Search results for query: usb latency

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  1. Anton Karelin

    Wish USB latency

    Please, fix the USB latency when recording in the DAW 🙏
  2. Polluxx

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00 beta 1

    What about the usb latency?
  3. GlennO

    After the Fractal update, latency has occurred

    You can reduce it by turning down the buffer size, but there will always be some latency in usb audio. However, assuming you're monitoring direct, the usb i/o latency of your Axe-FX is irrelevant when recording guitar.
  4. Anton Karelin

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00 beta 1

    @rglr , will USB latency be fixed when recording guitars in DAW?
  5. Admin M@

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    The FM3 does not have the bug that was fixed on Axe-Fx III and FM9, where the latency could vary from one boot to another. Like any audio interface, it will add some latency to a recording system. Here are two things you can do. 1. Lower the USB BUFFER SIZE on the FM3 to its minimum setting. 2...
  6. GlennO

    Purpose of UAS ASIO buffer settings?

    No and no. The only user-adjustable relevant buffer size for latency in either scenario is the usb buffer for the Clarett. You will need to use 48kHz if you use spdif, and yes, using spdif will reduce your monitoring latency, but doing so will only reduce an already small amount of latency by a...
  7. SinglecutGuy

    New FM9 User Woes - Please help

    Have you checked all settings in your DAW? Input latency, etc. as Cliff mentioned are you double monitoring? Disconnect usb from the FM9 and try it that way.
  8. Anton Karelin

    FM3 Audio Interface

    recording via USB has latency when recording
  9. P

    MIDI automation (USB or MIDI Port)

    I've been trying to set up some automations in my DAW (Reaper) and for reamping, but I've been experiencing some latency issues when switching scenes, presets, and controls. I'm using USB, could that be the problem? Is there any config I should do? Should I invest in a MIDI cable to connect the...
  10. Anamein

    Bug? Will the recording latency ever get fixed?

    Hello! As the title says, I am wondering when or if the recording latency issue will get fixed for the FM3. For those unaware this is an issue that plagued every Fractal device from this generation but was reportedly fixed for the FM9 and Axe-Fx III with a USB drivers update, the FM3 was the...
  11. Anton Karelin


    There is not enough gapples switching, usb latency compensation and brit 2203, 5150 stealth amps. The rest is all great!
  12. mr_fender

    What is the point of SPDIF if it's just going to be converted to USB anyway?

    Because USB is not always an option. Most DAWs don't support using more than one audio device at a time. Even with Macs you have to create an aggregate device, which can add additional latency. If the Fractal device is your primary interface, USB is clearly a more flexible option. If you...
  13. J

    USB over wireless solution?

    I'm trying to get patches dialed in for my church from an audience perspective. I have wireless for guitar, so I'd like to take my laptop to the middle of the room and make changes via Axe Edit. I'm not worried about latency at all. Can someone help me with terminology or a possible solution...
  14. Anton Karelin

    ETA for next FW

    ...and i really hope that the FAS will fix the problem with the USB latency
  15. R

    Latency Issue With FM3 Plugged Into MacBook Pro.

    Hi Folks, I'm new to using digital modeling, played as a pro for years with tube amps. When I plug headphones into my FM3 it sounds great, no latency. When I plug it into my mac using a USB cable I get latency. Any help would be appreciated. I've tried using it in a DAW adjusting sample...
  16. mr_fender

    Dumb Question.... But Gotta Ask...

    Set Output 1 mode to Mute in the I/O menu. That mutes the monitoring connection between the OUT 1 block and the Output 1 jacks, but you can still record Output 1 via USB. You'll get added monitoring latency if you monitor through software, so keep that in mind.
  17. Boy_Narf

    FM3 as PC Audio Interface Noise & Issues

    Although I'm a diehard PC fan when it comes to audio stability mac just does it better. I would suggest grabbing a 2 channel interface and plugging the fm3 in via xlr. I've had nothing but issues with fm3 and usb/spdif audio. I now plug the fm3 into my studio capture and it's great. I'm unable...
  18. GlennO

    Bug? SPDIF latency compared to cable

    Keep in mind that, in a properly configured rig, i/o latency is compensated for in your DAW. That means that, assuming you're monitoring direct, the i/o latency is largely irrelevant. As you know though, the FM3 has a latency reporting bug that requires a workaround. There are many benefits to...
  19. R

    FM9 Latency - Around 5ms?

    I didn't use USB. I went analog I/O using an Apollo Twin X Quad, subtracting the 179 samples that the interface needs to do its thing. I tested that first, then took that away from the readings of each unit. If I use the I/O plugin in Logic, which discounts any latency of the interface, I get...
  20. weird guitar person

    Game changer for dialing presets!

    Tl,dr, on posts since. I'll generally prefer separate units connectable via digital I/O. If this works with ultra low latency and USB, then I suppose your aggregate solution would suffice. I've a hard time beating the latency on my primary interface.
  21. R

    FM3 to new Ipad Mini with USB-C

    Long time Fractal user but not with an iPad. My goal is to record into the iPad using Garageband. Is it as simple as getting a USB to USB-C cable to do that? Has anyone tried this, and what is the latency I can expect? Thanks!
  22. Anton Karelin

    Longest time between updates for the this it?

    Of course. This is a technical flaw that is not specified in the device specification.
  23. E

    FM3 Audio Interface

    I understand, and is it noticeable when you record guitar on other tracks in your DAW?
  24. M

    FM3 and Ampltube 5

    I currently use my FM3 as my audio interface directly into my laptop via usb…. Problem is since I switched over to the fm3 as my interface amplitube 5 is giving me latency issues that never happened before switching. Any help would be appreciated :)
  25. DoctorJones

    FM3 as PC Audio Interface Noise & Issues

    It's so hard to diagnose USB/computer issues because there are so many variables that can be different between us. I use my FM3 as an interface all the time and outside of correcting for latency, I've only had a single issue. The USB cable I was using was really long and working intermittently...
  26. Suhrbanez

    Newbie setup questions

    Just set up my FM3 for the first time, I'm using USB through Logic, I have sound but the volume is too low, where should I be adjusting it? I've also got a lot of latency to the point it's unplayable. Really excited to get into the Fractal world and see what this thing can do! Any other...
  27. josephyballew

    FM9 Latency - Around 5ms?

    An audio interface has Latency within itself. USB is slower than Thunderbolt. I had a Motu USB and Latency was too much. I switched to Focusrite Thunderbolt and latency is not an issue while recording. I have owned Axe 3, FM3 and FM9 and FC12. I still have the FM9 and FC12. Latency has never...
  28. D

    FM9 Reaper latency MacBook Pro max direct usb connection

    I’m new here and just started to learn basics of recording with my FM9 I have watched multiple videos in YouTube couldn’t Figure out how to reduce latency setting Adam steel was adjusting latency on his reaper basics video from ASIO configuration. But I couldn’t figure out how to reduce my...
  29. GlennO

    FM9 Latency - Around 5ms?

    You're measuring a different kind of latency...usb i/o latency. That latency is relevant for recording. This thread is about analog i/o latency, which is the latency you hear when you're playing the FM9 and monitoring at the analog output. (Or at least that's what Cliff is referring to. I don't...
  30. Flexitron

    FM3 & Fishman TriplePlay with iPad

    Ok, I'm back! I tried it out and is this is what I found: If I use the FM3 as an audio interface with the iPad and use Fishman's TriplePlay Connect App. It works flawlessly. However, when I use the TiplePlay software on a PC it sucks a$$!. Gittery and very unreliable. Especially in a live...
  31. unix-guy

    ETA for next FW

    See the thread on that topic, which is now closed. I wouldn't expect it anytime soon...
  32. S

    Right Angle USB Cable

    Hi all. Crazy question here, I am revamping my recording room and I think it would be great to have a right angle USB cable to help reduce the pull on the jack. The question I have for you all is since I am using my FM9 as an interface while tracking guitars. (maybe try on vocals in the near...
  33. GlennO

    Setting Up Reamping With Interface and AxeFX USB

    The only way you could do that is if you monitor through your computer. That would introduce latency, but maybe that would be the lesser of the various evils you're contending with. Even then I'd be a little worried about excessive usb cable length. Your best bet is probably to use configuration...
  34. mr_fender

    FM3 Problem using FM3 with reaper ….. the I/O menu and turning software monitoring back on in Reaper, but you'll have more monitoring latency. Direct monitoring avoids all USB latency on your live signal from the grid. The only downside is you can't monitor DAW plugins live on your incoming guitar signal. Output plugins...
  35. W

    FM9 + ToneX

    I use the ToneX pedal and the Kemper with my FM9. Although I agree that the latency is still very low if you go via the FM9 USB into the ToneX app (I do this quite a bit at home), it is still higher by a couple of ms than using the pedal, which has a latency of around 2.2ms. The ToneX pedal...
  36. GlennO

    Puzzling amp block latency

    I should mention it doesn't feel like there is 40ms of latency, but measured over usb with rtl utility, it reports 40 ms. Doing a reset with another type doesn't help. I've tried changing tube types, but that didn't help.
  37. weird guitar person

    What is the point of SPDIF if it's just going to be converted to USB anyway?

    @RoshRoslin has pretty much covered it, but I'll add my perspective... My 32 channel interface has S/PDIF connectors and transmits converted audio, ADAT connection data, and data from S/PDIF over 64 channels of MADI. Good to hear that USB is working well for folks, but there'd be no reason for...
  38. toneseeker911

    Best way to connect the axe iii and interface to one set of monitors?

    Take a stereo out of your axe fx into your interface. That’s what I do. It’s great for recording too, since you automatically have low latency monitoring while being able to record through USB.
  39. honditar

    FM3 as PC Audio Interface Noise & Issues

    For sure definitely a tricky thing to diagnose with all the variables, tried with different/shorter usb b cables going direct into different usb 2.0 ports and even tried plugging the FM3 power adapter into different outlets in case there was some crazy grounding issue going on. Will try going...
  40. honditar

    FM3 as PC Audio Interface Noise & Issues

    For sure makes sense I could see an interface helping in this case, unfortunately I only own a focusrite solo which is not worth plugging the FM3 into for mono-only. Looks like I'll likely be selling my FM3 and keeping Axe 2 for home office use. Thanks for your help!
  41. Riccardo Ros

    FM3 recording latency offset

    the latency is related ONLY to using the FM3 as audio device in your DAW through usb. Out 1/2 (and obviously spdif) cannot be affected
  42. R

    Newbie setup questions

    A few questions to help us assist you: 1. Where is it too low - for example, at the input to a channel in Logic, at the output of Logic, at the monitor speakers? 2. I suspect the latency is because you’re monitoring through logic. As starting point, why are you monitoring through Logic? For...
  43. DoctorJones

    Is it possible to record both the USB and ASIO outputs from FM3 into Reaper with the following configuration?

    ...need to mute Output 1 in your patch so you only are monitoring the output of your DAW. EDIT: You'll also probably want to check out this thread regarding the USB latency driver issue on the FM3 and how to workaround
  44. strabes

    What is the point of SPDIF if it's just going to be converted to USB anyway?

    Compared to using USB: Fractal device doesn’t have to be on and/or require other gear like a mixer to use my monitors / headphones without repatching Don’t have to change audio devices in my DAW or mess with aggregate devices when recording other sources Can control my monitor mix using my...
  45. Patzag

    What is the point of SPDIF if it's just going to be converted to USB anyway?

    Just to clear a misconception here. I run protools HDX with a Mac Pro with a MTRX interface with AES inputs. I also have a Live Digico mix board with AES inputs. I could choose to use these AES inputs to handle my guitars. In both cases, especially not the live board, USB is absolutely not...
  46. strabes

    FM3 Audio Interface

    The usb functionality has issues but the recorded processed and DI signals will be literally perfect as there are no conversions happening between the unit and the DAW. It’s great for USB audio playback as well, for that purpose there’s no reason to upgrade to something else. However if you...
  47. M

    FM3 external ir loader

    It worked exactly as you described. Thanks
  48. GlennO

    Bug? Will the recording latency ever get fixed?

    No, it's not the "exact issue" at all. It sounds like he's observing (relatively small) misalignment on the Axe-FX III and mistakenly thinking that's, as he calls it, "lack of latency reporting to the daw". That's simply not true: Latency is reported to the DAW. Before the fix, the latency was...
  49. weird guitar person

    What is the point of SPDIF if it's just going to be converted to USB anyway?

    Sure, and I’m speaking from personal experience with it in trying to incorporate USB exclusive gear in with my existing interface. I expect on my M1 Studio Ultra I might have a different experience with more recent equipment. It’s been awhile. A long while. My S/PDIF ends at my interface where...
  50. artzeal

    How to use Axe as effects unit inside a DAW

    Double check the configuration of the appropriate I/O in the Axe Menu. Some of this can't be done in Axe-Edit. Have a preset set up for the routing/effects desired and have the Axe selected in the appropriate channel insert routing in the DAW. Check the usual clock sync and buffer settings...
  51. GlennO

    Guitar Via FM9 no PC output

    For what you're trying to do, there shouldn't be any need for that. You'll find instructions for various options on how you can set up your rig here:
  52. GlennO

    FM3 to new Ipad Mini with USB-C

    Yes, it's that simple. If you're monitoring direct, any latency should be irrelevant.
  53. mr_fender

    What is the point of SPDIF if it's just going to be converted to USB anyway?

    Many DAWs (and Windows) don't support using more than one interface at a time. Fractal devices also don't have dedicated mic preamps or phantom power. If your studio is centered around a different interface for those features, you may not be able to use USB for audio from the Fractal unit...
  54. toneseeker911

    Audio out to wireless headphones? by bypassing final d/a converter?

    Yes, once you introduce USB there’s much more latency to contend with. Pro IEM systems like shure/sennheiser are the best way to get audio wirelessly without noticeable latency.
  55. GlennO

    FM9 Latency - Around 5ms?

    That all sounds right. How did you measure “do it’s thing”? (A more common way to measure the latency is by using a pair of parallel signal paths)
  56. J

    Mixcraft DAW +FM3

    Hi all, Just wondering if anyone uses Mixcraft as a DAW. I’ve heard of the problem with using the FM3 as an interface to record audio over USB, but when I select ASIO as a driver it doesn’t let me set a buffer for latency. Any ideas? Just don’t want to do a bunch of tracks and then find out...
  57. lscottk

    What is this glitchy sound?

    Is this a factory preset? If not, are you experiencing the same symptom when using a factory preset? If yes, then I would try adjusting your buffer settings like @mr_fender suggested. If you're using a Windows computer you can see the buffer settings by right clicking the FM9 USB icon located on...
  58. GlennO

    FM3 Audio Interface

    While the latency compensation problem on the FM3 is annoying, if you do the workaround in the link above you'll be fine. USB audio on the FM3 is quite good and allows you to easily do things like multi-channel recording and re-amping.
  59. amandio

    USB Firmware V 1.14 BETA (Public Beta)

    Hi All, A new beta version of the USB Firmware, v 1.14 BETA, is available for testing on the AXE FX III. This beta addresses several issues regarding latency stability and the actual latency of the unit itself. Here is a brief summary of improvements/fixes: Importing a preset no longer changes...
  60. C

    Guitar Via FM9 no PC output

    Thanks for the insanely fast responses, @GlennO and @md1234! To answer your questions, I am using Tracktion/Waveform. I also dug through Waveform's manual and figured out how to enable "Live monitoring", but as Glenno said, the latency makes this an untenable solution. I suppose I can go about...
  61. Chromatizm

    Who has and uses a Midas MR18 live and in studio?

    ...latency -> XR18 latency could easily add up to a "detectable" value. On this I definitely agree. I believe the values people report are USB latency, not internal processing latency. That's what easy to measure and that's makes sense with values like 4ms and above - typical USB latency. Maybe...
  62. ApocalypticKatana

    Audio out to wireless headphones? by bypassing final d/a converter?

    That’s unfortunate , can’t get away from spending the big bucks on a wireless system it seems This was out of curiosity and glad people chimed
  63. toneseeker911

    Can hear DAW output in Out 1/Headphones, cannot hear it in Out 2/Monitors?

    The analog outs are only for zero latency monitoring. Recording is through USB via the aggregate device, so no unnecessary conversions. But it does require you to turn on the Apollo whenever you need to use the axe fx.
  64. Anton Karelin

    Latency Compensation Measurement

    does anyone have detailed instructions on how to do this in Reaper?
  65. A

    Longest time between updates for the this it?

    But you also want the USB recording latency to work correctly as well? People want different things from their units but I've never seen a poll as to what people want.
  66. GlennO

    MIDI automation (USB or MIDI Port)

    If anything, using MIDI DIN instead of USB would be slower. How much of a lag are you seeing? Does it correlate to the amount cpu usage in the preset? Does it matter if FM-Edit is running?
  67. KevinP

    Who has and uses a Midas MR18 live and in studio?

    All completely fair, but you are saying you believe the devices have a specific latency value that is not something that you could possibly measure with your ears. That's the part I am calling out only. All analog to digital will have latency, and the same on the way back. Yes they will also...
  68. Dimi Guitar

    Bug? Will the recording latency ever get fixed?

    FM3 sits on my desk, a bit like pod xt used to. In that regard, having the usb interface work like on the III -- in turns of the latency reporting -- would be useful for me, especially considering limited desk space.
  69. ApocalypticKatana

    Audio out to wireless headphones? by bypassing final d/a converter?

    finally someone gets it! interesting , You think a future AXE FX would benefit from having a USB Host ? I couldn’t communicate it properly but I guess what I’m looking for is Digital Out from AX3 To a USB Host to plug my 2.4GHz USB dongle to transmit to my wireless headphones, all while...
  70. G

    Routing NAM through signal chain via USB

    I’m getting a little noticeable latency on both FM3 and Axe iii. I have all of the buffering settings I can find in reaper set to 0. I set the usb buffering to 48 on the FM3 and can’t find any equivalent setting in the axe iii. Anything that can be done to improve latency is that just the nature...
  71. toneseeker911

    Can hear DAW output in Out 1/Headphones, cannot hear it in Out 2/Monitors?

    I have the same setup and I found it more convenient to keep the Apollo as the primary monitor / headphone controller with its big knob, dim and mute functions. Route the analog outs from the axe fx to the Apollo and in UAD console , you can balance computer audio and the axe fx. In addition...
  72. S

    Reamping with Axe FXIII

    You did set the Input 1 to "Digital" and Digital Input Source to "USB (Channels 5/6). Is there any pros doing that over what I do, using the "USB in" block on the grid and not changing Input 1 and Digital Input Source?
  73. C

    Guitar Via FM9 no PC output

    I was afraid of that. I did try one little experiment. I recorded something from my guitar via the FM9 with the other backing-track instruments, and the USB interface in Tracktion, and the final product is actually pretty good! Something I was NOT able to get (as I mentioned in my other thread)...
  74. F

    FM9 with iOS - usb audio?

    Thank for your help. I wrote to the Steinberg company to find out if channels 3x..8 are locked in the Trial version. Waiting for there answer. I'm quite confident that FM9 supports 8x8 channels on iPad, as the specs say it is USB 2 class compliant. Can you tell what is your USB buffer size on...
  75. P

    MIDI automation (USB or MIDI Port)

    I see, so USB is more effective. The preset I'm using is using around 60% of the CPU; it's not a preset with a lot of effects and modulations and it's the same time with others presets. When the scene/preset change occurs through automation in the DAW there's a latency of about 0.5~1.0 second...
  76. Greg Ferguson

    Right Angle USB Cable

    You can find left, right and down angle USB-B to USB-A cables on Amazon. Latency is not affected by the cable length as long as you stay within the 5 meter length limit. Exceed it and your USB connection can become unstable. carries good quality cables but I don't remember if...
  77. W

    Not a Bug USB audio driver update

    In case it helps anyone. Initially after I installed the new 5p68b driver I was getting glitchy, hollow sounding audio playback via the FM9 USB interface (on headphones plugged into the FM9), through both Studio One and YouTube in Chrome. I closed down all applications, rebooted the FM9...
  78. C

    FM9 Latency - Around 5ms?

    I found this old quote at this link- Even the manufacturers will say, ‘oh, it’s only five milliseconds of latency.’ Yeah, well it’s five milliseconds just in the part that you’re telling us about, but you’re also going to get at least a millisecond in on your USB bus, another millisecond out...
  79. M

    FM3 Problem using FM3 with reaper …..

    I was wondering if anyone could help me with this issue…… So I'm using my FM3 as my audio interface directly into my laptop via usb to record. The DAW I’m using is Reaper and I have everything set up correctly and able to record but my issue is that when I hit the record (and only when I hit...
  80. DLC86

    Not a Bug Strange Phase Issues [Solved]

    I've always used the USB In block with no issues, I don't think that's the culprit. My guess is DPC latency on the PC, see this article on how to check it and solve it...
  81. ApocalypticKatana

    Audio out to wireless headphones? by bypassing final d/a converter?

    This guy gets it 🙏🏻 TBF I could’ve communicated what I want better. But to sum it up I think I’m looking for SPDIF Out (Digital Out) to a USB Host to transmit audio from a 2.4Ghz Usb dongle to wireless headphones. A google search yields some maybe promising results but haven’t tried any and...
  82. ApocalypticKatana

    Audio out to wireless headphones? by bypassing final d/a converter?

    Pardon my ignorance if I overlooked something obvious but... My aim was to somehow bypass the AX3's final D/A conversion and replace that with the D/A in the wireless headphones system using RF technology to minimize latency as much as possible. For context the wireless headphones I'm using...
  83. GlennO

    Routing NAM through signal chain via USB

    Because you're going back and forth twice, you'll have more latency than usual. The two settings to turn down as low as you can are the Audio device block size in Reaper and the FM3 usb buffer size (the Axe-FX is fixed at 16 and is not adjustable).
  84. Greg Ferguson

    New Gear Day: Fractal FM9 Turbo

    See Section 3 in the manual. It explains how the host computer and the modeler use the various USB channels. Doing what you want should be possible, but you are introducing latency by routing through the modeler and back, and that is probably not what you want. @GlennO probably has good advice.
  85. R

    Mixer for individual signal monitoring?

    You mean use the FM3 as an audio interface? I tried doing that and ran into latency compensation issues. These issues might have since been fixed but honestly I’d rather use a dedicated audio interface that I know works and just use the FM3 for what it’s good at. Also not sure it would solve...
  86. ApocalypticKatana

    Audio out to wireless headphones? by bypassing final d/a converter?

    Thanks! will have to try this signal path out! Hopefully be better than my voicemeeter setup latency wise Any other creative way you can think of instead of using a DAW? I Just reread up on this Post in thread 'Latency of amp modelers'...
  87. E

    AXE FX II Latency in Reaper

    Hi all, I'm having some trouble with wrapping my head around this one. I've checked the forums here (and other sites) and I'm not having much luck since this latency only happens when recording is armed in Reaper. It's made it impossible to begin tracking guitars for any project I want to start...
  88. Paulzx

    FM3 has been a nightmare when using USB.

    Thanks for confirming that it should work.. unfortunately at the moment, it doesn't though and I don't think there's any definitive solution is there?
  89. Greg Ferguson

    Cable routing to an interface question

    I’d use the USB straight to the computer to avoid multiple A/D and D/A conversions, which add latency.
  90. strabes

    Audio out to wireless headphones? by bypassing final d/a converter?

    The only way to eliminate the AD/DA conversion with this setup would be to introduce a USB host for the headphone dongle which will add more latency than AX3's DA conversion itself which is <1ms, and you'll still have the Corsair DA conversion in the chain anyway. Set up a track in your DAW with...
  91. J

    FM9 + ToneX

    The unholy alliance that no one was clamoring for. I think that ToneX amps can sound absolutely marvelous, but it's really only focused on the amp side of things. I was curious if I could use the FM9 for drives, modulations, etc., and it turns out it was quite easy to get the ToneX app and...
  92. L

    FM9 Headphones output extremely loud - Ear protection

    My setup is relative simple: just my laptop and the FM9 connected via usb. I dug into the global settings and I got an idea: I reduced the level of output 1 global EQ to the minimum (-12 db). It is still really loud, but now I can move the knob a bit more. If this value could be reduced more, it...
  93. Admin M@

    Bug? Will the recording latency ever get fixed?

    We are of course aware of the USB latency reporting complaint. We understand and empathize that this issue and required workarounds have made things more difficult for some of you. However, the FM3 team has been dedicated to keeping up with Axe-Fx updates for as far back as I can remember. It...
  94. A

    Bug? Will the recording latency ever get fixed?

    I have a Native Instruments Komplete 6 which has coaxial SPDIF In Out and is USB powered - the recording offset latency is 4ms which is acceptable without having to make any adjustments compared to the 12ms of the FM3.
  95. A

    FM3 external ir loader

    As you want to test Mikko2 you need the keep the input monitoring in the DAW on but mute the output in the FM3. Off the top off my head, go to the setup menu and the audio tab - there is a output1 selection which is normally set to stereo if you change this to mute you will just hear the DAW -...
  96. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3 as PC Audio Interface Noise & Issues

    as others have said, PC/audio latency sometimes needs a bit of extra work, the quality of the audio interface drivers make a difference as well (I use an RME which has been rock solid) are you using a laptop or a PC ? there are various settings to play around with, if you want to get a lot...
  97. S

    Latency compensation and recording via USB

    I know there has been discussions on this in the past, but I also know things of this nature change with software updates and such and I am just not up to date with where we're at so can somebody explain to me if there is still issues with correct latency compensation when recording the AXE FX...
  98. Riccardo Ros

    FM3 has been a nightmare when using USB.

    Yes it is possible, the FM3 can be used as a "sound-card", reproducing the guitar + every other streaming source from your PC / MAC. I'm using it in a PC and in a MAC without problems (other than the famous usb latency etc...) so it all relies on your specific configuration
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