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  1. F

    Back in the fractal world!

    I recently began just selling all my guitar stuff off and got back in to tube amps. After selling my axe fx 3,I almost immediately regretted it. Looking at effects and pedal boards is wild. I was able to find an fm3 and midi controller for 600. It's just silly for far modeling had come from a...
  2. F

    Act fx 2 vs bad cat classic pro

    I'm looking for a living room solution to get me playing more. I have an old axe fx 2 that I don't use and am debating this trade straight across for a bad cat combo. In the music room I've got a 3 I run into a clr mk 2 but I don't get up there as much. I guess an option would be to buy a...
  3. F

    My first PRS

    Ive tried to get into prs a few times but after those attempts (ce 22 and 24) i realized they werent for me. i recently got a 594 in a trade and its a whole different thing all together and it is seriously challenging my suhrs for play time. Congrats!
  4. F

    Enjoying my new Gator Retro Rack

    woke up having zero intention on ever buying a rack case for my new (havent even taken it out of the box) 3 i am replacing my old 2 with but now im 170 bucks poorer. thanks
  5. F

    Simple setup question

    Thanks. That was my understanding. Any recommendations? I am a little confused on whether an interface will also allow me to use the axe edit or if I'll need to still plug the axe fx directly into a USB port. Thanks a ton!
  6. F

    Simple setup question

    I currently have my axe fx 2 hooked up from my computer to both studio monitors and a clr. The problem I want to avoid is that with this setup is that I have to turn on the axe 2 in order to listen to audio on my computer. Could a simple USB audio interface allow me to keep all that...
  7. F

    Big upgrade?

    With the black Friday sale I jumped into a 3 and fc6. The only reason I upgraded from an ultra was for the USB on the 2 (original mk1 axe 2).I've been happy but the mfc was always giving me errors. After a few drinks with the family I just ordered a 3 and fc6. I have no idea how much better if...
  8. F

    Might pick up an actual amp... for the kiddo

    i was about to come in and say that i wouldnt really call the mesa mark series basic but i do think having to come up with a real amp kinda helps. some people need to be forced to learn that there are different tones found by playing with tone knobs and volume rather than having a few dozen presets.
  9. F

    Audio stutter

    this seems to have done it. i guess ares takes a bunch more power to keep things chugging along than quantum did. bummer but i guess i get to make some new presets so that'll be fun. thanks for all the input guys. great community
  10. F

    Audio stutter

    it happens at all buffer values and its windows 7 and its happening on the basic stock patches. not a ton of fun.
  11. F

    Audio stutter

    I don't have the answers for those but I'll look into it. I never really thought it could be the computer because the issue only happened when the guitar is played and I assumed that all happened on the axe side. My computer has had heating problems lately but only during intense gaming .
  12. F

    Audio stutter

    I was just kidding about the fm3 thing although I plan on it. Yeah. I basically use the axe fx as the USB interface so the output of my computer goes through the axe fx out to my studio guitar also goes to the monitors but sometimes I send the guitar to output 2 into an atomic clr...
  13. F

    Audio stutter

    I recently upgraded to ares on my mk 1 axe fx II and now if I'm trying to jam along with a youtube video or a track from google music I get this stutter going on that makes it impossible. When it is just the music or just me playing there are zero issues but a few seconds into me playing it...
  14. F

    ngd. suhr content

    Haha I wish I could tell you It's gotta be at the very least 20 years old . Thanks on all accounts though!
  15. F

    Separate input and output paths

    Correct. I haven't had time to fiddle around with it. I just want the option to play without turning the computer on but sometimes just play at monitor volume along with a track. Thanks
  16. F

    ngd. suhr content

    I think I happened to find another keeper in this Suhr T. The mahogany/maple gold top T really compliments basswood/maple modern on a bunch of levels. From the more subdued and familiar yet different looks, to the chunkier neck and smaller frets creating a much different feel under the fingers...
  17. F

    Separate input and output paths

    I currently have an original axe fx 2. I was wondering if there is a way that I can have audio coming from my computer through USB to studio monitors on one output and the guitar to a frfr can on another . Thanks in advance.
  18. F

    Yet another name timout issue.

    I was just wondering if any of you have had it name time out after having worked for a few foot switch inputs every time you reboot. Every time I power on, the mfc and my axe fx 2 communicate but after i switch patches or banks a few times, I lose patch names and control and an eventual name...
  19. F

    guitar brands??

    Ernie ball makes a ridiculous neck and they aren't as obscure as a lot of the other options are. Probably make the best necks and guitars outside of the custom boutiquey side of things. My jp6 retired my original wizard necked s470 and I like the neck more than my suhr and even a hair more than...
  20. F

    Mesa Boogie Mark IV

    That's the high end imo. I bought one ten years ago for less than that in consignment from Mesa. 1300 tops. I wouldn't pay much more than a grand for one.
  21. F

    Bug? Yet another name timout issue.

    So I've followed all the steps and advice I could find. Both the axe and mfc are up to date. When using a cat5 the two communicate and then randomly if I change a preset, they will stop playing nicely. When chaning the mfc patches, nothing happens on the axe fx and then I get an eventual name...
  22. F

    What is "it" that the axe fx is missing?

    it has nothing to do with the sound really. its that little bouncy feel you get. ive had an axe for like six years and cant see myself without it. i just missed having a tube amp and found one for a steal and just kinda noticed a little difference. im assuming its the studio monitors but i...
  23. F

    What is "it" that the axe fx is missing?

    that was my assumption. ive played through a power amp and cab and through a powered monitor. i guess it was just years ago. this new amp was the first time ive played a tube amp in six years or so. its just so different.
  24. F

    What is "it" that the axe fx is missing?

    I love this thing but I recently bought a mesa dc-5 (for $320 so I kinda had to). Now, I do use the axe fx through a pair of studio monitors and the last time I used a frfr 12" was ages ago but it still seemed different. Maybe its a looseness or maybe it is just volumes of air being pushed but I...
  25. F

    Bought a real amp

    I know, right? Like I said, I have no need for a real amp but how do you pass something like that up? It has a black shadow speaker. My amp before the axe fx was a mark iv so Im pretty familiar with how unique mesa tone controls are so Im prepared to give it the patience I needed with the mark...
  26. F

    Bought a real amp

    I just purchased an amp for the first time since I first got my ultra many years ago. Its a mesa boogie dc 5 combo. Despite the fact that the axe fx cured me of any amp gas it was really hard to pass up on a mesa for $320 locally. The first thing I noticed was how heavy this thing is. Dont miss...
  27. F

    Suhr modern satin vs PRS cu22

    From a purely financial perspective, which would you choose? I have an opportunity to trade my Suhr for the PRS. It is my second modern and gets very little playing time. I don't know that the PRS would see more time but I do imagine it would fit better between my modern and classic Suhrs.
  28. F

    Music recommandations for a long run

    antemasque is really good music without a lot of intensity. if you want the rock to be heavy then there is a new between the buried and me album that is pretty darn good
  29. F

    Axe-FX III on the horizon?

    i was an early adopter of the 2. the only reason i ditched the ultra was because of the usb. at the time buying an interface as good as the axe 2 provided wasnt any cheaper than selling and upgrading. i dont know how much better people are going to need things to sound. any more money i spend on...
  30. F

    Pole Position Guitar

    If the people on this forum don't care too much about having infinite tonal possibilities, how well will this do with conventional players?
  31. F

    Studio Monitor Question - JBL LSR series

    So I picked up a pair of these things for $225. I haven't played guitar in ages and I didn't get around to playing with the the patches since I just updated. They seem to be doing the job well though. Listening to music, they seem to at least have the clarity that my dt880 headphones did. I'm in...
  32. F

    Studio Monitor Question - JBL LSR series

    Thanks. Maybe I'll pick up a pair on the way home today
  33. F

    Studio Monitor Question - JBL LSR series

    im curious as well. i think that studio monitors are going to be my solution but i am a little tired of waiting for those d5s to be back in stock
  34. F

    What's Your NON-FRACTAL Rig?

    How do you like the tiny terror? I am considering picking up the 1x12 combo. Either that or I will go with some studio monitors so I dont have to use my headphones with the axe fx.
  35. F

    Studio monitor best options

    are the equator monitors ever going to be back in stock?
  36. F

    How do you listen to music?

    I was just wondering how you guys listen to music around the house. I think I am about to pull the trigger on some studio monitors for my computer/guitar but I was wondering what you guys use when you are just around the house. Thanks.
  37. F

    Your favorite guitar (that you own) and why...

    im quite fond of this thing this is a close second as of now
  38. F

    Beyerdynamic DT-880 headphones

    I am really hoping so. It's just weird that it only happens in the left and it is going on while the note is happening. not below where the threshold would be for a gate. Have yet to play with it though. I just don't like the fact that nothing has changed. Maybe a cable or something...
  39. F

    Beyerdynamic DT-880 headphones

    ive been using them for about 3 months now and i have loved them up until recently. i have noticed that i get a hiss at the trailing end of palm mutes but im not sure if its the axe or the headphones or maybe something else. i am worried however as its become more prominent despite my entire rig...
  40. F

    Axe Fx II & Headphones - Optimal Ohms w/o headphone amp

    with a phone or portable player, you might need an amp to power the 250 to get really loud volumes but the axe is already a preamp and gets plenty loud. when i listen to music straight from a computer or something, the volume is pretty much maxed but when i listen through the axe or play guitar...
  41. F

    Your experiences/input on Suhr & Anderson guitars

    suhr is the real deal. before i played on of them i was all about ernie balls. the axis had my favorite rock tones and felt amazing playing open chords and stuff up by the headstock. my jp was a shred machine up past the 12th fret. i ordered a modern with the axis tone woods and a compound...
  42. F

    Headphones usage

    ive gotta second the dt880. i bout some sony 7506 for computer games but they seemed a little shrill for listening to music so i upgraded to the dt880 and they sounded so good that i got rid of my k12. fixed a lot of the frfr strangeness that can be found
  43. F

    K12 eq?

    i wish i had seen this before i sold mine (a half hour ago). oh well, i guess i have $500 to buy some headphones.
  44. F

    Scale the Summit - The Migration

    i love scale the summit as much as anybody does but when there is a band called animals as leaders out there, its hard to call them the best at anything. you can see how much they have grown trying to chase what aal has been doing. still rad album though and they are awesome live.
  45. F

    When is the Guthrie Govan CHARVEL guitar gonna emerge????

    since were on the topic Rigged: Guitarist Guthrie Govan (The Aristocrats, Steven Wilson, Himself) | MetalSucks
  46. F

    Suhr guitars on the bright side?

    i think that might be a trait that suhr wanted in his guitars. i remember him saying that you can always remove brightness but its not so easy to add it.
  47. F

    Heading to New york city next week. Where should I go?

    the only us caparison dealer
  48. F

    ibanez guys!

    well they call that 80s-90s time the golden age of ibanez. the best ibanez i have ever played is my 92 s470. if i took more care of it, i could probably put it up against my ebmm jp6 or suhr classic. i love the thing. dont waste your money on a new ibanez. the old stuff is dirt cheap and even if...
  49. F

    SUPER LIST - Notable albums that used the Axe-Fx in its entirety...

    the faceless autothiesm? i dont know but they use it live. same with veil of maya.
  50. F

    Tuner: do you want the magic ball removed?

    keep it. i dont really even look at anything else when i tune
  51. F

    Question for E standard, metal players..

    there is more than one way to skin a cat. ive always kicked up the mids so i can hear myself. before the axe i had a mesa mkiv and i started out with that hard v but soon learned to take the eq off and loved the middy clear tones. on the axe i switched my main amp to the recto with a ts in...
  52. F

    Dark Tranquillity - Live in Milan

    haha yeah i saw them at a local dive bar for free and when they were warming up someone shouted out "play some stryper" that was his response. those guys are some of my favorites. if its axe fx users you want, i just say the veil of maya and the faceless. they were using an ultra and a II...
  53. F

    Dark Tranquillity - Live in Milan

    you should watch the live dvd from btbam for colors. maybe not "better" but they are a much more technical band which makes the clarity seem extra strange
  54. F

    Which do you prefer, neck-thru or bolt-on ?

    they say its easier to remove brightness than add it and i agree so i think the less glue to rob the high end the better.
  55. F

    Planning to get a Suhr 7 string guitar made.

    i know it would be a custom guitar. that is what they do there. thats why you have to be kinda tricky. what you are really buying is a spot in line. you just have to convince the dealer to change the specs of the guitar they ordered before the build date. i would say eighty percent of the wait...
  56. F

    Planning to get a Suhr 7 string guitar made.

    the trick is to buy from a dealer who preorders the guitars to effectively save a spot in the line. when you decide to purchase, they can make a change to the order to get you the guitar you want without the 9 month wait. i just started talking to my dealer about a month ago and i should have it...
  57. F

    Planning to get a Suhr 7 string guitar made.

    up until i played a suhr modern, the ebmm jp6 was by far the best guitar ive ever touched. the suhr is to the ebmm what that ebmm was to every other guitar ive ever played. i have a modern on order now and i had to buy a used one on cl to hold me over until then. suhr has cured my guitar gas as...
  58. F

    I guess I'll use cheap plywood for my next custom Guitar! :)

    while pretty stupid, i think it is worth mentioning that dealing with tone woods can be tricky. for example i asked the guys a suhr how to get a les paul tone out of one of their guitars and the first thing they said is to not use mahogany
  59. F

    Should I make the move to ProTools 10

    yeah plus they have a 30 day trail with no limitations so you can really dig in before you give them a total of 60 bucks for the licensing
  60. F

    Should I make the move to ProTools 10

    im far from an expert on the recording process but im pretty sure that there wont be any difference in sound when using one software studio or another. it seems that it is just a matter of preference as far as workflow goes
  61. F

    Best smallish amp to fill a school auditorium?

    mesas lonestar or nomad or dc5 or 5:50. hard to respond since i dont know how small smallish is
  62. F

    ebmm y2d vs prs mira

    i have the opportunity to trade my y2d for a prs mira and i was just wondering if you guys have any opinions on the matter. the y2d doesnt really get played since i have a jp6 and more importantly a suhr modern on the way. i was hoping that the mira will have a different vibe and be more useable...
  63. F

    Pickup suggestions

    i can second the suhr option. if they are too pricey for you, there is actually a really good neck pickup by carvin named after some jazz guitarist. forget what it was called but i absolutely loved it
  64. F

    sell k12 for monitors?

    i dont really play out any because of school now and i was just wondering if studio monitors would suit me better. i think i would like to get into recording kinda. maybe just reaper and my axe fx to make backing track type stuff to play along to. the thing is i just dont want to spend too much...
  65. F

    sell k12 for studio monitors?

    i dont really play out any because of school now and i was just wondering if studio monitors would suit me better. i think i would like to get into recording kinda. maybe just reaper and my axe fx to make backing track type stuff to play along to. the thing is i just dont want to spend too much...
  66. F

    Just ordered a II. The (longer than normal) wait begins

    just be glad you ordered the axe fx 2 and not a suhr. 9+ months is brutal
  67. F

    Having trouble breaking out of my funk...

    Buy a new guitar, Dinny ever play fifths. Pick a random Sim each day and see what happens. Learn a new chord a day and use it as much as possible. I used to learn the rules to follow them but then I learned that they were there to be broken. My learning has slowed buy has taken shoo much more...
  68. F

    Which do you prefer, neck-thru or bolt-on ?

    look at basically any suhr or ebmm and you will see great acces neck joint. those guitars you own have the advantage of not having horns so its going to have great access regardless. and you are talking about bad bolt ons. they have bad set necks too. when you look at a good bolt on you have a...
  69. F

    Which do you prefer, neck-thru or bolt-on ?

    while i am sure they are great guitars but im not sure any of that has to do with the fact that its a set neck
  70. F

    Which do you prefer, neck-thru or bolt-on ?

    im a bolt on kind of guy but that is just a trend for me and by no means a rule. i think its funny that a lot of people *cough*les paul fans*cougn* swear that a set neck makes for better tone but somehow when you use the same principles to repair a neck, all of a sudden that glue is stealing...
  71. F

    ebmm sm-y2d vs prs custom 22

    i have the opportunity to trade my steve morse y2d for a custom 22. i think i might do it but i was wondering what kind of opinions you guys had on the matter. i believe ebmm builds a better guitar but im wondering if maybe the morse shares too much space tonally with my jp6 and i have a suhr...
  72. F

    Axe-FX 2 waitlist?

    Same here. I was trying to get into recording and I think instead of an interface i'm just going to go from the ultra to the 2
  73. F

    new to recording

    thanks man. now im just spending my time trying to figure out if i go laptop or desktop since my pc laptop is messed up. i know the right thing to do is just replace its battery but whatever. well, that and the fact that the axe fx 2 seems mighty tasty if i could sell my ultra and not even need...
  74. F

    new to recording

    thats some pretty sound advice it seems. well the tax money is here. i think im going to go with a mac and apogee duet and just play around in garage band until i get the need for more. hopefully by then ill have a better idea as to whats going on
  75. F

    new to recording

    the only reason i would shy away from it is that im not sure going with a mac is the most cost effective option for me. aside from that i dont know anything about any interface. well i dont know enough to make me want to shy away from anything anyways.
  76. F

    new to recording

    So are these interfaces for Macs and PCs or just one?
  77. F

    new to recording

    Id there anything that makes that worth the price tag for someone who never plans to have his music leave his room? That would take up most if my budget
  78. F

    new to recording

    since its tax time ive decided to look into recording with the axe. i know next to nothing about recording and would be starting from the ground up. i was just wondering about the opinions on this forum since i would hate to make expensive mistakes. all i would need is something to record one or...
  79. F

    QSC K's or Reaktors for rehearsal studio use

    my fr atomic just couldnt keep the low end tight enough or heavy enough. there are tricks to reel it back in but you always end up making compromises. i dont know if its the headroom or cab design or even the speakers intended use but imo the k12 is absolutely better than the atomic for metal...
  80. F

    The Axe can't do this... ... ... yet...

    his name is carl winslow, he must have picked up guitar since the show ended
  81. F

    QSC K's or Reaktors for rehearsal studio use

    i dont know about the k10 as i havent tried it, but i would recommend the k12 over the reactor for heavy tones.
  82. F

    QSC K's or Reaktors for rehearsal studio use

    i had the atomic fr. it sounds better/realer than the k12 in all honesty. you do make a trade off by loosing some low end tightness. if you play rock like a tele through a vox, my choice would be the atomic. if you get any harder than that (dual rec, slo, bogner etc.) you really cant afford to...
  83. F

    QSC K's or Reaktors for rehearsal studio use

    i would go with the k12s. i use to have reactors and sold it for a k12 and i dont miss the reactor at all
  84. F

    Best speaker options for going stereo with an amp+cab setup?

    +1 on the mesa stuff. if the vertical halfback is too big, the thieles are the #2 option. look to a company called boogafunk. they use the original ev plans which are supposed to be better than the boogie cabs. tho thieles will be enough for anybody
  85. F

    First Live Gig going FRFR QSC K12

    cant wait to try this out. also i just traded for an almost new axis supersport. havent run through my new setup because the jp6 is my priority. im excited to see what the axis has to offer
  86. F

    First Live Gig going FRFR QSC K12

    let me know if you figure out a good way to smooth out that harshness without affecting tone. i just picked one up and while its louder and tighter than my atomic fr, i think the atomic had a more natural sound
  87. F what's the lowdown on the Atomic cab?

    as far as tone goes the thing is pretty damn beast. i do however play metal and i havent found the tightness in the bottom end that i want. i cant really tell how loud because i run into the issue of loosing bottom end focus long before i approach the max volume. i plan to get rid of it because...
  88. F

    Atomic Family Photo (from NAMM)

    the wedges are still tube powered right?
  89. F

    how do you drive your tone?

    ive always had pretty hot pickups in order to give my tone a little kick. with the axe fx it seems it could be easily done with pedals, preamp, "tube saturation" and even speaker breakup. it got me thinking that if i started using some colder pickups i could get a much more versatile setup and...
  90. F

    Axe FX Power amp Watts help.

    it should do the trick. my dcm1000 did the trick. yours should easily be able to run like the mark at those levels. its good to see another mesa convert. i dont miss the mark at all. in fact ive found that i dont really use any mark amp sims at all. now i just gotta figure out the power/cab...
  91. F

    Axe FX Power amp Watts help.

    i dont think you can have too many watts with a ss poweramp. and if there is a sweet spot on a ss solution you could just not run it bridged and only push 1 channel. i had a dcm1000 and i loved it but keep in mind even with a ss amp you will still need volume to push your speakers to your...
  92. F

    Metal chewiness...

    just throw a modded 808 in front of it and be done with it. is there any reason you need it to be an exact replica of a recto?
  93. F


    i totally feel you on this one
  94. F

    Metal and FRFR

    since 9.0 ive been much happier with the atomic. it sounds good for metal now and i dont really miss my dcm1000 and g-flex cab anymore. 8.09 i really was torn between the old setups firepower and the atomics versatility. ive yet to use it in a band situation but its pretty loud (loud enough for...
  95. F

    Marshall/G System user now torn after hearing AXE

    axe fx = from tube snob to tone snob.
  96. F

    reactor fr on standy for prolonged periods

    im not used to the standby and power switch being on the back of my amps so half the time i forget to turn it off after i put in on standby. i was just wondering how bad this is for the tubes...
  97. F

    User Reviews of ATOMIC FRs

    Re: User Reviews of ATOMIC FRs? well i just brought mine home today. i havent had time to tweak much but my initial impressions kinda make me wanna buy another so i can pull some of those br00talz without loosing bottom end definition and still filling up a room. it may be far from the truth...
  98. F

    SLA-2 vs. DCM1540L

    if its this close of a race just look for the most cost effective. i just picked up a dcm1000 for what i feel is super cheap and am now trying to get rid of it once i get the atomic fr. im not trying to hustle here or anything but when i didnt know what i wanted craigslist chose for me
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