Copying Scenes using Edit


I'm trying to figure out a way to copy whole scenes into a new preset using edit. For example if I like scene 5 in preset 320 and scene1 in preset 200 and want to use them together in a new preset, how do i copy the scene. I only see a way to change the scene within its preset?
Not possible. Scenes only make sense in the context of the current preset.

You can copy the blocks and channels from each of those presets into a new preset.
This question comes up a lot, and is then followed by replies that say "that doesn't make any sense". And, strictly speaking, it doesn't make sense. Scenes are just switcher patches that control which blocks are on and which are off (plus channel selection) for a particular scene. (Confusion over how scenes work is also a frequent subject on the forum.)

Usually what people mean when they ask this is: can I save a set of blocks into a "sub-preset" that I can drop it into another preset later, and in that way copy a group of blocks from one preset to another?

That's again a question that comes up a lot, and the answer is again "no". You can only copy or save a single block. But, this is a more important issue with the Axe-FX than on other modelers. With the Axe-FX, you can build some interesting meta effects by grouping together blocks that interact. For example, you can build complex delays that have filters or other effects of your choosing in the feedback loop. Or have a set of parallel effects that blend together. As it is, you must craft those from scratch each time you want to use them in a preset.

It would be nice if you could select a group of blocks, by drawing a lasso around them in the editor, then copy them, or even save them into a library. This is yet another case where the Axe-FX has a really cool feature that could benefit from even more powerful features.
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You can copy the block from the current preset and then switch to a new preset and paste it.

You can also save the block to the block library and recall it that way in the new preset.
You can copy the block from the current preset and then switch to a new preset and paste it.

You can also save the block to the block library and recall it that way in the new preset.
Yes, that is what I meant. How do I save a block to a library and then how do i bring it up? I read the manual and that's something I cant figure out.
Click on the block in the grid view in the Editor to select it. The Block Library is on the bottom left of the screen. The little triangle there is a menu. Click that and choose to save the block.

To place it, put that same block type in the new preset and then select it and choose the saved block from that same spot down in the bottom left.
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