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  1. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 26.00 Public Beta

    The whole idea of a public beta is to give it a spin and provide feedback.
  2. A

    The Sooze Praise for the FM9

    Asked to choose his favorite, the Sooze from ToneJunkie chooses Fractal from all the other devices they sell stuff for - not just for the best sound but more importantly he says that when he plays the FM9, it just makes him want to play more. High praise.
  3. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    Which is why I have a Kemper. Capture the AxeFX amps you use and really like and you are good to go.
  4. A

    New Recording Made This Week Using Axe Fx III Custom Original Presets - " Lost Soul " Check It Out Below.

    You might want to post it in the “recordings” section for more people to find it.
  5. A

    Possible help with tinnitus?

    Interesting read on melatonin reducing tinnitus. As always, always consult with your doctor
  6. A

    Henry Kaiser Guitar Tutorial

    I will do that this weekend! I took a little time today to try track down some of Dumble's guitar playing. I had no concept of what I thought Alexander Dumble looked like but this wasn't it! It was very entertaining and inspiring.
  7. A

    Henry Kaiser Guitar Tutorial

    Made me laugh, made me think, made me try some new stuff!
  8. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.04 Release

    One of the few uses of my Kemper is to profile sounds I like in the Axe. When it dies I will get a ToneX. Allows you to keep tones you like but also get the benefits of the latest updates.
  9. A

    Wish Pitch block: open tunings

    It is a wish list, not a what is easy to make list. And was answered politely and correctly by others so why the snarky response? And BTW, that would be “inconvenience”
  10. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

    Edit: Video removed now that the problem has been fixed.
  11. A

    Buffered Boss pedal in front of Axe FX

    If you like what it does, keep it! What’s the harm?
  12. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.05 Release

    Though in this case it is a very simple fix to change the tone stack back to the “wrong” one. Speaking of which, it can be a lot of fun to do that and come up with your own unique Frankenstein Amp Setups.
  13. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.03 Beta #1

    Magnetic effects BUZZKILL?
  14. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.03 Beta #1

    50/100*5 and 100/100*5 and 50/240*5 and 100/240*5
  15. A

    Question about the Mark series graphic EQ modeling

    I have been guilty of it myself, once, @My name is mud kept pushing something and I called him out on it and then Cliff came out and said he was right! 😅 It was a good reminder not to make comments on behalf of anyone else, especially the company! In my unscientific opinion, it has gotten a lot...
  16. A

    Do I have a lemon?

    But I wasn’t.
  17. A

    Do I have a lemon?

    Not often that people assess themselves that honestly on this forum!
  18. A

    Do you think the Legacy Cabs will become obsolete now that we have the Dyna Cabs?

    Cliff didn’t say they were better, just different and that he preferred the sound of the Neve over the API :
  19. A

    Steel guitar simulator for electric guitar with FM3?

    People get a lot of non-guitar sounds out of the Axe. There are great discussions on bagpipes and even a trumpet sound and a variety of synth type sounds. Not sure if they will work with the FM3 but worth looking at for ideas. In terms of stringed instruments, guitar to bass and electric guitar...
  20. A

    DynaCab vs. legacy IR shootout

    Stay in your lane - that's my line :blush:
  21. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Public Beta #3 (Beta 9)

    The OP didn’t ask if they were going to go away. They asked for recommendations of DC to go with a Blues Jr. To actually answer the OP question, no but there are more DC to be released in the beta cycle that could work for you.
  22. A

    DynaCab vs. legacy IR shootout

    Well at least 19 people were able to overcome the insurmountable challenges posed by this indisputable and conclusive Scientific America sound study on IR’s and share their opinion with a vote on which they liked best! 🤣 My favorite response was the “I don’t need to be told what I like” but...
  23. A

    DynaCab vs. legacy IR shootout

    Don’t vote. Move on.
  24. A

    DynaCab vs. legacy IR shootout

    Aren’t you one of the big use your ears proponents? If so, use them and vote or move on. It is not like he is doing a scientific study here, just getting people’s opinions with in informal poll on which sounds best to them.
  25. A

    DynaCab vs. legacy IR shootout

    People hate these blind tests because they can’t confirm their bias and what if they are wrong? So they will find some sort of fault with the methodology or the signal chain or it is too loud, too soft, must be solo / must be in a mix etc. I prefer 1&3 and suspect they are the legacy.
  26. A

    Why do more than 90% of the metal bands I go see in concert use a Kemper?

    For better or for worse, the sound does not change so you can load and go. And you can get new features, without the sound changing as you update.
  27. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Public Beta #2 (Beta 7)

    Or wait till Cliff provides some feedback? It could be a bug and you will have to undo everything. After the whole Recto or Mesa thing, I am sure that they will take a good look at @My name is mud ‘s feedback.
  28. A

    Tone Junkie Modeling is Dead

    I have a Kemper but hardly use it. But something like ToneX is an inexpensive way to get amps you don’t have in the Axe especially if you have the amp and can setup and capture it exactly the way you want it. Stick it in the AxeFX loop and you are done.
  29. A

    What Dyna-Cab Models Would You Like to See Added?

    Really just three of them - just ignore them or call them out like you did!
  30. A

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    I actually played with the new Bassguy for quite awhile but not with the sustainer comps. Headed out but will check it later.
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    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    Your question isn’t asked well. DM me. Or start another thread. Back on topic, the bassman is excellent.
  32. A

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    Like this off topic post? Don’t have to look far!
  33. A

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    “We also try to keep some subjects on topic” Have you actually read through a beta thread before??? You can have pages and pages of “how was your Friday without an update?” discussions followed by a half dozen fart jokes! Getting back to the actual topic, the compressors are fantastic. Thanks...
  34. A

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.01

    After the whole Gift of Tones it would surprise me if they made any radical changes to the tone so soon.
  35. A

    AFIII ToneBender fuzz for days...

    Was just listening to more tracks on your SC page. “Cult of Omission” is fantastic! If you are in a band you should look to develop it further and add some lyrics
  36. A

    Tips for filling out tones in a rock trio?

    Add some backing tracks.
  37. A

    Jeff Beck Passed...

    He may have passed but he is not dead. He lives on in the hearts, minds and guitar playing of people around the world.
  38. A

    Are new amps really needed?

    We all want the amps we want. If you can’t get it in the Axe, get a QC, Kemper or the new $200 amplitude plugin to profile / capture it.
  39. A

    Gift of Tone #24 - TIM PIERCE

    Woah. Now you’re pulling out the big guns! Tim has played on almost everything worth listening too.
  40. A

    Another Gapless Switching Thread... Solved! (Post #136)

    Even if you don’t have a helix there are those that are bothered by the gap on the Axe. If you read the thread you’d see that. It doesn’t bother you so then there is nothing to see here. For those that do, there has been some great suggestions and advice.
  41. A

    Another Gapless Switching Thread... Solved! (Post #136)

    It is a legit question especially for someone coming over from Helix. Quite a few of us are interested in ways to work around it and the solutions suggested have been great. If you are not interested just stay out of it!
  42. A

    December 25th - Gift of Tone - Metallica’s Live Preset?

    Thanks for letting us know bro!
  43. A

    Prs archon mini game : helix or axe ? (With results page 3)

    I am not sure of your point. If you want the sound of a JP2c in a modelor then you would buy one that has the most accurate representation of that amp. Or stick with the real thing. If you want a fireball, invective, generator (not sure what that/those is/are) you get something else. But to play...
  44. A

    Prs archon mini game : helix or axe ? (With results page 3)

    When I am in a music store and pick one of 3 amps, I am selecting an actual amp. When I select a modeler I am personally looking to get the one that best replicated the tone of that amp. The way to know would be to listen to the amp and then listen to the modeler and select the one that is...
  45. A

    Prs archon mini game : helix or axe ? (With results page 3)

    How are you recording the audio on videos you post? Those have always sounded pretty good to me.
  46. A

    Prs archon mini game : helix or axe ? (With results page 3)

    Never said they were. The question right now is which sounds better - A or B. But what’s missing is the reference amp and then asking which sounds more accurate.
  47. A

    Prs archon mini game : helix or axe ? (With results page 3)

    When you A\B two modelers, you choose the one that sounds best to you. This is not the Axe approach which is to accurately capture what the real amp sounds like.
  48. A

    First Gig FM3 into Katana WOW

    Sorry, thank you for the clarification. How do you know how the link to the forum was helpful to him when he said it wasn’t. I mean, who is more likely to know what is relevant to them? Him or you for him?
  49. A

    First Gig FM3 into Katana WOW

    And exactly how do you know that that thread is helpful to him? Especially since he would have checked it before posting that it wasn’t?
  50. A

    Helix 3.5 New Cab Engine is Awesome! Fractal needs to catch up!

    The conversation has been around usability, functionality. But yes, why not use the best possible graphics if you were to do something like this?
  51. A

    Helix 3.5 New Cab Engine is Awesome! Fractal needs to catch up!

    As a customer he has as much “right” as anyone else! After watching Leon’s video on it, Helix is on to something.
  52. A

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Public Beta #2 (Beta 2)

    There were 8 bug fixes in the update. There is just no “objective” way to account for those. Submitting a recording is also very subjective. Have you listened to the palm mute recordings in the nose gate thread? Reactions to them are all over the place from yes I hear it to that doesn’t happen...
  53. A

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Public Beta #2 (Beta 2)

    So how do we know what is a bug or what is too much (cold pressed) coffee (slammed down of course), some sort of ear fatigue or confirmation bias? The whole premise of objective facts could possibly only happen if we had recordings released by FAS of what each amp sounds like. Even then...
  54. A

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Public Beta #2 (Beta 2)

    Even then it is not that easy. For those who only have one Axe it requires loading up different firmwares etc. It is a beta. FAS released this one with 12 amps still to test because they wanted to get it out to users to test. Let people test it and give their feedback. Cliff seems perfectly...
  55. A

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Public Beta #2 (Beta 2)

    It may be useful for you to go back and look at the thread where @mynameismud gave his feedback. Sometimes when you are comparing the Axe to a real amp it can be difficult to do that and it came across negatively. I was was critical of mud at the time. But he was right. If FAS has an issue with...
  56. A

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Public Beta #2 (Beta 2)

    You sure they really actually sound better and it is not just how much coffee you drank today or what your "ear condition" happens to be at this precise moment?
  57. A

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Public Beta #2 (Beta 2)

    If this was the standard then when @mynameismud was giving feedback that pretty everyone panned (including me) it would not have resulted in Cliff fixing the issue. Who knows if a problem is "ear fatigue / condition" or a real problem? Clearly not almost everyone on the site who attacked...
  58. A

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Public Beta #2 (Beta 2)

    The point is let people provide feedback and let Cliff decide what is or isn't relevant.
  59. A

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Public Beta #2 (Beta 2)

    And there have been times people insisted it sounded different and Cliff confirmed that there was a problem. It is a beta. It is meant to be tested and feedback given. Why not let Cliff decide what is or isn't relevant?
  60. A

    WTF Brit Studio 20? How many people wanted a Marshall SV20H in the Wish List???

    The happy accident is that it apparently sounds nothing like the actual amp and will hopefully make it back as a FAS amp. If you spent some time playing with it you would find that it is a great amp in its own right.
  61. A

    Thoughts on Jim Lill’s new video

    Was just reading / watching this before your comment. While we are having these debates this kid just made music other people want to listen to!
  62. A

    Thoughts on Jim Lill’s new video

    I think a blind test is an excellent suggestion! He should bring in some of the top players in Nashville he plays with and see what they hear.
  63. A

    Are Fractal's efforts well directed?

    If you want to decide what you want in a device then consider supplementing it with something that can create captures or profiles. The new amplitude for $250 looks promising. I recently fired up my Kemper which has been sitting in the Axe loop for years and got some really useable sounds from a...
  64. A

    Apreciation for the Cab Preamp and the Axe.

    I use these setting a lot. For me the real magic is in the BMT settings there. I will set those at really aggressive settings to get alternate tracks i can blend in. It gives an endless supply of unique tones to work with.
  65. A

    Can Axe III do a horn sound?

    Is the preset working for you? Can't get it to work here.
  66. A

    USB Firmware V 1.14 Release

    Amphetamine is a really great app for this sort of thing and free on the Apple Mac store
  67. A

    Another Axefx vs Amps thread

    Sometimes I drive my truck. Sometimes the sports car. And occasionally the wife’s SUV. It just depends on what’s available, a specific need or what I randomly feel like driving. Lots of room for real amps and AxeFX. Shortly after getting my AxeFX III I grabbed it with a FRFR speaker instead of...
  68. A

    Struggling user - I can't get anywhere close to my prophecy's gain and sustain, please help.

    I spent years with the Axe trying it out a lot before starting to use it live and still use real amps and competing products.
  69. A

    Austin Buddy effects collection

    There may be others who are interested in the information too. The whole idea of “a forum”
  70. A

    Axe-Edit for Mac Os M1, M1 Pro and M1 Pro Max Processors

    To facilitate the transition from Intel chips to their own Silicone, Apple has an emulator called Rosetta that allows most software written for Intel to run on their new machine. I don’t have an M1 Mac but others seem to be running it without problems. When you double click the installer right...
  71. A

    Why are so many people not relying on their ears anymore?

    I guess Cliff could just use his ears and say “meh, good enough, no need for the actual amp and schematics.”
  72. A

    Possible help with tinnitus?

    Mine got worse with the first vaccine. But gradually went away. Didn’t notice an increase with the 2nd or booster. If you get Covid it can also cause tinnitus too so it not specific to the vaccine only (
  73. A

    Possible help with tinnitus?

    Someone suggested I try Niacin which you can get at most stores. You need to start with a low dose and build up as it causes flushing. My tinnitus is pretty quiet to start with but this did help make it even quieter. Also, Niacin is similar to some cholesterol meds so talk to a doctor first.
  74. A

    So... what will be in firmware 19.06?

    @Mohi What would the thermometer measurement show? How hot your solo’s are? Range from Limp Bizkit to Eruption?
  75. A

    19.05 not working out

    Totally understand this. Back in v15, there was a point release i really liked. Given that we know 19.06 is coming I’d personally just hold off on updating till then as it could change again! What I did is use a Kemper to capture the core amp / cab tones and kept them through the updates till a...
  76. A

    Viirtual Capo comparison

    He specifically said: “I just shared an observation of my own experience, this is not a debate.”
  77. A

    Real fuzz pedal in front?

    A real fuzz and OD pedal feels better to me. But in terms of recording and front of house live with just the Axe, it is a wash (no one in the audience, as far as I know, can tell the difference).
  78. A

    Why not Rivera?

    So given your experience, how would you replicate the sound in the Axe?
  79. A

    How good is Fractal Tone Matching?

    It’s $5.99 - buy it and try it! Then let us know :)
  80. A

    My Personal trick to get 70s Sound

    Thanks for the preset. Just played around with it and it is certainly a darker, more ominous or brooding sound than say the default factory Plexi 100W preset! I am usually not into the whole eyes not ears philosophy, preferring to use the real models associated with certain player's sounds...
  81. A

    My Personal trick to get 70s Sound

    Great idea! Do you have a preset you can post?
  82. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 19.02

    And so do the presets. I think that some of the best patch makers are involved in making these. Anytime I feel uninspired I’ll just scroll through a few for some inspiration. There is some really good stuff in there I would not come up with myself. For all FAS does, let’s crowdsource it and have...
  83. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 19.02

    Got a chance to load this up today. Something magic on the high end.
  84. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 19.02 Public Beta

    With each new update there are several predictable responses. There are legitimate bugs that are pretty easy for anyone to replicate. The external switches this time round. Then there are the disappointed whose wish wasn’t incorporated. What??? No jumpered DC30??? Does Cliff personally hate...
  85. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 19.02 Public Beta

    99.99% of the time I plug in, adjust bass, mids and treble, set the gain and play. I have never even pulled up the ideal page and don’t think I have changed IR’s more than once or twice in the last 3 years. Occasionally I remember that there were some settings someone mentioned were really cool...
  86. A

    Mac Lost USB Audio OUT

    Just to clarify, you say: “Mac's Midi Audio Set up shows USBs going out 1 & 2” When you go to Preferences > Sound > Output and Input Tabs is the Axe selected there? Edit: Just tested 19.02 via USB and it is working for me.
  87. A

    Is Old Music Killing New Music?

    You think kids of today have less strife and internal conflict? Seems to me if that is the criteria for great art, it would be being created right now! Political and legal polarization, climate change, the possibility of war with Russia, nuclear arms race with North Korea and Iran, multiple...
  88. A

    They All Sound the Same Again

    My guess is that there won’t be a reveal based on the feedback on the samples. If there was, it would have happened by now …
  89. A

    The new Blackglass 7k is.... AMAZING!!!

    Download Leon’s updated preset and start from there.
  90. A

    They All Sound the Same Again

    1 is the Amp 2&3 are modelers but not the Axe though 2 is closer to 1 than 3 is. #tinears
  91. A

    They All Sound the Same, It's About Workflow

    I am one of the tin ears! #3 and #4 sounded very close to me. #1, the real amp, sounded more present and was my favorite and #2 I did not like. @Mutha Goose makes a great point about player v listener perspective.
  92. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 19.00

    But by being wrong you have made those of us who missed the original response from Fractal audio aware of it! Just downloaded the update and going to mess with the Transformer LF a little as I often use the HiWatt and didn't know this.
  93. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 19.00 Beta 3

    We agree on something! Yay!
  94. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 19.00 Beta 3

    And I am saying that it would be unprofessional to do so. I didn’t say that you personally believed it but shoe meet foot I guess.
  95. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 19.00 Beta 3

    Out of curiosity, can you tell the difference between the amp and the model in the clip that Cliff posted? If the Axe matches the amp 100% in terms that no one can tell which is which (and for all practical purposes it would seem to me that it does) this would be a huge step forward EDIT: Given...
  96. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 19.00 Beta 3

    This ties into another thread where the OP asked how accurate to the original amps the Axe is. The AFD 100 is apparently so close no one can tell the difference between the sound of this amp vs the model (I sure can’t!), then it should not change in future updates. I am assuming the same is true...
  97. A

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 19.00 Beta 3

    Thanks for sticking through the schtick from the usual suspects. Sounds like it is going to be fixed.
  98. A

    1959SLP without power amp modeling ques

    I did! But I’m too dumb to figure out forums! I’m going to look for the too lazy to read room and try that … 😂
  99. A

    1959SLP without power amp modeling ques

    What people do you hang out with? Spent time with some Gen~Z kids over the break. They are smart, focused and hardworking. There were a couple of people in their 70’s and one in her late 80’s. Same thing. And all did a lot of reading BTW (the older ones were part of a book club, GenZ deep in...
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