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Hello I hope all is well. I'm thinking of getting the axe fx 3 (newset version) and I know how powerfull it is but I don't wanna get it and then months or a year later a new version comes out.

how long do you think the 3 has or how close / far away are we from v4?

what are your thoughts on it? can @FractalAudio share anything regarding that?
Who cares ? long as the AXE III is out there..who cares? just enjoy the ride
Never ceases to amaze me how long such pointless threads tend to exist. I understand that buying a III today and the IV coming out tomorrow would render my III absolutely worthless and the sound coming out of it into the equivalent of a garbage disposal in action (sarcasm!). So I would also wait until the IV comes out, quickly buy it before the question starts to brodel in my head again, Hmm.. when’s the V coming out? Oh my god, am I stuck in the Twilight Zone?

Buy the damned thing, play guitar and quit trying to get predictions to the lottery.

As if Cliff were to say “I suggest to all not to buy the III anymore because the IV is coming out in about 15 months or so. We just acquired a shredder for the obsolete III’s we still have in stock, which we will use to dispose the obsolete III’s in an environmentally responsible fashion”.
For front panel editing, I'll take the 3U format any day of the week. The front panel of the III is infinitely more usable than that of the II. There's no contest.
Pedal format in 2U with a screen on the top would beat it any day, actually. Fm9-style.
If you need it in a rack, you can put it there on a moving shelf. If you need it on a table or a floor, it can do it also.
There is really no reason for rack units to exist if extensive UI editing is required.
Pedal format in 2U with a screen on the top would beat it any day, actually. Fm9-style.
If you need it in a rack, you can put it there on a moving shelf. If you need it on a table or a floor, it can do it also.
There is really no reason for rack units to exist if extensive UI editing is required.

I've long wanted a full powered floor version of the Axe FX. The FM9 comes pretty close. My presets are typically not too crazy, so If I had it to do over again, I'd go with the FM9. I bought my III before the FM9 was released though, and I'm too lazy to switch now.
I am still on Axe fx II. The fact that it isn’t updated anymore also gives some rest. You have to do it with what you’ve got. No constant preset tweaks anymore because of new FW changes and so. No wishes. This is what it is. That means more time for playing. There is something to say for that.

If the Axe fx III wasn’t 3U I would probably have upgraded. But for me it’s too big and I think the big screen doesn’t look nice. So that’s another argument (for me) for the Axe IV: a smaller form factor….

I'm in your camp. I have an AXEIII FM9 and an AX8 and the AX8 still kicks ass... there's nothing wrong with it. It's still a great piece of equipment. For me, how many more amps do I need, how many more effects? How much further can the sound quality improve, and what perceivable differences could I possibly utilize for upgrading to an AXEIV when AXEIII is still so much more than I can ever use or wrap my head around on most days. Hundreds of amps I can rebuild making amp selection endless... The effects, the routing capabilities, all astonishing on the III. Again, personally, I simply can't imagine getting a 'IV' for any practical reason because the III is still confounding me with its capabilities and I have owned the thing for years.

Each to their own and all that, and if a person has money to burn and a hankering for something new, why not? but for this guy, I doubt I would ever upgrade to anything new. I only got the FM9 due to its code being - pretty much - transferable from the III, otherwise I would still be using the AX8.
Are the Axe II effects much different from those in the III?

I may use my XLII+ as an effects unit in the FX loop of the III, I guess making it an Axe FX Five, right?
Honestly, I don’t know why I need a 4 with the 3.

The only think that can be improved is the UI of the hardware and some easier shortcut and manipulation in axe edit. So spending 3/4k for that ? No.
I expect the IV will come with an LLM embedded which will provide musical insights and general critiques of your playing... It will have selectable voice and style, from foxy lady making compliments all the way to full blown Lemmy...
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