This kid is having SOOOO much fun...

Musician evolution is a scary thing. I bet this kid is going to up to be one hell of a drummer since he's already better than some drummers that I know have been playing on and off for a decade. I remember when I was a kid we were just competing who could play some Clapton songs. Nowadays I see these 5 year old kids djenting Periphery. :lol

But in all seriousness I hope this kid is honestly having fun. Sometimes I get a bit worried when I see these "YouTube sensations" that are being forced to do this stuff by their parents. "Remember to smile! We'll get more views if you look cute!" I'm not saying this is one of those cases, don't get me wrong. But if it was my 8 year old kid I wouldn't feel comfortable raising him into a "celebrity" since he doesn't fully understand what it means. I guess it's just the Justin Bieber era that we live in.

He is talented for sure and I'd love to see him become a successful drummer. :)
And to thing that most people will never even get this good, no matter the age... Picking my jaw off the floor here. My kid is only good at disobeying his mom. :lol
I usually support CK's oppinion on kids being forced to do something by their parents, but let's be totally honest here: kids LOVE to make noise. Especially drums. I was one of those kids who tormented my parents endlessly with noisy toys. It's actually surprising that I never learned the drums later on...
As a father of two (soon to be 3) boys under 6yrs, this pretty much overwhelmed me. Man this kid is awesome.
Jeez, he's got the foot speed of Bonham at 7 years old.

I can't show this to my 40+ year old drummer, because he'll hang himself.
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