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  1. I

    What The Hell Is This???

    Oh I'd say it was at least a year and a half ago. I delete emails regularly so no way I can find the exact email. Once I heard about the chip shortage due to Covid I pretty much gave up. I actually thought the FM9 was discontinued.
  2. I

    What The Hell Is This???

    That's very likely as when spending this much money I usually like to be drunk. Softens the blow.......a little. Too bad I was stone sober when actually making the payment. :-(
  3. I

    What The Hell Is This???

    I haven't been active here in a very long time but something happened today that may change that. UPS dropped off this fancy thing that I literally don't remember getting on the waitlist for, but I'll take it! It must be pretty cool, right? My AX8 is a bit long in the tooth but still slays...
  4. I

    Eruption Solo

    I quit guitar...forever. :-( Seriously awesome dude!
  5. I

    Short song for April

    Beautiful! What amps/cabs?
  6. I

    New song featuring Dan Tompkins and Marty Friedman

    Link no worky for me...:-(
  7. I

    Sloooooow Blues, Strat, Blackface & a tiny little bit of dirt....

    Delicious tone and awesome playing as always! I also like to use 4x12 sims with the Blackface as well. The 2x12 is too boxy sounding I think. Is this the stock cab sim?
  8. I

    Shoot out

    If you're content with the Atomic, that's awesome. But if you should find it's not 100% what you're looking for I suggest trying to find a Verve 12ma. I recently bought one and the Atomic will never be hooked up to my AxeFx again. Just my two cents of course......
  9. I

    Mid-gain Goodness (10.03 Plexi crunch/Stock cab) of the best!
  10. I

    Axe-FX Jam Clip

    Nice job man! What cab/mic sim did you use?
  11. I

    Help me understand: high frequencies

    I'm a FRFR guy. Just got a Verve 12ma a few days ago and was using an Atomic wedge before that. All the tones I go for are "in the room" type tones. As such, I rarely use mic sims and have recently been employing the parametric eq hi/low blocking trick to simultaneously tighten the low end...
  12. I

    Good places to buy 12ma in US?

    I just got mine today. Agreed, it rocks! I called them on the phone to make sure they were in stock before I ordered. The guy said yes and mentioned the 10% discount. He basically hung up on me without even offering to sell me one over the phone. So I went ahead and ordered online and put...
  13. I

    Atomic power amp and power amp sims

    Sims on. The Atomic amps incorporate tubes mostly for feel and 'punch', not so much for additional coloration. They were designed to be flat response (close enough) and the use of tubes was due to the designer's experience designing tube amps.
  14. I

    Atomic reactor or Cornford

    Apples-to-oranges, my friend. The Atomic Reactor is flat-response and full-range (well, close enough) whereas the Cornford is a guitar-specific amp/cabinet. The Cornford will color the AxeFx for sure. In a bad way...? Who knows? Does the Cornford have an fx loop return? If so, you'll want...
  15. I

    Good places to buy 12ma in US?

    As has been the case for as long as I can remember. I want a 12ma but honestly I've stopped even checking if they're in stock because they never are. I'll just wait another few years until the hype dies down I guess. Lol. Of course by then they'll be $2,000.
  16. I

    Atomic jitters!

    I had a Rocktron Velocity 300 (the new one) and 2 Atomic passive cabs before I bought my powered Atomic and I can tell you they DID sound different. I did many A/B comparisons. The Rocktron/passive cab setup was louder and a bit stiffer sounding, while the powered Atomic was more lively and...
  17. I

    Atomic jitters!

    I own a powered Atomic wedge so maybe I can help you here. Do the Atomics sound good? Yep. Will they thump and move air like a good 4x12? Nope. Though the speaker in the Atomic is a higher wattage and more efficient type than what you'd typically find in a 4x12, it's simply not going to...
  18. I

    About to buy... Atomic questions... why tubes ?

    I have a Reactor Wedge and while it does sound warmer than anything else I've tried, I have already experienced reliability issues with it. Using a tube amp is a trade off I guess...tone for reliability.
  19. I

    Why do the Atomic Cabinets cost so much if made in China?

    Re: Why do the Atomic Cabinets cost so much if made in China I agree with most of this but what some may consider "whining" and "bitching" others may rightly see in my opinion as workers demanding what's right. Yes we would have to pay more for American-made products but I for one am ready...
  20. I

    Just ordered an Atomic FR Active..Any accessory needed??

    Regular instrument cable from AxeFx's unbalanced 1/4" output to Atomic's 1/4" input. Done.
  21. I

    STRAT + PLEXXXXI + BEER (why try another rig¿?)

    The tone at the intro is badass!
  22. I

    Recto Orange Telecaster Wankery 10.03

    Haha cool as hell!
  23. I

    Weird Metallic Sound - FBT Verve 12ma issue?

    Computer locks up every time I click either of those recordings links so I can't comment...??? :(
  24. I

    12ma cost

    Hmmm...interesting indeed! I didn't know it was a wood cab. Thanks for the linked review!
  25. I

    12ma cost

    Holy crap that's a lot of wattage! Yeah there are definetely other options out there other than the Verve but I think people are drawn to the Verve due to its wood enclosure and coaxial design. I'd love to go ahead and buy something else since my Atomic FR is useless but I've yet to hear...
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    12ma cost

    So they are $1,200 now? Not like it matters....they'll never be available anyhow.
  27. I

    Alternative FRFR systems: Dynacord AM-12 or Tannoy Power V12

    Re: Alternative FRFR systems: Dynacord AM-12 or Tannoy Power Too bad by the time they're available I'll be too old to actually hold a guitar. :(
  28. I

    Atomic Reactor Q

    No. The Atomics are specifically designed to amplify the AxeFx with both the amp and cab sims active. The fact that the Atomics use a tube power stage is simply a design choice and does not mean you should disable the poweramp or cab sims.
  29. I

    Intrigued- questions on AxeFX use with Atomic amps

    I don't find the Atomic powered wedge to be particularly loud. I would want 2 of them to feel comfortable playing with a band. Depending upon the band type of course. Then again, mine squeals like crazy and has been nothing but a pain so I'd recommend looking at other options. There are...
  30. I

    Mesa 20/20 vs Marshall EL84 20/20?

    I've owned them both but it was a looooong time ago. From what I remember they both sounded fantastic but I preferred the Mesa for it's volume (seemed a bit louder than the Marshall) and because I thought the Marshall's 'Deep' setting added too much bass and sounded artificial. Just my two...
  31. I

    Atomic tube replacement

    Yes the amp slid out just fine. Unfortunately replacing the preamp tube which I thought was microphonic did not fix the problem. It still squeals like crazy even with the guitar's volume all the way down and the Axe's output at zero. :-( I'd love to just get a Verve and wash my hands of this...
  32. I

    Atomic tube replacement

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
  33. I

    VHT 2/50/2 vs. 2/90/2 for Axe FX?

    More headroom and a less pronounced midrange with the 2/90/2 so I would lean that way for use with the AxeFx. However, with a regular tube preamp I would go with the 2/50/2. I find it has a 'sweeter' voicing more suitable for imparting coloration to a guitar signal. Yes I've owned both.
  34. I

    Atomic tube replacement

    Is there an easy way to access the tubes on the active wedge that I'm missing? There's nothing in the manual about it that I've found and Atomic doesn't seem to want to respond to my emails. The heat vent on the bottom is far too small to access the tubes and there doesn't seem to be a way to...
  35. I

    A little bit of prog in the vein of Dream Theater

    Ummm....awesome! No really, AWESOME! :shock:
  36. I

    Atomic MB50 Noisey?

    My powered Atomic wedge is noisy too. I'm currently researching other options. Unfortunately every recommended powered monitor I've read about on this site is backordered. :-(
  37. I

    Axe fx throuh Fender blackface vintage from 1966???

    I'm assuming this amp has no fx loop so I'm not sure how well that would work. Purely in terms of fx quality, the AxeFx provides some of the highest quality fx out there. But without an fx loop or some kind of outboard loop I don't know how well it would integrate with your amp. If you ever...
  38. I

    Screeching Atomic....ARRRGH!

    Once the hissing starts, it continues even when I roll my guitar's volume off. It continues no matter what I do with the guitar and AxeFx. I'd be shocked if it's anything other than a bad tube or something else inside the Atomic. Is there an easy way to change the tube that I'm missing? I...
  39. I

    Screeching Atomic....ARRRGH!

    Sadly I typically play presets only at this point. I rarely use extreme high gain.
  40. I

    Screeching Atomic....ARRRGH!

    I honestly hope you're right and that it's not the tubes but when mine squeals it does it when I back up, turn around and when I change patches. I haven't seen the input meter clip at all and the noise remains unchanged when going from high gain to low gain.
  41. I

    Screeching Atomic....ARRRGH!

    It does it no matter how far away I am. It's not feedback. Does it no matter the angle of the pickups to the cab or the proximity to the cab. It used to stop when I'd smack the control panel. That doesn't seem to work anymore.
  42. I

    Screeching Atomic....ARRRGH!

    Well, as has been experienced by many others here, my powered wedge is squealing like Ned Beatty. The wedge has VERY little playing time on it. Maybe a couple hours at most. Microphonic tube maybe? How do you go about replacing these tubes? I've removed the bottom grill and loosened the...
  43. I

    Youtube vid on the 5150 sim

    FOOKIN' NICE!!! :twisted:
  44. I

    Power Amp Opinions

    I have a Rocktron Velocity 300 that I use with two passive atomic reactor cabs and it sounds really good. I keep the reactance control very low as not to get too boomy sounding. The definition control gives you lots of flexibility in adding just the right amount of bite. It's relatively cheap...
  45. I


    I have the Velocity 300. Sounds great and the reactance and definition controls give LOTS of color to your tone. It's around 20lbs.
  46. I

    Review: Rocktron Velocity 300 new version...

    I also have the Velocity 300 arriving tomorrow or Thursday and can't wait to put it to the test. It will be powering 2 Atomic passives (1 regular, 1 wedge).
  47. I

    List of Power Amps You Would Recommend to use with Axe Fx

    Re: List of Power Amps You Would Recommend to use with Axe F With these tube poweramps are you guys still using poweramp sims and full range cabs with them or no sims and guitar speakers? Can't decide on which poweramp I need. I want to use the sims and I have 2 passive Atomic cabs.
  48. I

    Have cabs...need power!

    Posted a similar thread a week ago and just wanted to narrow down my options a bit... I have 2 Atomic FR Passive cabs at home and nothing to power them with. So sad...:-(. I was initially leaning towards an ART SLA model amp but didn't know at the time they were sold out everywhere. I've...
  49. I

    Two Atomic Passives On The Way! Now What...???

    Gonna keep em both hopefully. Wanted a wedge and a straight-front for different applications.
  50. I

    Two Atomic Passives On The Way! Now What...???

    Got my invite and ordered a passive wedge and a passive straight cab. Wondering what poweramps are popular around here? Any recommendations? I want the same things as everyone else: relatively lightweight (if possible), endless headroom, minimal coloration... Thanks!!! :)
  51. I

    New Passive Wedgies

    Uh oh that's not encouraging since I got no reply. I'll have to email again I guess. I'm with the above poster that this seems a bit silly and disorganized. No choice but to play along though...
  52. I

    New Passive Wedgies

    Keep us posted. I'm looking into this exact setup. I emailed Atomic to get on the wait list but never heard back. :(
  53. I

    Fryette/VHT 2/50/2 2/90/2 comparison?

    I've had both and both are fantastic poweramps. 2/90/2: More clean headroom, bigger bottom, clear top end and even midrange. 2/50/2: More pronounced midrange, little less clean headroom and glassy top end. A more 'familiar' guitar tone. For pairing up with a tube preamp either of these would...
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