Fryette/VHT 2/50/2 2/90/2 comparison?


I'm considering a Fryette power amp to pair up with my Ultra for my live rig and would like to hear some comparisons or experience from anyone who is familiar with both models. Do they sound drastically different from one another? Do they color the preamp tone much, especially in the low power modes? I'm sure the 50 watt model is more than enough power for my needs, but if the 90 watt model has any advantages tone-wise, I'd like to hear about it?
I've had both and both are fantastic poweramps.

2/90/2: More clean headroom, bigger bottom, clear top end and even midrange.

2/50/2: More pronounced midrange, little less clean headroom and glassy top end. A more 'familiar' guitar tone.

For pairing up with a tube preamp either of these would be at the top of my list. I know alot of guys use these with their AxeFx's but I simply don't get the point in spending $1,500-$2,000 on a processor with fabulous poweramp sims only to bypass them because you're using a tube poweramp. Although the 2/90/2 does offer LOTS of clean headroom it IS first and foremost a GUITAR poweramp and therefore will impart coloration to the AxeFx's tone.
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