Money For Nothing


The tone on this is, well you know, the greatest. Does anyone have a preset that closely mimics the tone? I've looked but cannot find anything. Sorry for the trouble, but I would really appreciate it if anyone can help me. As always, thanks to the group. Viva Fractal!
Not sure if it's still there, but there used to be a Factory Preset called 'Money for Something'.. it was pretty much dead on too!
Original track was supposedly a Les Paul Jr into a cocked Morley Wah into a Laney 2x12 combo. The amp was supposedly mic'd with an SM57 and a 451, but the 57's mount came loose and the mic drooped down to point straight at the floor in front of the amp causing some weird phase cancellation between the two mics. Sort of a happy accident kind of thing. Apparently they tried to recreate it later, but never really could get it just right.
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The secret is in the fingers. 😄
Well, that’s part of it.
Then voicing the chord melody the way he did it. Phrasing is huge.
Then there’s the Gibson, and cocked wah thing.
Not sure if it's still there, but there used to be a Factory Preset called 'Money for Something'.. it was pretty much dead on too!
Yes, it’s there. It’s @Admin M@’s creation. Sounds wickedly close with PAF-style pickups.
Original track was supposedly a Les Paul Jr into a cocked Morley Wah into a Laney 2x12 combo. The amp was supposedly mic'd with an SM57 and a 451, but the 57's mount came loose and the mic drooped down to point straight at the floor in front of the amp causing some weird phase cancellation between the two mics. Sort of a happy accident kind of thing. Apparently they tried to recreate it later, but never really could get it just right.
It was the 83 reissue Les Paul he auctioned last january with his JTM45. A recording engineering that worked in that album spread that JR+Laney thing but both Knopfler and John Suhr (That helped as guitar tech in that album) have stated that was incorrect. There were no LP Jr at Montserrat and the amps used were the JTM45, his Brown vibrolux and Jim Kelley amps for all the BIA album recording.
Good to know. It never ceases to amaze me how much crap there is out there regarding recording and guitar tones. Gotta take it all with a grain of salt.
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