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  1. AminorZmajor

    Nearly 100 degrees direct sunlight

    Yea, been there in the Phoenix heat. Some years back we played a July 4th gig in Cave Creek outside 110 plus. We were fine as was the gear but they are not enjoyable shows. I pretty much put a permanent ban on outside summer gigs. Glad you guys are ok.
  2. AminorZmajor

    Securing FM9 on stage

    I always pack up and remove my FM9 and guitars immediately after we finish playing and lock them in my truck. Excluding mics and cords everything else is quite heavy and not easily walked off with. We had to put a note on this beast as if it wasn’t self explanatory…. LOL….
  3. AminorZmajor

    Securing FM9 on stage

    Yes, I guess it's like everything. If someone really wants to steal something they will. The opportunists are the ones that I want to deter or catch if possible. Fucking thieves....
  4. AminorZmajor

    Securing FM9 on stage

    Unless you knew what you were looking for you wouldn't catch it.... Looking at it again I could probably hide it better under that bar. Fortunately, I have never had an issue with any of that non-sense so it is just an extra level of security or paranoia..... LOL....
  5. AminorZmajor

    Securing FM9 on stage

    I put an Air Tag on mine. Someone takes mine they better run fast and disappear.
  6. AminorZmajor

    FM9 Firmware Version 7.00

    Funny, you mention that.... I noticed that I will have to drop my delay repeats or mix on my solo scene. I have very little reverb so it wasn't noticed.
  7. AminorZmajor

    FM9 Firmware Version 7.00

    I gigged 7.0 this weekend as well. Sounded fantastic.
  8. AminorZmajor

    Silent rehearsal studio

    Great question and something I have been struggling with for quite a while. I initially went the Jam Hub route which worked but was not optimal. Next, I thought about going the Behringer X-32 rack route and P16's but it seemed overly expensive and I was not happy with the first X-32 I purchased...
  9. AminorZmajor

    FM9 Firmware Version 7.00

    I have one Saturday and will update without concern. It's always been rock solid.
  10. AminorZmajor

    Who made you start playing guitar?

    Van Halen duh….. but not one of the songs you would normally think of….. It was the summer of 1980 and a neighbor friend’s older brother was playing Van Halen Women and Children First. The 12 string acoustic opening to “In a simple rhyme” was mesmerizing to me. I was determined to figure out...
  11. AminorZmajor

    Development with the next firmware

    I just want to say what an amazing company Fractal is for us insufferable guitarists. My gratitude for their non-stop innovation and customer service cannot be overstated. I am sure we will be able to survive the time it takes to get your work completed to your very high standards. Thank you...
  12. AminorZmajor

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta #2 (Cygnus X-3 Release Candidate)

    Sounds amazing. Going to some presets I never jelled with before has been a bit eye opening. Great stuff.
  13. AminorZmajor

    Van Halen - Live in Fresno 1978

    Yes, saw this yesterday. Eddie, even in this day of technical mastery was godlike. There is a reason he is referred to as “King Edward”. Just jaw dropping……
  14. AminorZmajor

    Rick Beato interviews Ian Thornley from Big Wreck

    Great interview. I found out about Big Wreck and Ian during the Suhr factory show a number of years back at NAMM. Watched the video and went down a rabbit hole.... LOL.... Just saw them live in Phoenix recently. Definitely a live show highlight for me.
  15. AminorZmajor

    Adjusting to gapless

    I had the same thing happen when using my Axe-Fx III during rehearsals before gapless moved on the FM9. It was a drastic difference.
  16. AminorZmajor

    This is Sad. RIP to Steve Morse’s wife Janine

    Fuck Cancer! RIP.
  17. AminorZmajor

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00

    Everything went very well. Sounded awesome as usual. Seamless switching is something I have been anxiously awaiting since it became available for the AxeFx III. It did not disappoint. Simply amazing. The Fractal team hit it out of the park with this update. Do your backups. If you have a...
  18. AminorZmajor

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00

    Everything worked fantastic. Love the seamless switching. Amazing when you don’t have to anticipate the changes to avoid the dreaded gap.
  19. AminorZmajor

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00

    Updated FM9 to firmware 6.00 and everything is working and sounding awesome. Played with it for a bit and then setup for the show tonight.
  20. AminorZmajor

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00

    Updating after work and it will be used on stage tomorrow night. Huge thanks.
  21. AminorZmajor

    GIFT OF TONE 2023 #4 - Chris Baseford

    Thanks Chris. Really appreciate your approach. Very helpful when recording.
  22. AminorZmajor

    GIFT OF TONE 2023 #4 - Chris Baseford

    Watching the recording of this now. Thanks Chris and Fractal. Amazing stuff.
  23. AminorZmajor

    Are most of you gigging with your FM9's?

    I gig mine on average 2 times a month. Never a hiccup.
  24. AminorZmajor

    Best Shoes for Long Gigs

    Treat it like WAR! Combat Boots.... LOL....
  25. AminorZmajor

    Ian Thornley (Big Wreck) Axe-Fx III

    I am going to be there as well to see them in Phoenix on Friday. Really looking forward to it.
  26. AminorZmajor

    Joel Paterson - Hi-Fi Christmas Guitar

    Great stuff. Thanks M@. Definitely a throwback.
  27. AminorZmajor

    5150 Presence Knob

    Idealized taper for sure.
  28. AminorZmajor

    How to make lower gain Plexi pre set sound full?

    I get what your aiming for but comparing a guitar cabinet sound mixed with the PA is always going to sound more forward than just FOH in my experience. I run the PA for our band.
  29. AminorZmajor

    How to make lower gain Plexi pre set sound full?

    Do you have a power amp and 412 on stage with you when playing with Axe-Fx?
  30. AminorZmajor

    Fractal Does Rush Tribute

    Amazing job.
  31. AminorZmajor

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.01

    I posted in Axe III thread about the gap difference between the III and FM9. Previously I was able to work around it but now that the III is essentially gap less my FM9 feels limited in a sense. In my band I am jumping around scenes quite a bit. It frees me from having to anticipate the gap...
  32. AminorZmajor

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Release Candidate (Beta #6)

    Had a gig last night with the FM9 and the comparison between my Axe III and FM9 gap less switching was stark. I use the same presets and rehearse/practice with the Axe III. I have adapted using the FM9 but what a difference….. Very apparent. Cliff, wonderful work addressing the gap. Hope it...
  33. AminorZmajor

    Regression of old songs while learning new.

    Yes, we have about 50 in our regular rotation and when we add new complex songs some of the older complex songs take a bit of a hit sometimes. I have to be diligent about keeping the chops up on those songs. Sucks getting older….. :oops:
  34. AminorZmajor

    Free Dynacab pack

    I bought the TV cab and it is awesome. Question....? How many points around the cab were captured due to it being 360 degrees? How long does it take per cab per mic? I assume this is automated using the robotic mic but it must still be very time consuming.
  35. AminorZmajor

    Do you think Metallica is using Dyna-cab live?

    Amazing tone. Big, full, clear and cuts. What's not to like.
  36. AminorZmajor

    Matrix Power Amp on fire at gig

    Sorry that happened. During a gig is terrible timing. Man, I hope mine continues to work. I have been gigging it roughly 2 times a month solid for at least 3 years. I may have to get a solid permanent backup. I have a EH 44mag power amp as a backup in case it fails.
  37. AminorZmajor

    Sun shield for the FM9, suggestions?

    I have played outside in Phoenix during the day when temperatures were in excess of 100 degrees Fahrenheit and in direct sunlight with no issues. I cover it when not playing and make sure it is off. I have done this multiple times with both AX8, FM3 and currently the FM9. I don't think it...
  38. AminorZmajor

    FM3 Firmware Version 7.00 beta 2

    Nice. Thanks.
  39. AminorZmajor

    Small DAW surface controllers (Streamdeck etc)

    It's awesome. I use it for opening apps currently and some automation but I am just scratching the surface of what it can do but a one button process for opening apps is a huge win.
  40. AminorZmajor

    Small DAW surface controllers (Streamdeck etc)

    I just got a Stream Deck 15 key and really like it. I just ordered the foot pedal for starting and stopping iTunes etc...
  41. AminorZmajor

    Easiest way to send bpm to drummer from axe fx

    Ha…Ha…Ha…. Sorry, don’t mean to laugh but I have battled the same thing. Easiest solution if you don’t want a click is to have all the bpm’s noted in the setlist and use an App like “Live BPM”. Add it to your phone “drummers phone” and have him have it active during rehearsals and gigs. I...
  42. AminorZmajor

    Just ordered these ASI IEM buds with built in mics......................

    Understand for sure. I had some custom molds made for some earplugs and they worked great and then I lost one…. 🤬 I am really worried about my hearing so I have to find a good solution that works consistently. During a recent gig where We had house PA and another sound man our on stage mix...
  43. AminorZmajor

    Just ordered these ASI IEM buds with built in mics......................

    I have them and they work great except for one thing…. The ear bud tips have fallen out of my ears. Thanks for the custom mold link and I also just noticed ASI have custom molds as well. I am getting the custom molds ASAP. Thanks.
  44. AminorZmajor

    RIP Gordon Lightfoot…A Canadian Legend!

    Sad to hear about his passing. Amazing song writer. The Edmond Fitzgerald is a hauntingly beautiful song. One of my all-time favorites. RIP
  45. AminorZmajor

    Tuner problem in live situation

    Ironically, I had a similar issue this last weekend that I haven't experienced before. My experience was similar to the others reported. It was better when I switched to the neck pickup but was still flipping around. I checked the input's as well as the offsets and everything looked correct...
  46. AminorZmajor

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Public Beta (Beta 6)

    Amazing. I was quickly able to roll my own IR that has all the things I like about a specific purchased IR and tweak it a little more toward my liking. Question? Will we be able to export these to the FM3/FM9 if for some reason the technology doesn't make it to those devices? Maybe getting...
  47. AminorZmajor

    How have things changed for you as a musician since 2020?

    Phx, AZ is pretty much the same. A few venues we play start an hour earlier after Covid but for the most part back to normal. Played last weekend and have a little time off for our annual Vegas trip and then a string of quite a few gigs. Mid April we have a Friday, Saturday and Sunday all at...
  48. AminorZmajor

    New Extreme!

    Different and cool. Nuno's a beast.
  49. AminorZmajor

    FM9 not allowed?

    Wow! For the most part our band runs our own sound but the venues we play with a house PA have been very easy from a setup perspective. Sound guy keeps us muted, gets levels, brings up the sliders, makes any EQ adjustments. Before hand we let him know we do our boosts and solo’s from stage so...
  50. AminorZmajor

    FM9 not allowed?

    If that happened that is just plain ineptitude on the PA engineer side. I have never had an issue.
  51. AminorZmajor

    Tough Week

    Aberlour is really good as well.
  52. AminorZmajor

    Paul Gilbert… WTF…

    Yep, one of my favs. 🎸
  53. AminorZmajor

    R.I.P. David Crosby

    RIP Hard to watch the aging guitar pioneers move on.
  54. AminorZmajor

    Alternative to Morningstar MC6/8

    Just requested a quote on a Voes MX-5 for my FM9. Give me a little more flexability.
  55. AminorZmajor

    Jeff Beck Passed...

    RIP Jeff Beck. Amazing guitarist.
  56. AminorZmajor

    SRV Rig diagram translation to Axe-Fx

    I wonder if he is still around. Nothing on his YouTube for 5 years. Hope he is good. Amazing guitarist.
  57. AminorZmajor

    New Winery Dogs Video

    Love it. 🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸
  58. AminorZmajor


    Sounds great. Zakk did Dime proud and still kept his style nicely woven in. Tough to emulate that style.
  59. AminorZmajor

    Scotty Anderson who?

    It was amazing watching Andy Wood at Axe Fest 2. That was also a Wow moment.
  60. AminorZmajor

    Scotty Anderson who?

    Wow.... Just Wow!
  61. AminorZmajor

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Release Candidate 2 (Beta 8)

    Sounds awesome. Refresh cleared up issue. Thanks.
  62. AminorZmajor

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Release Candidate 2 (Beta 8)

    Someone please confirm that the Plexi 6550 isn’t defaulting to Bludotone name. It sounds like the Plexi but the name looks to be wrong.
  63. AminorZmajor

    Sell FRACTAL at Sweetwater.

    I like Fractal just the way they are. I also like Sweetwater just the way they are without Fractal. LOL.....
  64. AminorZmajor

    MATRIX is still in business.

    I have had mine for at least 4 years and not a hiccup. I play locally avg. about 2 shows a month with it being onstage running over 4 hours per gig. Very reliable.
  65. AminorZmajor

    Let's see those FM9 rigs!

    Stage pic from last nights gig. FM9 at my feet. Sounded amazing as always.
  66. AminorZmajor

    Bands that epitomize a certain amp’s sound

    If I am not mistaken Night Ranger was all boogie Mark series as well. Killer tones and playing.
  67. AminorZmajor

    David Lee Roth Shares Previously Unheard Version Of Van Halen's 'Panama'

    Music and lead vocals…. It’s not the music that’s weird. I will leave the other option to your imagination. Maybe, it’s just me. 🤫
  68. AminorZmajor

    Klone Chiron sounds better than my KTR

    I have three channel versions in my live patches. One is Always on and then slightly different versions for my clean and solo scenes. Awesome drive.
  69. AminorZmajor

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 20.04 Release

    Updated. Sounds great as usual.
  70. AminorZmajor

    FM9 Firmware Version 3.00 public beta 2

    WOW! Awesome. I actually experienced the below issue last gig. Great that it is fixed. FC: Layout Link will no longer unduly trigger when exiting the Tuner.
  71. AminorZmajor

    Broken Footswitch?

    Kip When I ordered my replacement it was available for purchase. I can’t find it now. I am guessing Fractal support can point you in the right direction. Good news is the replacement is relatively easy.
  72. AminorZmajor

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 20.03 Release

    I find the Klone Chiron is also awesome with my clean amp block. Makes the highs nice and chimey if that is a word..... LOL....
  73. AminorZmajor

    Broken Footswitch?

    I will check my purchases as I replaced mine a while back. I just checked. I see my order but can't find the product. I would check with support.
  74. AminorZmajor

    Is the Klone coming to FM9 in 3.0?

    The Klon in the III definitely has a thing. I can see why people have said they always leave it on. Secret sauce…. or something. The Klone Chiron adds touch sensitivity and just makes an overdriven amp sound better. I Can’t wait for it to drop for the FM9.
  75. AminorZmajor

    FM9 Firmware Version 3.00 public beta 1

    I gigged the beta last night and it sounded awesome. No issues at all. I use 4 presets with 6 scenes per preset.
  76. AminorZmajor

    FM9 Firmware Version 3.00 public beta 1

    Hell yea! Awesome. Thanks as always.
  77. AminorZmajor

    FM3 vs AXE-Fx3 on stage

    Doesn’t get better than that! 😎
  78. AminorZmajor

    Ian Thornley Live with Pete Thorn

    Awesome interview with Pete. Ian and Big Wreck are definitely up there as a favorite.
  79. AminorZmajor

    Goodbye, Todd D. "bishop5150" Bishop

    Oh…. Terrible news. RIP. 😢
  80. AminorZmajor

    Health Update

    Praying for you Todd. 🙏
  81. AminorZmajor

    Just Saw Diesel @ $6/gallon!!! WTF!!

    None of this should be happening......
  82. AminorZmajor

    His Dark Materials

    Yep. Watching Breaking Bad now. S3E7 or so. Awesome series.
  83. AminorZmajor

    His Dark Materials

    Ballchinians…. MIB II. Nice reference. 😂
  84. AminorZmajor

    Health Update

    Stay strong Todd. We are with you. 🙏
  85. AminorZmajor

    FM9 Firmware Version 2.01

    I played out last night with 2.01. No issues and sounded amazing. I rate it…. 🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸. 😎
  86. AminorZmajor

    Health Update

    Fuck Cancer. Todd, keep your head up. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. 🙏.
  87. AminorZmajor

    Getting a drummer to play in time

    My current drummer was speedy and a great solution is an app you can download called live bpm. On our setlist I have all the recorded bpm’s of the songs. My ask was to not deviate more than 2 bpm from the original recording. It’s worked out really well. On a side note, I agree with Bruce...
  88. AminorZmajor

    FM3 to FM9: Any Regrets?

    Keep both. 😎
  89. AminorZmajor

    Health Update

    Keeping you in my prayers. 🙏
  90. AminorZmajor

    Taylor Hawkins dead at 50.

    Fuck…. The drive to get high over rides everything. Family, friends, career and music…. I could never possibly understand. RIP
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