Copying Preset blocks you like into the block library - I'm stumped

Hi Rex. Thanks for getting back in touch. Yes, I am clicking on the Amp Block (in the Preset grid). I'll read rest of your message and get back to you. Basically... whenever I come out of FM3 Edit, any Amps or Cabs I've saved from Presets I like, just vanish. They are there when I Save them... but once I come out of FM3 edit and return they have simply disappeared. It's SO frustrating that what I'm sure is a simple (and very useful process) continues to stump me. I thought I would have even 'accidentally' got it right once by now.
When I click on the Amp block and then go down and click on 'Library' no Amps show (they do when I first save them but , as I mentioned, when I come out of FM3 Edit and return, NO Amps or Cabs I've saved previously are there... the Library is empty.
This is what I get when I click on Amp and then click on Library - just 'Save', 'Refresh Library' or 'Show Folder'... NO Amps
Library display.png
Make sure you are clicking the actual Library dropdown and not someplace else.

That's what I see when I click on the Library window... just black emptiness. And when I click on the little white pointer I got those three options: Save, Refresh Library or Show Folder
Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 20.12.45.png
Yep, Moderator, that's exactly where I'm clicking - I don't see 'GLOBAL BLOCK' beneath mine, as is showing on yours, though. Does that matter ?
And the irony isn't lost on me that the 'quick and easy method of me "stealing" block from Presets I like' is proving - for me at least - to be waaaaaaay more time consuming than the 'old fashioned' way I was doing it of just picking a block and then tweaking it. Lol.
Don't click the arrow beside library, CLICK ONLY INSIDE the BLACK BOX UNDER LIBRARY, do you see your amp?
That is what Matt is trying to show you with his orange arrows
Hi rhummellh - yes, that's exactly where I've been clicking, but thanks for checking. I think I'm gonna concede defeat on this - I'm a placid gent but even I'm getting quite annoyed (only with myself) and will just go back to what I was doing previously - life was so much simpler... even though what I've been attempting to do (and failing miserably) initially looked simple, quick and a great way too 'instantly' get already made blocks you really like into a library scenario. oh well, you can't win 'em all.
As always I thank you all for taking the time out of your day(s) to help me solve this issue. It really is appreciated.
Evening mr fender. I tried that earlier after I had successfully 'saved' an amp and cab I liked and when I hit Refresh Library in the hope it would permanently save them.... they disappeared. Lol
I noticed the little cloud icons in your folder views. I think I remember there was maybe some kind of issue with cloud sync'd files and the block library in the past. Could be some kind of permissions issue for those folders too. There's .blk files there in the folder. I'm a Windows guy so I can't offer much help there.

Maybe post a screenshot of your library folder settings in the Preferences dialog from the Settings menu up top.
Basically I seem to be able to only save blocks temporarily - they show in the library when I first save them - but if I come out of FM3 Edit, anything I'd saved is no longer there when I restart FM3 Edit. I must be doing something spectacularly wrong... embarrassingly so, methinks.
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