Audio interface and plugin sound issue



I was wondering if anyone could assist me -

My Audio interface is an Audient iD22.

Any idea why my sound is horrible compared to his ,using the same preset ?

Also, Any idea why my right output volume is higher than the left:

Thank you very much for your help in advance.

P.S - Please don't mind my playing - I'm a below-below beginner at best.
Try swapping left and right cables... If the volume difference follows the cable, then the cable is most likely the problem.

Otherwise, check your interface inputs.

Also, check the Preset Leveling tool to confirm that your left and right are balanced at the Output block.

As far as sounds, are you running the same firmware version? Using the same guitar, pickups, strings, picks, etc will contribute but mostly it's also playing technique and fingers.
Try swapping left and right cables... If the volume difference follows the cable, then the cable is most likely the problem.

Otherwise, check your interface inputs.

Also, check the Preset Leveling tool to confirm that your left and right are balanced at the Output block.

As far as sounds, are you running the same firmware version? Using the same guitar, pickups, strings, picks, etc will contribute but mostly it's also playing technique and fingers.

I'll give the swapping a try.
The interface input is set to 0, input value on the VST is set to +3.8
I'm not using the same guitar nor the same pickups or strings as far as I know.

Thanks for your help, appreciate it.
In addition to what's been said already, I think it sounds like he's picking slightly harder than you and also producing more overtones with his picking technique.
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