RIP Gordon Lightfoot…A Canadian Legend!

A singer-songwriter for the ages he will be sorely missed. It’s a testament to his gift that Tony Rice often included a Lightfoot song on his albums. His loss is particularly acute for Canadians as his songs contributed significantly to the mythology necessary for the sense and purpose of a national identity.
Woke up this morning to this news truly a sad day, I wrote something along these lines on FB
For all of the heavy music I love, Singer Songwriters. like Lightfoot, Chapin, Croce, and Cat Stevens among others always struck a chord with me on a truly deep level, with nothing more than a simple acoustic. He will truly be missed RIP Gordon
Just the other day I heard "Sundown" on the radio and lamented the fact that I'd never seen him in concert even though he's played here locally many times over the years. He was scheduled to come this fall and I said I was definitely going to catch that show.

He is a fabric of Canadian culture and I heard his music on TV and the radio incessantly in the 70's. A troubadour who's lyrics made you think and got inside of you. He had a way of moving you deeply in his songs. A true favorite of mine.

I'll very much miss him, his music, and regret yet another marking of an era now in the rear-view mirror.
He had a really long career and life, and it was heartening to learn that he was still out there, playing to live audiences, well into his twilight years.
Just strum a Bsus2 chord on an acoustic, and you can't help but think of him!

Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald is such a poignant and well-written song! Great music from a great artist.
For those who love the many hits, try the deep cuts - there's as much or more gold there. I don't tend to focus on lyrics when listening to music but Gordon Lightfoot is an exception - the words resonate like no other artist I've followed (Springsteen, Simon and Garfunkel maybe in the same ballpark but not as much as GL). So many memorable phrases: here's one from 76: Not Supposed to Care >> "I'll give you the keys, to my flying machine, if you like" - great
I first heard Gordon Lightfoot as a kid in the late 60s. My mother would play his music, and Simon and Garfunkel, continuously every Sunday as she did the wash. In the later 70s, my father, who worked in security on Pariiament Hill here in Ottawa met Gordon who was visiting the parliament. My father asked for an autograph for my mother and Gordon gave him a huge poster (like 5' x 5') of the Endless Wire album cover signed and made out to my mother. My dad brought it to my mother who did not believe it was from GL (my father had a tendency to joke around, so she was suspicious based on "past practice"). Meanwhile, I had just finished painting 2 walls of our semi-finished basement room which I was allowed to use as my own (many a great party was convened there) - with the help of an Artistically handy friend, I had one wall painted top to bottom with a huge VH symbol (like on the cover of Van Helen II), and another wall had Jimmy Page's ZoSo symbol in similar size. After some discussion upstairs like "quit kidding around - GL didn't sign that, you did", I ended up with the poster and proudly placed it on the 3rd wall right next to my other two heros. Things have basically stayed that way since then (tho the poster is long gone) - regardless of the ebb and flo of my musical tastes: from BTO / LZ / Black Sabbath to KISS / RUSH / TRIUMPH to VH .. to ... to ... , Gordon Lightfoot has always been in the listening rotation - and was for a few years, from my wall, a casual observer of a bunch of tipsy hard rockers (the metalhead term had yet to appear in our circles) geeking out on the riffs of the day.

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I first heard Gordon Lightfoot as a kid in the late 60s. My mother would play his music, and Simon and Garfunkel, continuously every Sunday as she did the wash. In the later 70s, my father, who worked in security on Pariiament Hill here in Ottawa met Gordon who was visiting the parliament. My father asked for an autograph for my mother and Gordon gave him a huge poster (like 5' x 5') of the Endless Wire album cover signed and made out to my mother. My dad brought it to my mother who did not believe it was from GL (my father had a tendency to joke around, so she was suspicious based on "past practice"). Meanwhile, I had just finished painting 2 walls of our semi-finished basement room which I was allowed to use as my own (many a great party was convened there) - with the help of an Artistically handy friend, I had one wall painted top to bottom with a huge VH symbol (like on the cover of Van Helen II), and another wall had Jimmy Page's ZoSo symbol in similar size. After some discussion upstairs like "quit kidding around - GL didn't sign that, you did", I ended up with the poster and proudly placed it on the 3rd wall right next to my other two heros. Things have basically stayed that way since then (tho the poster is long gone) - regardless of the ebb and flo of my musical tastes: from BTO / LZ / Black Sabbath to KISS / RUSH / TRIUMPH to VH .. to ... to ... , Gordon Lightfoot has always been in the rotation for me.

What a great story!!!
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