Atomic power amp and power amp sims


Power User
I know this must have been asked in the past and I apologize for asking again, but I can not find this explicitly when I try searching. Found a few posts that may have implied this was typical but just wanted to be sure.

With the atomic power amps, is it typical to keep power amp sims on or off?

If it is on, does this become a problem when you kick it to gigging volumes and really push the atomic power amp?

If the answer is on, I am grabbing me one of these within the next couple months.

Sims on. The Atomic amps incorporate tubes mostly for feel and 'punch', not so much for additional coloration. They were designed to be flat response (close enough) and the use of tubes was due to the designer's experience designing tube amps.

This is what the new Atomic amps were created for. The perfect compliment for the Axe-FX's amp, cab/mic sims.
I use 2 Atomics for my backline and FBT for monitors. I cant afford the powered wedges right now but its on my wish list.
Thanks for the replies. Given I have a bad back, I will go the monoblock route myself. I just need to payoff my new guitar purchase first.
Thanks for the replies. Given I have a bad back, I will go the monoblock route myself. I just need to payoff my new guitar purchase first.

I have a MB-50 that I use with a real guitar cab and it is awesome, and yes power amp sim's on.
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