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  1. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 15.01

    contrapoint, and i don’t disagree with @FractalAudio often, but: when dealing with things that might be matters of life and death, it’s really useful to get an accurate diagnosis before treating the condition. 10 years ago, i changed careers from systems administration to veterinary medicine...
  2. flying_walrus

    5-pin MIDI transfers are possible but not supported, because they are too slow

    used a morningstar mc6 with 2 expression pedals for years, no problem.
  3. flying_walrus

    5-pin MIDI transfers are possible but not supported, because they are too slow

    controlling devices is completely different than sending device firmware. sending a couple of words every couple of seconds vs sending a dictionary all at once
  4. flying_walrus

    Grid block Out 3/4

    page 19 of the manual:
  5. flying_walrus

    Did you buy the extended warranty for your Axe III?

    yes, all of them. one time i burned out the usb board, and they replaced it no questions asked.
  6. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 14.05

    it is in the real pedals (the x series at least), but the pedals is basically duplicating the rigs that people are building inside fractal and line6 rigs: (22:04 for the bass rig) (4:42 for the bass rig)
  7. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 14.05

    it is. on the original pedal there’s a blend knob so you can mix your distorted highs with your direct fundamentals. on the model you’re supposed to use the mix knob for this edit: the newer dark glass stuff takes this to really interesting directions: the alpha/omega line blends two different...
  8. flying_walrus

    Mac OS 11 Big Sur, any issue so far?

    i’ve been running axe edit, etc on big sur all summer with no no hitches
  9. flying_walrus

    is anyone in the SF area equipped to shoot IRs?

    i’d like to shoot irs of my mildly rare cabinets instead of trying to put something together with the same drivers but different cabinets. yes, i can generally get reasonably close, but all the open back EV it’s aren’t ultres, etc
  10. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III SPDIF out

    do you have anything going to output 2 in your preset? also, i’d be surprised if the volume affected the spdif output.
  11. flying_walrus

    Wish Multiband Crossover block with output multiplexing

    yes, it is possible to use 2 crossover blocks to simulate a 3 way, but that is clunkier than a single block solution would be exactly what i want to use it for
  12. flying_walrus

    Wish Multiband Crossover block with output multiplexing

    reviving this wish by @hippietim, id like it to be easier to direct the crossover outputs to different rows on the grid, and i’d like to be able to do 3 band crossovers in one block. (which code i suspect is already in the multiband compressor) im picturing the option to direct the output of...
  13. flying_walrus

    Just got my Axe-Fx 3, need help with external audio interface

    well, the ni komplete has 4 audio inputs. if you want to plug the speakers into it, use one input for the mac and one for the pc and one for the fm3. there are at least 12 other ways to route this depending on what you’re trying to achieve
  14. flying_walrus

    A couple of Axe III headphone jack questions...

    the headphones are hardwired to output 1. what impedance headphones are you using?
  15. flying_walrus

    Two different FRFR speakers PRE-EQ (Stereo) - FM3

    hmm. what speakers are you each using? i know i enjoy slightly different cabinets on each side, but if they’re massively different it’s jarring
  16. flying_walrus

    AFIII First bass preset/ Maiden Sun and Steel

    this is my first attempt at dialing in a bass preset. also, it's been 30 years since I played bass, so please forgive the clams (the guitar tracks are also axefx III - left is through an archon, right is a 5150)
  17. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 14.01

    the pre- and power- amp section inside a real head interact in ways that separate units don’t. having them in the same block helps model this interaction
  18. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III mkII spiffy logo LED

    i can’t tell you how many usb drives i’ve gone through trying to find one that my WiU will recognize
  19. flying_walrus

    Preset files change when no parameters have been changed

    i agree with the first sentence, but the amount of cruft that tends to come with memory safe languages, and the number of modern programmers who don’t understand what the hardware is doing is concerning
  20. flying_walrus

    Preset files change when no parameters have been changed

    hmm. lack of memory safety, or requirement that programmers know how to manage memory? ducks
  21. flying_walrus

    Axefx2 tonematch toAxefx3

    thing is, the models have changed a lot between the 2 and the 3. your tone matches may not produce the same results any more
  22. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 13.01

    Yek’s guide is a good place to start:
  23. flying_walrus

    The vintage drive models?

    ah, i misread your post. please ignore me.
  24. flying_walrus

    The vintage drive models?

    which drives are you seeing 36% usage on? ( )
  25. flying_walrus

    adding a looper pedal - do i need a stereo pedal

    If you plan to use the looper after stereo effects, get a stereo one. If you plan to put it before anything stereo (say in front of the amp) mono is fine... but I’d still go with stereo so you have more flexibility
  26. flying_walrus

    Would a Friedman BE-100 amp/full stack make a decent bedroom amp?

    i say go for it! ive built my dream stage rig, and play entirely in my bedroom. if you can afford it and it makes you happy, do it.
  27. flying_walrus

    "Petrucci Rig" Factory Preset Update JPIIC+ and MIMIQ

    my beard grew 2 inches over the weekend!
  28. flying_walrus

    F*&@#$^% Microsoft

    yes, this would be the solution, if i had administrative access. but then i’d also be able to turn off the screensaver that tells me i’m a hero and not to touch my face :)
  29. flying_walrus

    F*&@#$^% Microsoft

    i’ve had a support request open at work for months because one of the workstations on my department doesnt know how to display jpgs
  30. flying_walrus

    Spring reverb 12.09

    Are you unable to reproduce the effect with two spring reverb blocks in parallel ? A quick google reveals that the BX20 was two large spring reverb tanks in a fancy housing to minimize sproinging
  31. flying_walrus

    Spring reverb 12.09

    i don’t think ive ever seen a stereo spring reverb, how do you plan to use it?
  32. flying_walrus

    Ignore Redundant PC... Not being ignored?

    a "redundant PC" is the same PC a couple of times in a row, not a PC that happens to do nothing because you're already on the preset it takes you to
  33. flying_walrus

    Input gain and metering

    jack butler plays an axefx?
  34. flying_walrus

    New KANSAS album, The Abscence of Presence, recorded using Fractal Axe-Fx 3

    i can’t tell you how many awesome bands i’ve discovered over the last decade on this forum, now i guess i’m rediscovering one!
  35. flying_walrus

    What is your player level?

    well, my pick is upgraded to level 5 + speed, but my strings are only level 3. ive got 3 kiesels with + 7 to metal in the shop getting bare knuckles installed (alnico +5) and stainless frets of durability, so i’m playing an artinger i bought from Chris Letchford (+10 for pretentiousness, -8 for...
  36. flying_walrus

    Where Has Integrity Gone?

    wait till they explain why their payments are 6 months out of phase with the membership renewal...
  37. flying_walrus


    thank you for taking the time to recreate this block and post it online for free. i hope things are well with you and yours
  38. flying_walrus

    Cannot configure 2 In and 2 Out Simultaneously

    AES is carrying a single stereo pair to you interface. if you want to send both signal chains to AES you need to combine them into either output 1 or 2 and then send that output block to AES.
  39. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.11

    Kale (like everything else) is perfectly tolerable sautéd in sufficient garlic
  40. flying_walrus


    he sure is this year! they had to cancel after three concerts this spring, and had tons of technical issues when i saw them in SF (I was there for the opening act)
  41. flying_walrus

    Pick attack reduction?

    only after asking for consent
  42. flying_walrus

    Help Needed Recording from USB Axe FX III USB Out to QuickTime on a MacBook`

    this doesn’t change the fact that quicktime doen’t select between inputs and just mixes them together. people typically record video and audio with separate apps or even separate hardware, use a DAW app to mix the audio, and then use a video editing app to integrate the two. the point of the...
  43. flying_walrus

    Help Needed Recording from USB Axe FX III USB Out to QuickTime on a MacBook`

    you're not the only person trying to record audio in a video application having this trouble. the issue is that the video apps are getting all the channels from the fractal and are just muxing them together. you need to either record audio in a separate app and then dub it into there video, or...
  44. flying_walrus

    Best amp block for Fender Stratocaster Acoustasonic guitar

    tone matches to other acoustic guitars.
  45. flying_walrus

    I think I know what I want in the Axe-Fx III 2.0
  46. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx 3 to iMovie problem

    i think it’s common for people to record audio and video in 2 different applications, so they can control the mix of the audio they want, and then add the audio to the video later (that’s why people clap at the beginning of you tube videos - it helps them sync the audio and video)
  47. flying_walrus

    How Use Axe FX III for effects only with amp w/o and EFX Loop

    actual latency on the axefx should be imperceptible. can you post the preset you’re using so we can help diagnose?
  48. flying_walrus

    How Use Axe FX III for effects only with amp w/o and EFX Loop

    page 3 of the manual: “fx processor only (pre)”
  49. flying_walrus

    Loving those 6CA7s...

    a lot of the stuff i used to sell at radioshack was like that 😂
  50. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.11

    it’s in response to this thread:
  51. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.10

    he already does. it’s the one where you pick a different amp model that has the characteristics you want, perhaps one of the idealized FAS models where he fixes the problems in the real amps
  52. flying_walrus

    Morgan AC20 Deluxe

    i thought i remembered that the high cut knob was backward on the model, but now i can’t find the documentation.
  53. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.10

    no, your needs are totally unimportant. it’s much more important that i want to daisy chain 12 axefx 21+ together with bluetooth and zero latency because my windows 17 computer can’t have multiple audio interfaces 😜
  54. flying_walrus

    Apple moves to ARM

    not sure about that timeline. they said the first hardware will be out “later this year”, which the pundits are reading as november/december, and that it will be done in 2 years. am planning to order a transition kit, which are supposed to start shipping this week
  55. flying_walrus

    Axe-Edit III 1.06.00

    1.06 working well on MacOS 11 beta 1 (intel) fractalbot also
  56. flying_walrus


    no, because a scene is just a collection of on/off and channel settings for the blocks in the preset.
  57. flying_walrus

    Can i use Spdif for fxloop?

    wow, i’m impressed by your maturity level. do you win a lot of arguments this way? according to your theory no unit would ever be able to both send and receive audio over spdif/AES.
  58. flying_walrus

    Can i use Spdif for fxloop?

    clock source and audio source are two independent things. the axefx does not have to be the source of the clock signal to send audio.
  59. flying_walrus

    Noob question - Axe-Fx III to a tube amp

    page 34 of the manual covers this:
  60. flying_walrus


    it’s a pretty subtle difference. set it to whichever one sounds best to you
  61. flying_walrus

    Wish Selectable EQ type in Drive Block

    my theory about why fractal doesn’t do this is that it would take more CPU for something that most people aren’t using
  62. flying_walrus

    Wish Selectable EQ type in Drive Block

    i think he’s asking for different numbers of bands
  63. flying_walrus

    Looking For Tone Match/IR Advice - Rockmans

    why not just tone match them now? it’s a pretty straight forward process. or, check out the tone matches @2112 did, and see if they’re close to what you want:
  64. flying_walrus

    You Knew Etsy Would Ruin Reverb

    mmm, news groups. when trolls were the minority
  65. flying_walrus

    You Knew Etsy Would Ruin Reverb

    oh, how i miss harmony central
  66. flying_walrus

    Implemented A Klon-type Drive block

    forgot how good this sounded! just ran this (plus mix on 50% to capture the above mentioned mix of clean signal) into a 5F8 tweed and lost an hour or two farting around
  67. flying_walrus

    Cab Input Mode

    only if you have stereo effects before the cab block. if you’re going amp->cab->(stereo things) there’s no point. just make sure your output is stereo
  68. flying_walrus

    My New Video on Youtube

    great composition and playing! this should maybe go in the axefx 3 recordings sub forum?
  69. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.09

    then repeat for banks b and c. if your presets are stored in bank D they won’t be over written. if you changed the factory presets, this operation will overwrite them. i could have sworn @chris had a video on this procedure, but am not seeing it
  70. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.08

    please post your preset
  71. flying_walrus

    Reamping - Questions about mono / stereo

    it might help if you post your presets? but, in general terms, your guitar is mono, and reamping is just the process of feeding a pre recorded guitar only signal into the preset where the guitar would have plugged in
  72. flying_walrus

    12.08, not clean anymore....

    JP is a paid endorser of boogie amps, so of course he doesn’t talk about what else he might happen to use in the studio. (for the record - i think it’s a good thing that he‘s able to get paid as a musician. i’m not sure he needs a new signature guitar and pickups every year or two...)
  73. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.08

    ...a casual shopper would have no way of knowing that the already fantastic unit is now significantly better than it was two years ago when Ola or Pete* reviewed it, and maybe it now has the features they said were missing. so, yes, the firmware names are marketing. just like including the JP2C...
  74. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.08

    if cliff thinks this many changes aren't worth a major version number, i wonder what he’s got in the works for firmware 13!
  75. flying_walrus

    Kemper in the Axe-Fx III loop with spdif?

    what sample rate is the keeper sending?
  76. flying_walrus

    Do the AF3 amps have more gain than the real amp?

    he said “extra input gain options”. for example, the input trim control
  77. flying_walrus

    Do the AF3 amps have more gain than the real amp?

    Range is the same, but due to variability in physical components in the real Amps, “5” on the axe might not be exactly the same as “5” on the your real amp
  78. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.08 Public Beta 4

    can not reproduce here. what versions of axe edit and the axefx firmware are you using?
  79. flying_walrus

    Bug? S/PDIF Popping sound 1.04b7

    is your focusrite set to 48k?
  80. flying_walrus

    Change scene by turning on Wah?

    option 2: there are third party midi pedals that can send custom messages on (attached ) expression pedal movement, so you should be able to send scene change ccs this way. i believe the current versions of the morningstar mc6 and mc8 pedals can do this, but i’m not certain they can send another...
  81. flying_walrus

    Change scene by turning on Wah?

    ooh, good question. we used to have to do a trick with autoengage on the GEQ block to get it to turn on when the wah came on. probably won’t work with scenes, but you could turn a drive block on this way
  82. flying_walrus

    Ping pong delay/dual amps

    don’t forget to pan the output of the amp blocks hard left and right too
  83. flying_walrus

    Input 3 headroom and LB-2 DI Level

    k. it seems that your question is really about how to use the hughes and kettner product, not about how to use a fractal product. perhaps they have forums with people who are more familiar with their products and will be more knowledgable about them than we will be here?
  84. flying_walrus

    Input 3 headroom and LB-2 DI Level

    just curious. seems like a lot of effort to insert a new, unproven but of modeling gear into the loop of one of the top amp modelers on the planet. is there something that the black spirit does that you can’t get from the axefx 3?
  85. flying_walrus

    Input 3 headroom and LB-2 DI Level

    tube amps and solid state amps are completely different beasts. more importantly, 30 seconds of googling leads me to the realization that the black spirit is a modeling amplifier. why are you looking to use a modeling amp with the axefx?
  86. flying_walrus

    New factory presets?

    to be clear - cooper only said the petrucci preset was updated, and that the new version is in the presets for the fm3. there is no indication from anyone that the rest of the factory presets are being revised.
  87. flying_walrus


    the output meters on the axe should tell you if one side is louder. (am assumimg that you’re running the mimic in front of the axe
  88. flying_walrus

    Input 3 headroom and LB-2 DI Level

    not sure what the purpose of a load box on a solid state power amp would be? solid state amps tend to get all their tone from the preamp, so running rom the preamp out (or effects loop send) should get you all the tone in the amp without the hassle of amplifying it and running it through a load box
  89. flying_walrus

    KRK Rokit w/ Axe III Issue

    you don’t say what kind of headphones you have, but they probably have poor bass response. if you dialed in your tones with the headphones, they’re going to sound really bass heavy with full range speakers
  90. flying_walrus

    Anyone know how long the waitlist will be this time?

    oh, i know the history. i’m just saying that its fun to contemplate what DNA might have meant by *
  91. flying_walrus

    Anyone know how long the waitlist will be this time?

    interesting things happen when you look up that number in an ascii table...
  92. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.08 Public Beta 3

    that’s probably illegal, since it’s from a commercial pack. you should contact the vendor
  93. flying_walrus

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 12.08 Public Beta 3

    where are these presets from? and can you post one of them to the forum?
  94. flying_walrus

    Winter NAMM 2021

    the thing is, without testing, how would we know?
  95. flying_walrus

    Not a Bug Axe-Edit III 1.05.11 Macbook Pro CPU and Fan Noise

    nope, all good here. probably more useful to keep all responses in one thread, wouldn’t you say?
  96. flying_walrus

    Wish Tone King Imperial Mark Knopfler Amp

    how are victories different from marshalls?
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