Bug? A/D Sensitivity Change?



This issue seems to fix itself with a restart. Will keep updated if it persists.

Hi folks,

I’m not sure what’s wrong, if it’s the new update or what, but my A/D sensitivity used to be set only slightly lower than factory settings. Now, suddenly, my sensitivity is waaaay to hot, and I’ve had to turn it all the way down to 3% to get it to where it was before.

Add to that, there are pretty significant tonal changes when adjusting my A/D Sensitivity.

Anyone else having this issue?
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Not sure if this is an issue or not, but I did have to lower sensitivity for my Knaggs JJ with stock Seymour Duncan HBs. I noticed this after I upgraded to FW 4 over the weekend. I was seeing a lot of red. I was at about 38 before firmware upgrade. I turned down to between 18 and 19 to once again just tickle the red.
As stated in the 4.00 firmware thread, I did encounter the exact same issue (twice, also on FW 3.00): sometimes, the A/D sensitivity is going nuts. Not changing the guitar (playing with Bare Knuckle True Grit Humbuckers), the sensitivity usually clocks in at ~47%. If the issue happens, I need to go down to 3%, but even that overloads the Input sometimes. This also seems not related to the input gain parameter. No idea how the sensitivity is implemented, but to me it seems its initialised with the wrong values.
The problem usually disappears after a restart, and I can use the old sensitivity value.
Got the issue yesterday. I triggered it by changing the S/PDIF clock source of my focusrite - but tbh, I have no idea how this should affect the sensitivity.
I also had to greatly lower the A/D sensitivity from around 50% default to the teens on my HSS Suhr. I haven't paid a ton of attention to it after reboots to see if it persists, but I noticed after updating to 4.0 that I was constantly hitting the red on the front panel. In comparison, on 3.x I only got the occasional tickle.
I've had this happen on a gig a couple of weeks ago. I was dealing with noise issues and didn't think to reboot. Clearly I suck at troubleshooting under the gun (with a couple drinks in me too), and now figure this problem might have been causing the noise or making it worse. Have not had the redlining problem since.
I had this happen to me this morning. Booted up to do some early morning practicing with headphones using my Ibanez AS103 with Super 58s. I was going through some of the Gift of Tone presets experimenting with cleans and noticed a nasty noise when I played. The input was clipping hard, always hitting red. I adjusted the input sensitivity from 60 down to around 5 to get it usable but it was still clipping occasionally. After a reboot it's back to normal barely flickering red when I hit hard.
I had this happen to me this morning. Booted up to do some early morning practicing with headphones using my Ibanez AS103 with Super 58s. I was going through some of the Gift of Tone presets experimenting with cleans and noticed a nasty noise when I played. The input was clipping hard, always hitting red. I adjusted the input sensitivity from 60 down to around 5 to get it usable but it was still clipping occasionally. After a reboot it's back to normal barely flickering red when I hit hard.
So strange this is still happening.
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