Atomic reactor or Cornford


New Member
I have just decided after visiting this page a lot to buy the AxeFx Standard. I have a Cornford Roadhouse amp right now. I am glad for this amp but now consider to exchange it for a Atomic Reactor.

Does anyone have experience with the Cornford together with the AxeFx?

Would you sell the Cornford amp and buy a Atomic Reactor?

For now I am not in a band, just playing and having fun on my own..
vint said:
I have just decided after visiting this page a lot to buy the AxeFx Standard. I have a Cornford Roadhouse amp right now. I am glad for this amp but now consider to exchange it for a Atomic Reactor.

Does anyone have experience with the Cornford together with the AxeFx?

Would you sell the Cornford amp and buy a Atomic Reactor?

For now I am not in a band, just playing and having fun on my own..

Apples-to-oranges, my friend.

The Atomic Reactor is flat-response and full-range (well, close enough) whereas the Cornford is a guitar-specific amp/cabinet. The Cornford will color the AxeFx for sure. In a bad way...? Who knows? Does the Cornford have an fx loop return? If so, you'll want to plug the AxeFx into it to at least bypass the amp's preamp coloration. But even doing that you'll still be stuck with the cabinet's limited frequency response. The Atomic or any other FRFR solution will be better suited for the AxeFx.

Since Cornfords are such revered amps I'd probably keep it, save up for a while and buy something else to amplify the AxeFx with.
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