similar, you could cut or drill open the plastic back side of the enclosed jack and push it out of the back.
  85. mr_fender

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    AdminM@'s own quote: I agree it does seem somewhat at odds with the wording of the release notes. The Axe III's FW 25.0 release notes specifically stated that the values are automatically updated when the preset is loaded, while the FM3's FW 8.0 notes do not. @Admin M@ , can we get some...
  86. mr_fender

    Wish Export Banks List with Presets

    I don't believe it's currently possible and I don't believe there is any mechanism to name banks either. Like presets, the banks also start from zero, not one. The FC units momentarily display the bank number, the preset number range it contains and the name of the first preset in that bank...
  87. mr_fender

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    Per AdminM@, the new values affected by the new FW are automatically updated when the preset is loaded. The FW release notes state that existing presets are NOT altered, but I believe that means that they are not automatically changed and saved. You have to save the preset after it is loaded...
  88. mr_fender

    Update amps after new firmware?

    Nearly all of the amp were reworked for FW 8, so it's quite likely that they were updated again.
  89. mr_fender

    Issues with PC and CC messages using Reaper

    Make sure MIDI Mapping is turned OFF in the MIDI/Remote menu. That can mess with switching for sure. Also, if your presets are high CPU, other functions can be affected. Audio always gets priority in Fractal devices.
  90. mr_fender

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    They were already changed when you loaded the preset. FW 8 updates the affected parameters automatically when an older preset is loaded. All you have to do is save the preset to make them stick. That's what the Upgrade All Presets utility does.
  91. mr_fender

    Bought a set of Nut files this week!

    A cutting torch tip cleaning tool makes a decent makeshift nut file set too.
  92. mr_fender

    Update amps after new firmware?

    Follow the instructions in the Release Notes: Setup > Global Settings > Config > Spillover must be set to “ALL” Your presets must be saved under firmware 8.x or newer. You can do this manually in any of the usual ways or use the automatic utility in: SETUP > Utilities > Preset > Upgrade All...
  93. mr_fender

    Bought a set of Nut files this week!

    You want the front edge of the nut (fingerboard side) to be the highest point of the slot. Otherwise the open string can buzz in the nut slot and mess with intonation. A smooth curve is generally better than a flat angle. Same goes for the side to side angle of the inner strings on 3x3...
  94. mr_fender

    No sound from YouTube when fractal is turned on

    If you never want system audio to go through the FM3, you can disable it as a playback device in the system settings. Windows' system audio is separate from your DAW, so you'll still be able to record with the FM3 there.
  95. mr_fender

    No sound from YouTube when fractal is turned on

    Click on the speaker icon in the system tray down by the clock and choose your computer's audio device instead of the FM3. Or you can listen through your FM3.
  96. mr_fender

    No sound from YouTube when fractal is turned on

    The OS is probably switching to the FM3 as your audio device instead of the computer's audio device. Are you on Windows or Mac?
  97. mr_fender

    High Quality mode

    Yes. It's power of suggestion. You're changing the setting, so you're expecting to hear a difference. A blind test will clear that right up.
  98. mr_fender

    USB output 5/6 (for dry signal) too quiet

    The DI is the true level of your guitar's pickups. If you have lower output pickups or have the Input Gain turned down in the I/O menu, the level will be quite low.
  99. mr_fender

    Is it possible to link two blocks so they are mirrored?

    Yes. The Amp and Drive blocks process in mono and copy the results to stereo outputs. The Reverb block also sums the input to mono but spreads its delay lines or voices across stereo outputs.
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