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  1. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02

    Just like the real thing. You can file your complaint at:
  2. FractalAudio

    Wish Optimize far field IR processing (if not done already)

    Those are not "far-field" IRs. Those are room IRs. They are nearly 1.4 seconds of data. It takes a lot of CPU to process 1.4 seconds of data with zero latency. The leading silence is a tiny fraction of the total IR length.
  3. FractalAudio

    Bug? Strange cab block behavior

    Fixed for next release.
  4. FractalAudio

    Does Fractal have anti thump technology at the main outputs?

    All our current modeling products have anti-pop circuitry. That answers your question and is all you need to know. Thread closed.
  5. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02

    I'm not measuring any additional gaps. The next release will only do the slow bypass when bypassing/engaging. During channel/scene changes the bypass/engage will be normal speed. This will prevent any funkiness during channel/scene changes.
  6. FractalAudio

    Wish Naylor Super Drive SD 60

    Looks like your typical hot-rodded Marshall. Few different values here and there (like the treble cap in the tone stack) but nothing "unique". Schematic has a mistake in it. Missing the feedback resistor between the OT and the PI.
  7. FractalAudio

    Why Are Doctors So Stolid?

    Oh yeah, I've pulled the "Are you with me" joke a few times with Dr. Wu. No reaction.
  8. FractalAudio

    Why Are Doctors So Stolid?

    I'm cracking some of my best jokes and I can't even get a chuckle. Dr. Wu: Your ears need cleaning, Me: I know. I had your PA clean them last year and afterwards I could hear a mouse fart. Dr. Wu: Hmmmm, interesting. Dr. Johnson (my urologist): Good morning Mr. Chase. Me: Good morning Dr. J...
  9. FractalAudio

    Wish Naylor Super Drive SD 60

    What's unique about it. Looks rather vanilla.
  10. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta #2 (Beta 3)

    Release version is out:
  11. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes 21.02 Added "59 Bassguy RI Jumped" amp model based on a ’59 Bassman LTD Reissue. Added “JP IIC+ Shred” Input Boost type to Amp block. This replicates the...
  12. FractalAudio

    Wish Saturation Switch Capacitor Size Adjustment

    It's possible. It's currently fixed for each amp model.
  13. FractalAudio

    Not a Bug Fm9 turbo

    The A button is also the Scene knob. You probably switched scenes by accident.
  14. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta #2 (Beta 3)

    Agreed but it prevents apples-to-oranges comparisons and then the inevitable "it doesn't sound the same as my amp!!!".
  15. FractalAudio

    Conversion from +4dBu to -10dBV

    12 dB
  16. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta #2 (Beta 3)

    It's the preamp in the Cab block. The virtual transformer is going into complete saturation. Turn the Drive down or use a different preamp type.
  17. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta #2 (Beta 3)

    There were no changes to that model. Try a reset.
  18. FractalAudio

    Whats better, connecting SPDIF or TRS connection?

    CS4272 is superior to the AKM stuff. AKM is low-cost, mass-market stuff. Cirrus makes superior converters IMO. They just don't exaggerate their specs.
  19. FractalAudio

    Does Fractal have anti thump technology at the main outputs?

    The FM3 and FM9 also have this circuitry.
  20. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta #2 (Beta 3)

    Turn your Global Power Amp Modeling on.
  21. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta #2 (Beta 3) Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes 21.02 Added "59 Bassguy RI Jumped" amp model based on a ’59 Bassman LTD Reissue. Added “JP IIC+ Shred” Input Boost type to Amp block. This replicates the...
  22. FractalAudio

    Axe FX III into Mark V Return Help

    Out 3/4 should go to the amp input. 4CM is covered in the manual. It's likely that the loop in the amp is bleeding through. In this case mute the output that is going to the amp's input.
  23. FractalAudio

    Does Fractal have anti thump technology at the main outputs?

    Yes, the outputs have mute circuits that activate at power up and power down.
  24. FractalAudio

    Movie Review: Jurassic World Dominion

    I couldn't make it through more than a few episodes of Andor. Like most of these streaming series it was 30 minutes of content crammed into 12 hours.
  25. FractalAudio

    Movie Review: Jurassic World Dominion

    I dunno man, this one was bad, with a capital P-U. We had to watch another episode of Cunk on Earth to get the bad taste out or mouths.
  26. FractalAudio

    Movie Review: Jurassic World Dominion

    Jurassic World Dominion is the latest in the Jurassic Park franchise and stars Richie Cunningham's daughter, Peter Quill, Jeff Goldblum and some guy I don't recognize in the role of Tim Cook. Sam Neil is back doing his doughy Indiana Jones thing along with Laura Dern wearing the same pants she...
  27. FractalAudio

    Tough Week

    You can use that to sterilize surgical tools.
  28. FractalAudio


    It's -14 degrees here. Coldest in my lifetime I think.
  29. FractalAudio

    Tough Week

    That's Blue Ghost. Very smooth. Nothing like the lesser JWs. Red is gross. Black is okay. The rest are excellent. A friend gave me a bottle of some rare single malt Scotch. I took one sip and I swear it burned a hole in my duodenum.
  30. FractalAudio

    Tough Week

    Worked my tail off so....
  31. FractalAudio

    had a freeze on a gig...

    Replace cable between Axe-Fx and FC6.
  32. FractalAudio

    What do people mean when they say modelers "lack the amp feel"?

    It means they haven't played Fractal. :cool: Seriously though, earlier generation modelers didn't capture the complex dynamics. Another issue though, is people tend to listen to modelers at far lower volumes than tube amps. This gives the illusion that things are not as "dynamic" due to...
  33. FractalAudio

    Conference Championships Gift Of Tone

    Here's a cab IR from something has been hinted about. This is a "mystery" mic that has become my favorite condenser type. The cab is a Mesa 4x12 OS. The mic is 3cm from the center.
  34. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    Upwards compressors INCREASE gain. Downwards compressors DECREASE gain.
  35. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    Because it's an upward compressor. Google it.
  36. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    So you've got an antenna plugged into your Axe-Fx and you're wondering why you're getting noise.
  37. FractalAudio

    Tennis Channel

    ...for a couple minutes. Then five more minutes of commercials. Finally... "we join the match already in progress". What do you mean "already in progress"? It's a f******* rerun!!! Two and half sets already played. I swear it must be a bunch of monkeys just randomly pressing buttons over...
  38. FractalAudio

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.01

    ...amp is high impedance. If there is no negative feedback the output approaches a current source. The voltage at the output would then be V = I * Z and therefore the voltage follows the impedance curve. An amp into an OX or Torpedo will have far more low end than into a real speaker. That's...
  39. FractalAudio

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.01

    Someone (John Suhr maybe) posted curves at one time. They may still be on the interwebz somewhere.
  40. FractalAudio

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.01

    The OX is not a realistic speaker load. That doesn't mean it sounds bad. But using that as a reference for "accuracy" is fundamentally flawed. It will result in MUCH greater low frequency response than a real speaker. The way we ascertain the accuracy of our amp models is to put the amp in...
  41. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    Something in your room is causing interference. Turn the volume all the way down on your guitar and I bet it goes away. If it doesn't you have a bad cable.
  42. FractalAudio

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.01

    You can get sorta close by setting LF Resonance Freq and LF Resonance Q to their minimum values. I have a Two Notes and I've been contemplating adding its impedance curve but then I say to myself "why would anyone want something that isn't even remotely accurate?".
  43. FractalAudio

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.01

    The impedance curve of the OX is not realistic. It will increase the bass response considerably, especially when playing softer or rolling off the volume. It sounds good when playing at low-to-moderate volume levels but it is not realistic and at real amp volume levels the amount of bass is...
  44. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    A sustainer is an upwards compressor. It increases gain when the signal is below the threshold. Therefore it will increase noise. You may want to use a gate to kill the noise.
  45. FractalAudio

    Before I return my FM3…

    The M-Audio UNO is notoriously bad. Back in the original Axe-Fx days we had a warning to NOT use it with the Axe-Fx.
  46. FractalAudio

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.01

    It's described in the manual.
  47. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    Our model is based on the original ones that used the CA3080A. New ones use an LM13700.
  48. FractalAudio

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.01

    That's your opinion. It's very likely that the added bass due to the inaccurate load is giving an exaggerated feel.
  49. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    The Dynamicomp type is based on a Dynacomp (shocker, right?).
  50. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    Yes, the Modern Gate is the best of the bunch but it uses more CPU and I didn't want to risk breaking anyone's presets that might be on the edge. That's why it's a separate type.
  51. FractalAudio

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.01

    No, that is not correct. The real amp's output is dependent upon the load. The OX is not an accurate load. Do some study on tube amps, their low damping factor and the response due to that low damping factor.
  52. FractalAudio

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.01

    The OX is not a realistic load. It uses the same technology as the Two-Notes stuff. Your test was inherently flawed. There will be FAR more low frequencies with the OX as the OX uses a simple RC filter for the impedance curve rather than an RLC filter like our own LB-2 or a Suhr Reactive...
  53. FractalAudio

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.01

    The response of a tube amp is dependent upon the speaker impedance. If you use a speaker with same impedance curve as the model then the response of the model will be very close to the real amp (component tolerances are still a factor). If your speaker's impedance curve is different then there...
  54. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    A new version of Axe=Edit is forthcoming. The current version isn't totally compatible for the Compressor, Gate and Input blocks.
  55. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    No. None of our effects ever invert the polarity of the signal as this will cause issues when running chains in parallel.
  56. FractalAudio

    HELP - No sound,

    They're supposed to do it as the last part of the test procedure. Whose initials are on the QC hang tag?
  57. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2)

    You've got hundreds, if not thousands of dollars worth of reference-class dynamics processing now.
  58. FractalAudio

    HELP - No sound,

    Probably a config issue from functional test. Go to Home -> Setup -> Utilities and push the 'A' button to Reset System Parameters.
  59. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02 Public Beta (Beta 2) Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Notes 21.02 Added "59 Bassguy RI Jumped" amp model based on a ’59 Bassman LTD Reissue. Added “JP IIC+ Shred” Input Boost type to Amp block. This replicates the...
  60. FractalAudio

    AFIII Cross Country Driver

    My friend Jim Harper rocking his Axe-Fx III.
  61. FractalAudio

    Mind blowing stuff from OpenAI

    Greedy evil people will exploit it and use it as a propaganda tool. Look what they've done with mundane things like Facebook and Twitter. Imagine those same people influencing/censoring the results of ChatGPT. Open AI, the company that developed ChatGPT, has received a few billion dollars in...
  62. FractalAudio

    Unos, dos, tres, catorce

    The preamp tube type is always the stage(s) after the input buffer.
  63. FractalAudio

    Unos, dos, tres, catorce

    It's a Deluxe with a 12AX7A instead of a 12AY7 for the input buffer and a Celestion Blue for the speaker. Turn Input Trim up a bit and change impedance curve to simulate. I love all the cork-sniffing BS in the review: something in the lower mids, blah, blah.
  64. FractalAudio

    What is feel anyway?

    The QC models all have a bit of scoop (boosted bass/treble) in my tests that the real amps do not have. I'm guessing they did this to counter Fletcher-Munson as most people listen at lower volumes.
  65. FractalAudio

    ChatGPT vs Fractal

    GIGO. Everything is completely wrong.
  66. FractalAudio

    This is why I use pedals with AxeFX, why do you?

    No, that wouldn't work because the actual fuzz stuff is done digitally. This would be like loading your guitar down with a another guitar.
  67. FractalAudio

    This is why I use pedals with AxeFX, why do you?

    The one thing no modeler will ever get perfect are fuzz pedals because of the interaction between the pickups and the pedal. The input to a modeler is necessarily buffered so that interaction is impossible to recreate.
  68. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.01

    This isn't really a bug. The problem is that the DM-2 has a pre-emphasis/de-emphasis topology. The input is pre-emphasized by over 15 dB. The pre-emphasized data goes into the delay lines. When you switch to a different type with no de-emphasis, which is most of the types, you are getting...
  69. FractalAudio

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.01

    I cannot reproduce this.
  70. FractalAudio

    Avatar 2 was amazing! no spoilers

    Yup, can't wait for Violent Night to come to streaming. I'm sure it's stupid and violent and that's exactly what I like sometimes. Guilty pleasure.
  71. FractalAudio

    Avatar 2 was amazing! no spoilers

    Meh. Had nothing on Llamageddon. I'm looking forward to Cocaine Bear:
  72. FractalAudio

    Let's see your ride.....

    Looks like a 2018 GTS?
  73. FractalAudio

    I almost got electrocuted with an egg-boiler on the first day of the year
  74. FractalAudio

    I almost got electrocuted with an egg-boiler on the first day of the year

    Cheap Chinese junk can kill you.
  75. FractalAudio

    Bug? A/D Sensitivity Change?

    The engineer is looking into this. He was able to replicate it once and has a theory.
  76. FractalAudio

    Oh, my... The Goop!

    I have one already. Nice to see its value has increased substantially since I bought it.
  77. FractalAudio

    Delay Block LFO 3 - Add "Motor Speed" As Destination For Mono Tape Type

    LFO 1&2 already modulate motor speed in that type. Are you wanting three LFOs to modulate the speed?
  78. FractalAudio

    Mind blowing stuff from OpenAI

    Good luck with #5.
  79. FractalAudio

    Wish Change Minor Amp Settings W/O Affecting Any Other Settings

    I monitor the Wish Lists constantly. TSJMajesty just happens to wish for stuff that are good ideas. A lot of other wishes elicit eye rolls.
  80. FractalAudio

    Can the Extra 10% DSP Improve Virtual Capo?

    At that CPU you wouldn't notice a difference. As you exceed 85-90% resources start to become critical. That 10-15% has to get divided up among all the lower priority threads: USB, display, controllers, foot controller(s), LED, etc., etc. as well as pitch detection. Pitch detection is a higher...
  81. FractalAudio

    Wish Change Minor Amp Settings W/O Affecting Any Other Settings

    I don't want to divulge the details.
  82. FractalAudio

    Wish Change Minor Amp Settings W/O Affecting Any Other Settings

    I've added the "Shred" mode as an input boost type for the next release. This will accomplish what you want.
  83. FractalAudio

    Can the Extra 10% DSP Improve Virtual Capo?

    Yes, the pitch detection function runs in its own thread. At high CPU utilization that thread can be postponed. The extra power of the turbo enables that thread to run more often improving pitch detection latency.
  84. FractalAudio

    Let's see your ride.....

    Giving and posting pictures of cars are not mutually exclusive.
  85. FractalAudio

    Why not use something like Zero Surge, Brickwall, etc?

    Those cheap surge protectors you get on Amazon are junk. IF they avert a surge it's a one-time affair. They use cheap tranzorbs that usually burn out absorbing the surge.
  86. FractalAudio

    Bought Myself a Christmas Present

    The guitar on the left is indeed a Collings. They are incredibly well made guitars. The only guitars that rival PRS in quality IMO. And yes, that's a Fractal Design PC case. That office is at our vacation home. My office at our primary home is quite modest and a mess, full of amps and test...
  87. FractalAudio

    Bought Myself a Christmas Present

    Yeah, that's a custom shop Masterworks Koa.
  88. FractalAudio

    Bought Myself a Christmas Present

    Yeah, I have a display area in my office where I put the nice ones. This new one will probably take the place of that red Tom Anderson.
  89. FractalAudio

    New FM9 Day - Quick Question (odd noise)

    Probably just a cable. I wouldn't worry about it.
  90. FractalAudio

    Something I Never Realized

    In the movie Spaceballs the antagonist is President Skroob. Skroob is an anagram for Brooks.
  91. FractalAudio

    Bug? FC-12 stays in Failsafe 0.03 after import

    The responsible engineer is on vacation until 1/3. I will ask him to look into this when he returns.
  92. FractalAudio

    Bought Myself a Christmas Present

    Also a perfect complement to my other single-cut PRS:
  93. FractalAudio

    Bought Myself a Christmas Present

    Getting harder and harder to find guitars with nice tops these days. This is a $5300 guitar: That top is embarrassing for that price.
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