What guitar cable do you use?

Been using Lava Cable Blue Demon for a long time. Never an issue and they last, well I have yet to replace any!
Reasonably priced, great specs and build.
These days, I use “Worlds Best Cables,” from Amazon, which use Mogami wire and Neutrik connectors.
Great cables, and competitively priced!
Let’s say for recording. Live matters less but for recording, what do/would you use?
Any sufficiently-shielded cable with good-quality soldering will get the job done. You don't need high quality cables, but they certainly have their advantages, more-so when it comes to durability and RF rejection. Studio runs can be quite long and I consider high quality buffers to be much more impactful than cable choice. My standard practice is to plug the guitar directly into a high quality buffer (or as soon as possible after any impedance-dependent effects like fuzz), attempt to eliminate any unnecessary / low-quality buffers in the signal path, and then route the signal to another high quality buffer which goes to the amp. I've found the setup to be capable of surprisingly long runs with minimal tone loss.

That said, if anything is "right" in the studio, it's what gets the best performance out of the artist and the sound they want. I've had clients opt for their wireless systems in a few sessions and things turned out great!
Proco Excellines, affordable and built like tanks. When I was struggling with a mix of various cables looked back at ones purchased like 20 years ago that never failed me. All proco so it's now my go to for everything
Be cautious with these. Great quality, but they have oversized tips for 'a more solid connection' inside the input jack of the guitar. The problem is, I was using it everyday with my favorite Les Paul, and later when I went to use my wireless transmitter it kept cutting out. The American Stage cable had loosened up the guitar jack connection (due to being oversized). I had to pry the metal connector inside the jack back into place for a tighter fit with regular sized cables/connectors. There's a dick joke there.... LOL.

This is why I never got on board the Monster cable train. Hated those things...
At home, I use a 3m long monster classic (monster prolink) between the fractal gear and the guitar.

In live, canare (japan) GS-6 7m and 9m is used instead of monster 3m. Not because it sounds better, but simply because the canare is longer and I like to move around on stage.

Oh, I also have a mogami (japan) neglex 2549 cable that I've used for about 20 years. It is 5m long and the connector cap on the guitar side has broken and chipped away , so I don't use it much now.
(for psychological reasons)
Nobody's had trouble with those not lying flat? They're definitely excellent quality, just opinionated, for me. Guess I'm weird.
They lie pretty flat for me. I use the home-built equivalent, using identical parts bought from BTPA. For that extra bit of lying flat, use the identical cable without the fabric sleeve. Couldn't ask for a better-behaved cable than that.
Cables? We don't need no stinking cables ....

When I did, I used mogami 2824. I ain't fussy.


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They lie pretty flat for me. I use the home-built equivalent, using identical parts bought from BTPA. For that extra bit of lying flat, use the identical cable without the fabric sleeve. Couldn't ask for a better-behaved cable than that.
No fabric sleeve on mine, they're more like black rubber, this one: https://btpa.com/GI57-XX

But of course that link (which BTPA sent me) has a broken picture. Pfft.
That sleeve accounts for at least 10% of my awesome tone now. 😂
You don't think the sleeve affects handling, do you?

I messed with mine more this evening, same as before. I have to have a discussion with it to get it to lie flat on the floor, and if I move around it may or may not stay down.

No idea how I could be causing this. I've been wrangling cables for a long time. I'm good at listening to what they want to do and going along. But these guys, they're just unsettled, or something. Don't understand why it's just me though.
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