Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.02

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On the unit or only in Manage Presets?

If the former, make sure you loaded the correct Firmware.

If the latter, click the Refresh icon in Manage Presets.
Both in the unit and Axe-edit got blank pages. only some presets survived.
Rolled back to 20.01 and everything came up again.
Backup done, now I can try again.
Both in the unit and Axe-edit got blank pages. only some presets survived.
Rolled back to 20.01 and everything came up again.
Backup done, now I can try again.
Back up -> update is less work than update -> roll back -> back up -> update.... :)

Glad yer stuff was all intact when you rolled back....
Random thoughts ahead....

Was checking out the new fade in/out on the Filter/PEQ/GEQ blocks. Works pretty cool when just switching them on and off. But noticed that there is a noticeable gap when switching channels now. Even if the other channel is bypassed? I guess that it's the new fading process being activated between the channel changes. And in certain directions, the channel change happens before the fade completes. Never really had an issue with the way that these block types turned on and off. If I really need an EQ block 'fade' between scenes, I would leave it on and use a Scene Controller attached to a parameter or two, or three, or...

Is the 'fade' happening in the block 'Level'? or is it more of a 'Mix' fade? If it were 'mix' based, I would think that there wouldn't be any new gap between channel changes?

It would be great if the 'fading' process only occurred when turning on and off, but not during channel changes. And in cases where the block is changing channels and turning off, the channel change is delayed until the fade out is complete, if possible?.

I guess there are always some compromises. The Wah has always been a bit jarring when auto-engaging, and I seldom switch channels on the Wah, so that's a win win.

The Drive block fade in/out is nice too. I try really hard not to change Drive channels anyway.

Can you tell that I HATE gaps.;)
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It's weird I feel so spoiled with the free firmware updates that it's starting to make me feel physically ill

I can't imagine when that "new" feature comes out.... I'll be sent to the hospital

Thank you though :)
But noticed that there is a noticeable gap when switching channels now
Yes, in some of my presets there is (was now) a new « klonk » sound when I switch between scenes and I identified the problem : they are channels . If you put for example 2 scenes : scene one with a chorus in a Archean clean in channel A, and scene two with a ds1 in the Archean clean in channel B, you have a big metallic « klong » when you go back to scene 1.
So I decided to remove the channel change between both scene and also the different settings between them and there is no more noise. In the end the channel thing is unusable since the beginning and even more now, before there was a gap, and now a gap and a robotic « klonk »
Yes, in some of my presets there is (was now) a new « klonk » sound when I switch between scenes and I identified the problem : they are channels . If you put for example 2 scenes : scene one with a chorus in a Archean clean in channel A, and scene two with a ds1 in the Archean clean in channel B, you have a big metallic « klong » when you go back to scene 1.
So I decided to remove the channel change between both scene and also the different settings between them and there is no more noise. In the end the channel thing is unusable since the beginning and even more now, before there was a gap, and now a gap and a robotic « klonk »
I don't want to come off ungrateful, and really love the idea of fading blocks in and out. It just seems like it needs some fine tuning. I'm hoping for the best.
Great Update - thanks!

I was just wondering: would it be technically possible to emulate different impedance curves in the cab block when using the X-Load + real amp and the AxeFx as Cab Loader? Or is this just a mechanically process?
Sorry to crash the party but I don't like the new bypass behavior of the drive block. The fade in/out seems not natural to me. Both engaging/bypassing drive and switching channels just sounds strange to me.
I would much prefer to be able to select between the old and new bypass method for drive blocks.
For other blocks I have not tested it yet.
Random thoughts ahead....

Was checking out the new fade in/out on the Filter/PEQ/GEQ blocks. Works pretty cool when just switching them on and off. But noticed that there is a noticeable gap when switching channels now. Even if the other channel is bypassed? I guess that it's the new fading process being activated between the channel changes. And in certain directions, the channel change happens before the fade completes. Never really had an issue with the way that these block types turned on and off. If I really need an EQ block 'fade' between scenes, I would leave it on and use a Scene Controller attached to a parameter or two, or three, or...

Is the 'fade' happening in the block 'Level'? or is it more of a 'Mix' fade? If it were 'mix' based, I would think that there wouldn't be any new gap between channel changes?

It would be great if the 'fading' process only occurred when turning on and off, but not during channel changes. And in cases where the block is changing channels and turning off, the channel change is delayed until the fade out is complete, if possible?.

I guess there are always some compromises. The Wah has always been a bit jarring when auto-engaging, and I seldom switch channels on the Wah, so that's a win win.

The Drive block fade in/out is nice too. I try really hard not to change Drive channels anyway.

Can you tell that I HATE gaps.;)
I'm not measuring any additional gaps.

The next release will only do the slow bypass when bypassing/engaging. During channel/scene changes the bypass/engage will be normal speed. This will prevent any funkiness during channel/scene changes.
Great Update - thanks!

I was just wondering: would it be technically possible to emulate different impedance curves in the cab block when using the X-Load + real amp and the AxeFx as Cab Loader? Or is this just a mechanically process?
This is a mechanical process with real amps. Digitally controlled reactive loads may exist one day (or already) but the number of possibilities is nowhere near what we have on the axe. The device would have to be pretty large to accommodate the necessary components and dissipate the heat generated etc.
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