Securing FM9 on stage


Anyone have any thoughts on how to secure the FM9 when left alone on stage?

There isn't anything like a Kensington lock type thing we could attach to so just wondering if this is anything to be worried about. Just hate the idea of setting up, going for a pop or a break, then coming back to a missing modeller someone pinched (I mean it is super portable)
this applies to anything put on a stage or performance space. if you have a band, just always have one of you on the stage and take shifts watching it.

even if there was a K lock, what would you lock it to? stages don't usually have secure points. just gotta watch it.
this applies to anything put on a stage or performance space. if you have a band, just always have one of you on the stage and take shifts watching it.

even if there was a K lock, what would you lock it to? stages don't usually have secure points. just gotta watch it.
I mean a thief really has to think twice about pinching someone's amp and 4x12 cabinet as it's not quite as easy to make a grab and run for it, but I hear you.
I carry a simple combination bike lock cable and have some metal loops attached to a few 'expensive' items (and looped on some heavy rack handles), if I need to be away from the stage with nobody watching it and in a potentially risky environment. It wouldn't stop a determined thief, but it's enough of a deterrent against someone making a spur of the moment grab. I very rarely use it, but nice to have in case the circumstances warrant it.
I am also wondering if home insurance would cover theft. Maybe, maybe not...

"If you occasionally perform for money, your gear may be considered commercial equipment and as such, not covered by your homeowner’s insurance policy, which is intended to cover “personal” musical gear that is not used for commercial purposes."

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Do you use it by itself or on a board? There's really no good spot on the FM9 itself to secure it to anything.

I am also wondering if home insurance would cover theft. Maybe, maybe not...

"If you occasionally perform for money, your gear may be considered commercial equipment and as such, not covered by your homeowner’s insurance policy, which is intended to cover “personal” musical gear that is not used for commercial purposes."

Even as a claim for a personal item, it'd be best practice to specifically itemize it in your policy.
Even as a claim for a personal item, it'd be best practice to specifically itemize it in your policy.

Even if you did, your personal/homeowners policy will likely not cover the loss. If you are paid in any way for performing, (most...maybe not all), personal policies have specific exclusions. You'll need to ask your company and be very specific about the circumstances...and BTW....most agents get this wrong because they aren't aware of those coverage details.

You'd want to get a policy from a company that writes policies specifically for performing musicians. I have a policy from Clarion (Link) that covers damage (e.g., beer spill) or theft for full replacement value. There are a number of companies that provide this sort of insurance and it's not that expensive considering how much it would cost to replace your gear if damaged or stolen. also want this sort of policy for the gear in your house. If a fire destroyed your guitars, your homeowners policy, even with a seperate rider, may not cover the replacement value.

I don't insure everything...just the big items.
I put an Air Tag on mine. Someone takes mine they better run fast and disappear.
Honestly amazing idea, I'm definitely doing this from now on. Possible that they'd think to look for that and take it out, but it seems likely you'd realize it's missing and be able to track them down before that.
Honestly amazing idea, I'm definitely doing this from now on. Possible that they'd think to look for that and take it out, but it seems likely you'd realize it's missing and be able to track them down before that.
Unless you knew what you were looking for you wouldn't catch it.... Looking at it again I could probably hide it better under that bar. Fortunately, I have never had an issue with any of that non-sense so it is just an extra level of security or paranoia..... LOL....

Casual opportunists might not know to look for those, actual thieves definitely would.
Yes, I guess it's like everything. If someone really wants to steal something they will. The opportunists are the ones that I want to deter or catch if possible. Fucking thieves....
People will steal anything they can grab and go with including guitars, pedals, amps, cords, mics. I've had items stolen from stage and out of my vehicle decades ago when I was younger. I am hopefully somewhat wiser now. Having someone watch your equipment while taking a break and music equipment insurance is the best idea. This reminds me that I need to upgrade my insurance for the music equipment items I've purchased lately.
This is where a pet cobra comes in handy. Caution: you'll need antivenin if you try disconnecting that hooded "cable" from my FM9.

Seriously though, I just keep a better eye on things if I think the venue bears extra vigilance. Particularly during load-in, load-out, and breaks, or if the stage is near a back exit. As already mentioned, an Air tag is a great idea, as is decent instrument insurance. When I think about it though, I've seen more problems over the years with things being left behind at gigs, than with theft off the stage, especially with multiple band performances that require fast switchovers that don't leave a lot of time to double-check for things left behind. Maybe I've just been lucky.
Thieves suck. Quit a few years ago my oldest son was playing in Tampa, they took a break and another guitar player asked if he could play through his rig during there beak. My son allowed him to play through his ultra rig. When the guy got finished playing my son's rig he started unplugging cables and putting them in his guitar case. When we confronted him he said the cables were his. My son had all his cables wrapped with pink tape on the ends with his name sharpied on the tape. The guy still argued with us until we started to call 911.
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