FM3 Audio Interface


New Member
I am interested on knowing about the audio quality of the audio Interface inside FM3. I would like to know how is the quality in both recording and reproduction compared to dedicated units such as RME Babyface or MOTU M4. I am also interested on knowing if when I'm not playing guitar it can be used for listening music with Tidal or watching movie and videos and how is the audio quality when used in this way.
This is not good at all, also because I understand that the issue is there since 2 years ago so possibly it will never be fixed.

While I would need the size and portability of FM3, I still think that FM9 dynamic impedance input, more power and absence of latency would suit me better.

They should make an FM6. :D
The usb functionality has issues but the recorded processed and DI signals will be literally perfect as there are no conversions happening between the unit and the DAW. It’s great for USB audio playback as well, for that purpose there’s no reason to upgrade to something else.

However if you want a good dedicated usb audio interface with no latency issues or performance issues then get one with SPDIF I/O as that will allow you to record the digital output of the FM3 with no conversions. Even something as cheap as the Scarlett 8i6 will perform this task flawlessly and the recorded audio will be identical to the recorded signal with USB or SPDIF on a much more expensive interface.
This is not good at all, also because I understand that the issue is there since 2 years ago so possibly it will never be fixed.

While the latency compensation problem on the FM3 is annoying, if you do the workaround in the link above you'll be fine. USB audio on the FM3 is quite good and allows you to easily do things like multi-channel recording and re-amping.
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