Wish Change Minor Amp Settings W/O Affecting Any Other Settings


Fractal Fanatic
On a real Mesa JP2C, engaging the "Shred" mode is done via a mini toggle switch, and no amp settings change.

But in trying to emulate this behavior, we need to select a different model, e.g., switching from USA JP IIC+ Yellow, to USA JP IIC+ Yellow Shred, and in doing so, all the other settings revert to their defaults. It shouldn't be this way. The settings should simply remain as-is.

I'm not as familiar with how other amp models in the Fractal handle similar scenarios, but if there are separate, individual 'models' that need to be chosen to emulate simple changes that can be done on the real amp, then it would seem to follow that we should be able to do the same thing on these other amps, as I described above, in the USA JP IIC+.

Maybe the amp models could be re-worked, and do away with an entirely separate amp "model", just to be able to engage a switch. I mean, if we're talking modelling, seems to me the same real-life behavior somehow ought to be modeled. I would even go as far as to suggest this sort of thing take priority over adding new amp models, or effects, or tweaks to the same.

Thank you for considering this.

Edit: Maybe "default settings" is not correct, but when changing the Yellow to the Yellow Shred model, some settings did change. So even if they don't all go to default settings, it would nice if none of them changed.
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Flicking a switch in an analog amp could cause a lot of changes in its internal circuitry, it just depends on what that switch controls; The signal could flow through different components, which could have entirely different values. It's basically the same as changing the model… only we can see the values change in the model.

I think Cliff uses different models because coding the circuit forces the change. I seriously doubt he's creating a new model with identical code and only some parameter changes because that'd be a waste of code space. Instead, if that was the case, I would have had a different architecture that was the circuitry and a bunch of variations of the parameters that we could step between. It doesn't seem like that's what was done, so there must be something forcing the design decisions to be what they are.
Isn’t shred already in the list of boost types in the amp block?
You're right. It actually is.

Is this what you're referring to @FractalAudio, or will there be something new/different?
Can you wish for an Authentic Tab on certain Effects Types/Blocks @TSJMajesty , so they mirror the
actual controls on the pedals they are based on ??

I could've swore I did post something like that a while back, but if I did, I couldn't find it in the WISH forum.
But yeah, I agree this seems like it oughtta be a thing, similar to how the amps are done.
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