VHI Tone Test (clips with and without backing)


I was messing around with some new stuff and decided to take a crack at VHI tone. Ed's guitar is defeated as I have center panned the right side of the track. Of course, we are doing a duet :D on the intro solo because it is panned center, so I just blended my lead guitar with Ed's. I was most interested in the rhythm tone and all you hear is me...

Anyway, never tried to get this tone before... I'm sure I can get closer, but here it is:

Jamie's Cryin' Full Mix

I though people might be curious what the guitar sounds like without the track so here it is:

Jamie's Cryin' My Guitar Only

Whaddaya think?

Gear used:

This guitar:


into my Axe-FX (stock Brown Sound preset w/NO tweaks, cab sim OFF), digital out to my Apogee Symphony system into Logic. I recorded the stereo output of the Axe into 1 stereo track in Logic, put an EQ on the track (did a narrow band pass at 200 Hz and did a hard pass of all frequencies lower than 50 Hz) and then output it to a stereo Aux track that had the Sound Designer convolution plug-in on it. I loaded a Red Wires "Big Cab" IR (48KHz 24 bit Basketweave Marshall cab w/G12M25s and with a Sure SM57 right up to the cap) into Sound Designer and set Wet to 100, Dry to 0 and output that to the stereo out. No reverb, delay or anything else added in Logic except my normal mastering plugs on the output to get levels right, etc..

Amazing how close you can get to this sound with a stock Axe preset. If I'd spent any time tweaking it, who knows? I think there is too much gain and it is not as refined and warm sounding as the original, but that could easily be fixed with some minor tweaking that I was too lazy to do. I was really just testing the Red Wires IRs anyway, which are phenomenal! You should hear how shitty this track sounds without ANY cab sim straight from the Axe - Horrible! :D But that is to be expected. It would be easy to load this IR into the user cabs in the Axe and use it that way, but it is easier to play with in Logic...

biggness said:
Sounds awesome man. :cool:

Did you play this with your mouth open or closed?
Thanks man! Mouth closed during the rhythm parts, open during the solo intro. :lol:

Ok, ok, folks... I get it - WAY too much information in the gear used post! :oops: ;)

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