GIFT OF TONE 2023 #4 - Chris Baseford

Me too me too \m/ JVM block from the GOT is great.
I actually really liked the setup he showed in the live stream too obviously it would have to be scaled down a bit for FM9 but having that top row be like a pedalboard pre fx chain
And the amp cab in the bottom row was a really easy to follow and useful layout
Especially when sending DI and reamping
Made my way through the whole video this weekend. It was really fun hearing about all the old gear that I used to have and used and reminising about all of it with a pro who started very similar to me was great. To see and hear his philosophy on creating a preset. So many little tips and tricks in there I hadn't thought of. The preset itself is my favorite GOT. I don't know if its because he used the Dynacabs or what but they sound so good. I re-amped some tracks I have been working on with his preset and got the best tones I've gotten. Fit right in the mix with very little tweaking. I look forward to seeing more stuff from him on his channel. I subscribed right away. Thanks Chris and FAS!!!
I signed up today so maybe I’m too late? I’m watching the replay now and would also like to get this second JVM preset and the library blocks. There’s a lot of good info in this livestream @cbaseford
I'll include the cab block library again when I send out the JVM preset next week. That way anyone who signed up later can get everything. I'm still figuring out the best way to manage the mailing lists so I don't spam people, but also no one misses anything, so please be patient with me ;)
@cbaseford, In all presets the first three rows have -20dB setting in the OUT1 block. Is there a reason for that? I watched the stream but didn't find the answer...

Also, can those who subscribed only today also get a JVM preset? Thanks! :)
Yes, I trim down the DI line going into my ProTools rig so it doesn't clip. I've found leaving the output at unity makes the DI input WAY too hot. Obviously for the GOT preset there we removed the DI only line (on the left/top row), but all the output levels stayed that way. Seems like I might need to do a part 2 livestream after Xmas and really focus in on the Fractal only... anyone up for that?
Awesome preset. Really dig this approach - just 4 dialled amps with tons of effects settings ready to go.

Question: is there a reason clean tones in so many presets are dialled in so much quieter than heavier presets? Like switching between scenes the volume difference is extreme..
Hmmmm... the levels aren't that drastic on my system. I do record quiet as there's no reason to ever come close to clipping. "Yellow is the new Red" has been my saying for years. I treat "yellow" on the ProTools meter as the loudest I want to ever record.
Yes, I trim down the DI line going into my ProTools rig so it doesn't clip. I've found leaving the output at unity makes the DI input WAY too hot. Obviously for the GOT preset there we removed the DI only line (on the left/top row), but all the output levels stayed that way. Seems like I might need to do a part 2 livestream after Xmas and really focus in on the Fractal only... anyone up for that?
Definitely, last one was so good with great info
Seems like I might need to do a part 2 livestream after Xmas and really focus in on the Fractal only... anyone up for that?
Certainly, I can’t guarantee I’ll make it live (I will try my best) but definitely will watch it all later.👍
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