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  1. mrstrat

    A quick rip on the Tele

    Too many notes! :p :D
  2. mrstrat

    The "other" Benson jazz tone...

    I guess all I was trying to say by referring to the 175 is that it absolutely has an "acoustic" property to the tone. I've got a Gibson SG with the same "Gibson bucker" pickup in it as the 175, and they sound nothing alike. So, my blathering was just a long way of saying, there is acoustic...
  3. mrstrat

    Strange dance (Dumble NON-HRM content)

    Killer tone man. Just beautiful.
  4. mrstrat

    The "other" Benson jazz tone...

    Trying to get that tone out of a semi-hollow or solid body guitar is going to be a challenge. There's a reason those cats play big boxes, and it ain't because there easy to play. :lol I've got an ES-175, that, when played through my JC120 is the shit, and can't be replicated as far as I can...
  5. mrstrat

    mfc not repsonding after quantum update

    I had the same issue, and resolved it the same way.
  6. mrstrat

    My fav clean sound

    Very nice!
  7. mrstrat

    Glenn Fricker's Opinion.

    You missed my point completely. I was addressing Fricker's comment about the fact that "99% of the audience doesn't know if you have good tone, so why spend all that money on hoity toity gear?" You just made my point, it doesn't matter if the 99% don't know if the tone is good, the 1% know...
  8. mrstrat

    Axe-Fx 2: Stevie Ray Vaughan Guitar Tone Video Tutorial

    Holy shit...what a beautiful tone...seriously...nice work man. I hope someone posted this out on the FAS-hater forums. FAS needs to hire you to create their stock patches. There's some serious audio knowledge there, combined with great ears. Just killer. Thanks for sharing!!!
  9. mrstrat

    Glenn Fricker's Opinion.

    LOL, as much of a doucher as this guy is, I actually agree with most of what he's saying. I've made the same observations myself. 99% of your audience has NO CLUE whether you have good guitar tone or not. Doesn't matter. The reason I buy quality equipment is because it matters to ME. If I'm...
  10. mrstrat

    Keith Urban's 5F8

    Very niiiiice. :eagerness: What cab are you using?
  11. mrstrat

    Lonestar Clean with Tube Drv 3/4 clipping problem

    Keep in mind that the Level control will cause additional distortion if set too high. Post a pic of your drive block.
  12. mrstrat

    Dream Theater - The Best of Times (Guitar Solo Cover)

    Smokin' playing and killer tone! Thanks for sharing!! :encouragement:
  13. mrstrat

    Cab-Pack 1 is now FREE!

    Thank you...thank you very much! :eagerness:
  14. mrstrat

    What about an ODS in Fw19?

    Jeez...just beautiful...
  15. mrstrat

    a little jazzy lick, jazz (jazz chorus)

    Beautiful playing! So smooth. :)
  16. mrstrat

    Beginner Tips for Noob Axe-FX II Guy

    Welcome! KISS - Keep It Simple. It's sooo easy to get overwhelmed tweaking advance parameters and auditioning IRs. As said before, pick an amp and a cab, and dial it in. Experiment with different amp, cab and drive block combinations. You'd be surprised how a drive block in front of an amp can...
  17. mrstrat

    Dialing in Fender-ish Semi-clean and Cranked Tones

    You might try the Blues Jr. Very smooth. Also, try experimenting with turning the Sag to 0 (yes, turning the power amp modeling off...yes, even if you're running FRFR) I've done this a number of times where I couldn't get rid of the fizzy-ness, and it worked wonders. You'll need to make...
  18. mrstrat

    Fender Superverb - Crossroad Blues (live)

    I thought you were going into Stevie Wonder's superstition at first. :)
  19. mrstrat

    Live recording! Original tune "Faith Healer"

    Nice playing as always man. Would love to have been there live to hear what it really sounded like. :)
  20. mrstrat

    Best Options for Level Control Between Scenes?

    That's why god (Cliff) created scene controllers. Just assign the looper output control to a scene controller, and then you can vary the level by scene.
  21. mrstrat

    Crazy glue for finger repair?

    My father-in-law is an emergency room surgeon and he uses it all the time around the house on his cuts.
  22. mrstrat

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 19.00 Released

    From what I've seen, Cliff has a deep conviction around achieving perfection with this little black box, and his drive towards that goal is indefatigable. He ain't gonna stop, and every time he takes another step towards that, he's going to let us in on it. (Thank god) Honestly, every firmware...
  23. mrstrat

    Nico Sabatini New Axe-Fx II Recording

    Wow, some serious Larry Carlton vibe/tone going on there. Very nice! :)
  24. mrstrat

    New guy here!

    Welcome!! :)
  25. mrstrat

    James Taylor Interview on BBC

    For those JT fans out there: BBC Radio 2 - Johnnie Walker Meets..., James Taylor
  26. mrstrat

    Struggling with dynamic and punchy cleans

    Great suggestion! I'll give that a try and post my results. I have a GT1000FX and a Roland JC120 that I can experiment with.
  27. mrstrat

    Struggling with dynamic and punchy cleans

    Good point Chris. I'm running the stock Celestion Super 65 with one (Combo), and an EVM12L on the other. (Head) It could be a function of the power amp interaction with the speakers...but I thought the Axe Fx took all of that into account. I've tried multiple IR combinations in the Axe Fx to...
  28. mrstrat

    Struggling with dynamic and punchy cleans

    I do know what you're talking about. It's absolutely a "feel" thing, that I only notice on the clean tones. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE the clean tones on the Axe Fx, but when soloing using a clean tone, the feel is absolutely different than playing through a real tube amp. It's hard to explain...
  29. mrstrat

    Where do you put your axe live..Floor..Cab..Milk crate?

    Sitting on top of my two CLRs behind me in backline mode.
  30. mrstrat

    USA HiFi clean

    beautiful man :)
  31. mrstrat

    Cleanish to solo

    Why are you double posting the same question?
  32. mrstrat

    Still struggling with cleanish to full solo

    I would try putting the Compressor block last in your chain. Use the studio compressor model. I'd use a fairly low threshold value (< -35db) and a fairly high ratio value (>3). This is going to reduce the dynamic range, so will most likely change the overall sound. Experiment with the threshold...
  33. mrstrat

    Low/Medium Gain Live Sounds

    Badger 30
  34. mrstrat

    Still struggling with cleanish to full solo

    Hmm, I couldn't find that in my Latin dictionary??? ;) OP, as the Clark-meister stated, using an expression pedal is a great approach. Just have the XP change the Drive parameter on the 808 Drive block. I generally just use separate scenes for my clean/lead tones. Gives you a lot more...
  35. mrstrat

    I Did ALL Of The Guitars On This Recording With The Axe FX II

    Great tune! The guitar tones are killer! Care to share your setup?
  36. mrstrat

    Axe fx II with ENGL Gigmaster 30

    Sounds killer man. I've used my two Engl Gigmasters in modified 4CM before and have gotten amazing results. Axe Fx => Engl effects return => traditional cabs. I guess I don't understand how you're running it though. If you're running the EGLE's clean tone back into Axe Fx, I'm not sure what...
  37. mrstrat

    FW19.02 Beta 2 - BB Pre

    Beautiful! :)
  38. mrstrat

    Axe-FX III on the horizon?

    Can I quote you on that? :lol
  39. mrstrat

    Rock Solo with LoneStar

    Dang, nice playing man! Well done, and thanks for sharing the preset. :encouragement:
  40. mrstrat

    Need your help in choosing a logo for ML Sound Lab

    I agree, best one so far...
  41. mrstrat

    Need your help in choosing a logo for ML Sound Lab

    #2 & #5 by far look the most professional to me and have the most flexibility. #1 looks like a stomach with fluid sloshing around in it, lol. #4 looks cool, but is way to close to Waves logo. Don't like #3 at all.
  42. mrstrat

    Any "How To Guides" for Drive Block?

    Well, that's as clear as mud. :lol
  43. mrstrat

    All of a sudden, Expression pedals stop working mid song, axe fx skipping/cutting out

    I had this exact issue last weekend on boot up at a gig- Eeek!. Axe Fx Mark I, MFC Mark I, Bank Size 0, using Ethernet cable. No green midi-in light on the Axe when pedals are moved. Preset buttons work fine. Took shutting it down and restarting 3 times to get it to come back.
  44. mrstrat

    Will this ever sound good in a live band setting?

    Just a clarifying question. Don't you mean blocking high and low frequencies (ie. PEQ Block with Band 1 + 5 set to "Blocking")? Highpass means "passing" or letting high frequencies above a certain cutoff frequency through, and blocking frequencies below that. So I think what you're talking...
  45. mrstrat

    Will this ever sound good in a live band setting?

    ^-This! I've comment about this before, I can have a killer "live" sound, and then I go to record it and it sounds dull and muffled. If I dial in a great recorded sound, it sounds thin and shrill live. Start with a blank preset, and build your own from scratch. For the record, I was never...
  46. mrstrat

    Weekend Gig Using v18.10

    So I'm running two CLRs in backline mode, one stacked on top of the other, with my rack on top of both. That's my stage sound, and then yes, I run direct to FOH from Output 1. (I use Output 2 for my CLRs - Copy Output1 to Output2)
  47. mrstrat

    Weekend Gig Using v18.10

    Hi Robboman, yes, I was aware of the VU meters. I don't use them for a couple of reasons. First my Axe-Fx, speakers, etc. are across the room from my computer, where I use Axe-Edit to manage my levels, which would necessitate moving either my computer or rig to the other side of the room. (I'd...
  48. mrstrat

    some U2 got the core amp sounds right...get to programming man!! :D Beautiful job!
  49. mrstrat

    Weekend Gig Using v18.10

    Had a gig this past weekend for the first time in a while, and was using v18.10 (I know, I'm behind the times) and it sounded phenomenal! Best live sound I've ever had. (My prior rig was a Triaxis=>Gforce=>2:90) We're covering tunes as diverse as Aerosmith to Prince, Hard Rock, Funk, Pop, and...
  50. mrstrat

    What's Your NON-FRACTAL Rig?

    Triaxis => Gforce => 2:90 => (2) EVM12L custom ported cabs.
  51. mrstrat

    Setting Levels

    Eeesh...that was painful... :uncomfortableness:
  52. mrstrat

    Choosing a "Fender-ish" clean tone

    I'm lovin' the Blues Jr. and Vibrato Verb for most of my clean tones right now.
  53. mrstrat

    Setting Levels

    Go to the I/O menu, Input tab, you'll see three input level controls there. The page title is "A/D Input Levels". I believe what this paragraph is saying, is that as you adjust the input levels on the above mentioned screen, the output level of the A/D conversion doesn't change, and so, will...
  54. mrstrat

    Lovin' the G3 Friedmans v18.08

    Yes! The Friedman's (BE & HBE) always had a bit too much high end for my liking, but since v18, they seem to be just right. :encouragement:
  55. mrstrat

    Lovin' the G3 Friedmans v18.08

    Stereo Cab w/ OH MAR-CB M-SB-75 SS STUD-VNTG and GH ThisOne, which someone shared on the forum. BTW, this is Freeman's preset #29 "Friedmans ray+ring" with a few small modifications.
  56. mrstrat

    Lovin' the G3 Friedmans v18.08

    Yikes! Sorry...v18.08...fixed. :)
  57. mrstrat

    FW 18.08 Badger 30 Clean Sound

    Beautiful tone man! Thanks for sharing. I was having a hard time getting this kind of tone out of the Badger, so sharing your preset was very helpful. :encouragement: BTW, why do you have Val Kilmer as your avatar?:D
  58. mrstrat

    Lovin' the G3 Friedmans v18.08

    Just wanted to share a snippet of the new G3 Friedman (BE) in v18.08. Damn, I'm just lovin' these G3 amps... :D Honestly, I can't imagine how it could get better.
  59. mrstrat

    New Rock Track

    Really like it! Definitely has an old school classic Rock vibe to it...and the tone great. Is this v18.08? I'm not sure what it is, but I'm loving the Friendman models better than ever now. They always seemed a bit harsh to me, but it feels like things have smoothed out in the top-end with v18...
  60. mrstrat

    Mark IIc+ Test Clip

    My new band name...:wink-new:
  61. mrstrat

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 18.08 Released

    Yeah!! I am so stoked about the Badger 30!! :D Can anyone explain how this happens? We see this every time there is a firmware upgrade. "Not sounding right? Re-load the firmware". I've actually experienced it myself. One logical explanation is that data is being lost or corrupted somewhere...
  62. mrstrat

    This guy can sing !

    Now THIS guy can sing!
  63. mrstrat

    Tonematched my Martin D18

    Thanks for sharing Phil!! :encouragement:
  64. mrstrat

    Steve Vai - Big Trouble - Tab and Preset

    Wow! Very nice! I'm not necessarily a Vai fan, but that tone is killer, and the playing is outstanding. Well done! Hasn't anyone written an XL to Axe II preset converter yet?!??!??! :)
  65. mrstrat

    Tonematched my Martin D18

    Dayam! Beautiful man... would love to have a copy of that IR. :)
  66. mrstrat

    1987X Treble (FW18.07) AC/DC Style

    Saucy!! :encouragement:
  67. mrstrat

    FW18.07 Dirty Shirley + PRS Custom 22 Soapbar Limited = Inspiration

    Nice tones...some kind of weird phasey-thing going on with my computer speakers. I'll have to pull my headphones out when I get home and see if that fixes it. What are you using to power your cabs?
  68. mrstrat

    Andre Antunes - Lips Are Movin' [Meghan Trainor cover]

    Love the guitar tones and the bass and drum parts kick some serious ass. :encouragement:
  69. mrstrat

    People weigh in on this response I got from saying how nice Axe II 18 firmware is.

    Step away from the caffeine my friend...just step away. :lol I didn't call you a troll, and honestly intended no offense. (Didn't call you a jackass or anything...hmmm) I just prefaced my comments with a caveat, given that I've seen plenty of Kemper vs Axe Fx threads that really are nothing...
  70. mrstrat

    People weigh in on this response I got from saying how nice Axe II 18 firmware is.

    Well said, was thinking exactly the same thing...
  71. mrstrat

    People weigh in on this response I got from saying how nice Axe II 18 firmware is.

    Not sure if you're just trolling for a flame-war here...but my initial response is "so what?". There's room in the world for both Kemper AND Axe-Fx. I know people like to get entrenched in their particular camps, but personally I think it's silly. It makes about as much sense as saying a Gibson...
  72. mrstrat

    I'm officially a part of the Fractal Family

    Welcome!! :) Do yourself a favor and check out Freeman's presets. Instant amazing sounding presets, and a lesson in to be learned in every preset:
  73. mrstrat

    Fremen presets v 18.07

    Thanks for posting the link!! :) Freeman..awesome presets!! Donation coming your way!! :encouragement:
  74. mrstrat

    Fremen presets v 18.07

    Amazing tones as always!! Many thanks for sharing your great work with us. :) What guitar/pickups are you using? Killer tone man...
  75. mrstrat

    Axe Edit version nag

    Yes, this is annoying...I noticed it myself. Would be nice if we had the option to turn it off in settings.
  76. mrstrat

    What are you guys using for live/gig backup?

    I picked up a Boss ME-80. Reasonable price, great flexibility, built in volume/expression pedal, cab emulation, sounds better than my GSP-1101. :) Boss ME-80 Guitar Multi-Effects Pedal | GuitarCenter
  77. mrstrat

    How To Get That Gibson "plummy" Jazz Sound Help!

    Yes, that's a beautiful tone. My v18 Jazz tone is a combination of JC120 & Double Verb. (Two amp blocks) You might play around with that. Also, don't discount how much of the tone is coming from that L-4's body, it does come across as very "acoustic" in nature to me. As said before, don't roll...
  78. mrstrat

    FOH and Cab setup help

    If you can afford it, PEQ is probably the answer. Get the sound you want in either FOH or Cab, and then use the PEQ to adjust the tone for the other. Seems like you've got a LOT going on in this preset. Do you really have one song that requires chorus, phaser, trem, flanger, and two pitch...
  79. mrstrat

    FOH and Cab setup help

    LOL, I see you got there. :)
  80. mrstrat

    FOH and Cab setup help

    I assume your top row is your piezo signal chain? If I'm understanding correctly....I would take the 2nd row and move it to the bottom. Take the 3rd row and move to row #2. Put the cab block in parallel with the fx loop. Run the second connection from your filter to the cab block. Then run a...
  81. mrstrat

    Why is there such a difference between Axe II mk1 and mk2?

    oh, oh, how much is the comodjulator diode/rambus extractor upgrade for my Mark I???
  82. mrstrat


    If your power amp LEDs are coming on then it's somewhere between your power amp and your speakers. Check your power amp volume level, bad speaker cables, etc. Just start substituting each element in the chain. Is there a speaker fuse? I've had power amps that have a "reset" switch on the back...
  83. mrstrat

    Van Halen on Kimmel

    oh my embarrassing... :disgust: Doesn't DLR have a friend that can pull him aside and tell him how awful it is??? Really... I wouldn't go to see that if it was free.
  84. mrstrat

    RCF NX12-SMA for home use?

    I'll check. Edit: Looks like there are two different models. Sorry. :(
  85. mrstrat

    RCF NX12-SMA for home use?

    I use mine for both Axe-fx and a PC monitor, and it sounds awesome! I have one for sale if you're interested.
  86. mrstrat

    My take on Paco's Dumble patch

  87. mrstrat

    Please "RATE" my GTC contest entry

    Great job! What amp/cab are you using?
  88. mrstrat

    Jared Dines Solo Contest Entry (Facemelting Solo Inside)

    I think the red pants and Christmas kitty shirt really add just the right amount of ferocity and hard-core attitude that solo needs. Kitty on dude...kitty on!! :evil
  89. mrstrat

    Low sound, help! :)

    Very helpful article, thank you Chris!
  90. mrstrat

    'Wishing well' live with Friedman HBE (v18 beta)

    Sounds great!! :encouragement: Are you using the Q12 actives, or are you powering them with an amp?
  91. mrstrat

    This kid is having SOOOO much fun...

    Great reminder...we should all be having that much fun when we play!! ;)
  92. mrstrat

    Which cab for doubleverb ??

    I'd LOVE to see more threads like this...people sharing their favorite cabs with different amps. :encouragement: For me cab selection is probably the most overwhelming aspect of owning the Axe. Just soooooo many possible combinations.
  93. mrstrat

    Bonamassa sh!tstorm in 3...2...1....

    :lol Loved it!
  94. mrstrat

    Hans van Andel (Vafam Sound, Rack Panels)

    Thanks for letting us know Cooper....sad, sad news. RIP Hans, you will be sorely missed.
  95. mrstrat

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 18.03 and Presets

    Thanks guys!!! Really excited to try these out! :D To those of you that are new to the Axe Fx, (and not) you can learn a LOT by going in and exploring how these presets are constructed.
  96. mrstrat

    TX Clean & HBE on my FWI 2015 Entry

    Great tones and playing! Well done. :encouragement: (I actually liked the Lonestar section best)
  97. mrstrat

    I think I've been trying the wrong amp all this time...

    If you want the character that the drive block adds without the "squishiness", try pulling the drive parameter in the drive block down to zero. It's amazing how much adjusting the drive level and output level in the drive block affects the tone and feel of the amp. Play around with adjusting...
  98. mrstrat

    I'll probably get flamed for this but...

    No wonder you have a smile on your face. :D
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