Setting Up Reamping With Interface and AxeFX USB


I'm trying to figure out if this setup is doable. I have some space restrictions that make it difficult for my AxeFX to be anywhere near my computer where I record.

I want to plug my guitar into my interface (Focusrite Scarlett 2i2) to record directly into Reaper, but also have it live-reamp through the AxeFX II over USB. I understand that I could just plug into the AxeFX and send a wet and dry signal into reaper, but with the space restrictions I have that's not really an option without making other things quite difficult and brings some additional issues into the mix with computer audio devices etc. So the goal is essentially:

Guitar > Interface > Reaper (Dry Signal) > AxeFX over USB > Reaper (Wet Signal)

Is this possible? How would I set that up?
See configuration #5: Although a 2i2 isn’t a great interface for this purpose.

But if you have to run a cable to the AxeFX anyway, why not make it the cable from your guitar instead of a cable from the 2i2?

P.S. Also check the other options in the guide, it could be one of those would be a better choice for what you’re trying to do.

Good question. The way my space is set up, the only place for the AxeFX and cab to go are on the other side of the room. No matter what, I need to run a cable from that side of the room over to my desk.

If I run a patch cable to the AxeFX, or if I move the AxeFX somewhere awkard like under my desk, I would need to either run a speaker cable to the cab on the other side of the room, or move the AxeFX back to the cab when I want to plug into it. Not only that, but a speaker cable or patch cable are too big, as they would run in front of the door to the room and the door can't open without getting caught on them. This is why I was hoping I could do this setup by just running the USB cable.

If I'm reading this link correctly, I would need to run not just a USB connection but also an SPDIF cable to make this setup work, is that right?
This is why I was hoping I could do this setup by just running the USB cable.

The only way you could do that is if you monitor through your computer. That would introduce latency, but maybe that would be the lesser of the various evils you're contending with. Even then I'd be a little worried about excessive usb cable length. Your best bet is probably to use configuration #2 and find a way to run both the guitar cable and the usb cable across the room. There are various ways to run a cable across a room without causing a tripping hazard, but a wireless guitar transmitter/receiver would be an obvious way to do that for the guitar cable.
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