dr bonkers
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  • I bought engl cab oct 12 today I opened folder and it wasn’t engl it was 8x10 something. How do I get right cab. I sent email on website but haven’t heard anything
    dr bonkers
    dr bonkers
    I just sent you a link via Google Drive to .danilejlynch70@gmail.com Please let me know if you still have issues.
    Hey dude. I just bought the DS Ir's and paypal was using my old email nadarat@msn.com
    can you send the download link to danilejlynch70@gmail.com
    dr bonkers
    dr bonkers

    I just resent the invoice with download link to the updated new address.

    Please let me know if that works.

    If not, you are going to need to contact PayPal to update the email address for your account, as my encryption uses your PayPal address as a key to limit access.

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